UPDATE! The book The Drinkards in the United States; Their History and Genealogy, can be purchased on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/Drinkards-United-States-History-Genealogy/dp/B004P4TVVG
The earliest known Drinkard ancestor was in America in 1675. This webpage quotes directly from the book “The Drinkards in the United States – Their History and Genealogy” written in 1946 by Charles Arthur Drinkard. In his book he states that “the Drinkards have been pioneers in many states, helping to subdue the wilderness and lay the foundation for our present highly developed industry and culture, and they have taken an honorable part in each step of that progress.” …………
Charles goes on to say “Generally speaking, the Drinkards are average in size, blue-eyed, fair complexioned, industrious, frugal, law-abiding, patriotic and religious. Since coming to America, the Drinkards have, in the main, lived close to the soil. Predominantly they have been, and still are, farmers and stockmen. However, they are represented in almost every line of business, profession, and occupation. They have supplied the Protestant churches with many preachers and the schools with numerous teachers. Their sons have helped fight every war, beginning with the Revolution and on down to, and including, World War II…….”
“As a class, the Drinkards have taken their religion and citizenship seriously. They have been a people of strong convictions and not easily changed once they made a decision; a people with exceptional physical and moral courage. I am proud of my Drinkard ancestors and am pleased to believe that I am related by blood to so many fine people…..”
Founding the Drinkard Family in the United States
“The story of the Drinkards in the United States begins with a tradition about three brothers coming to this country long before the Revolution. Some say they came from Scotland. Others believe they were from England. I found no documentary proof regarding the three-brother story, but there is considerable evidence that it is, in the main true.
My great grandfather William Drinkard, a native of Virginia born in 1773 and died in Missouri in 1853, knew the story and could name each of the brothers and all links in his family ancestral chain leading back to them. In fact, he claimed his great-great grandfather was one of them. He was, perhaps 15 years of age, or older, when his great-grandfather William Drinkard died, and likely heard him tell the story of his father and his two uncles coming to this country.
A number of family groups, living in widely separated parts of the country, each not knowing of the existence of the others until recently, know the story of the three brothers and claim to be descendents of them. I have been unable to find any Drinkards in this country, who knew much about their ancestors, who did not trace their line back to one, William Drinkard of Virginia, who married Mary Thompson about 1730. This was William Drinkard, my great grandfather’s great-grandfather. Therefore, I conclude that the story about the three brothers is true, and that it is quite probable that all the Drinkards now in the United States are related, having a common ancestor in the aforementioned William Drinkard who married Mary Thompson. Some of the Drinkards now living in this country may be descendants of George Drinkard, a brother of William, but I have found no evidence to support such a conclusion.
My study of the traditions and the history of the Drinkards leads me to believe that the name is Scotch, and regardless of whether our ancestors came from England o Scotland, we are of Scotch descent. The Drinkards both mentally and physically have many of the Scotch characteristics. This is true after inter-marrying with other nationalities for several generations.
In 1897 I met a man in Bastrop County, Texas, who was born in Scotland and lived there until he was thirty years of age. This man told me my name is Scotch; that he knew a number of Drinkard families in Scotland, and that I resemble them. The same year my uncle, G. W. Drinkard, met a young Scotchman, then recently from the Old Country, who told him he knew several Drinkard families in Scotland and that they were Scotch.
It was in 1914, that I last talked with my father about my Drinkard ancestors. He was then 76 years of age. He had named his Drinkard ancestors for me many times when I was a small boy, going back as far along the lines as he could, but I wanted him to refresh my memory. It is now 1942; 28 years since I last heard the story. As I now recall his words, the ancestral line ran as follows:
Stephen Drinkard, Jr., my father, born July 13, 1838; Son of
Stephen Drinkard, Sr., born in Kentucky in 1812, died in Missouri in 1838; Son of
William Drinkard, born in Virginia in 1773, died in Missouri in 1853; Son of
Francis Drinkard, Jr., born in Virginia about 1752; Son of
Francis Drinkard, Sr., born in Virginia about 1731; Son of
William Drinkard, born in Virginia about 1705; Son of
George Drinkard, born in Scotland about 1650, and came to America about 1675 or perhaps a few years later.
I will now relate the tradition about the three Drinkard brothers who came to this country, as it was told to me by my father who was born in 1838, and who lived most of the first fifteen years of his life with his grandfather William Drinkard.”
The Tradition
“Probably one hundred years before the Revolution, three young Scotch brothers came to this country from Scotland and settled in one of the New England colonies. (Father was not sure but believed they settled in either Rhode Island or Maryland.) It was before religious freedom got a secure footing in the colonies and religious persecution was common in the colony where they located. One of the three brothers, George, was a Baptist preacher and the colonial officials, believing that doctrine heretical, had preacher Drinkard thrown into jail. Being a hardheaded Scotchman, he refused to let the State interfere with his religion, and had his brothers congregate at the jail and he preached to them through the prison bars. If I showed stubbornness when a boy, my father would sometimes say to me, “You come by it honestly”, and then relate to me the story of my ancestor being too stubborn to stop preaching even when thrown in jail for preaching.
Later, as the story goes, the Drinkards migrated to Virginia, and father was of the belief that religious persecution had something to do with the move to Virginia. He did not know if all the Drinkards moved to Virginia, only that his ancestors did. Father also knew the story, related by Dr. A. W. Drinkard, Jr., about one of the three brothers who came from Scotland being killed in a battle with the Indians.
If this story told by my father regarding his ancestors is true, the two brothers, William and George Drinkard, named as the founders of the Drinkards in Virginia by A. W. Drinkard, Jr., were sons of the George Drinkard, who, tradition says, came to America about 1675.
Regardless of whether the three Drinkard brothers, tradition tells about, settled first in Virginia or some other colony, or whether William and George Drinkard, whose names were first to appear in the Virginia Records, were or were not two of the three brothers, we must concede that Virginia is the mother state of the Drinkards now living in many parts of the United States. The sons and daughters of the Virginia Drinkards for nearly 200 years have been migrating to the South and West, blazing new trails and helping to conquer a wilderness that eventually was carved into many states. I have been unable to find any Drinkards who know their ancestral lineage that did not come down through Virginia.
Therefore, this story logically begins with the history of the Virginia members of our family. We are indeed fortunate in having a terse sketch, freighted with factual data gathered from recorded documents, written by a Virginian, Dr. A. W. Drinkard, Jr., of Blacksburg, Virginia. Over a period of some twenty years he has made a study of the history and genealogy of the Virginia Drinkards, gathering traditions from the factual data from documents recorded in some twenty Virginia Counties. His splendid contributions follows:”
The Drinkard Family in Virginia
By A. W. Drinkard, Jr., Blacksburg, Virginia
“My father told me that three Drinkard brothers came to Virginia from England long ago; that these three brothers went as soldiers to some war (father said it was the Revolutionary War, but I am sure that these brothers arrived here many years before the Revolution), that only two of them survived the war, and that these two founded the family. I have gotten this tradition in substantially the same form from two other branches of the family, and I am convinced that it is true in general. I surmise that the two surviving brothers were William Drinkard (who was the Doorkeeper of the Virginia House of Burgesses; 1772-1776) and George Drinkard (whose daughter Delila Martin married William Hawkins on December 8, 1772, in Amelia County, Virginia.)”
William Drinkard of Charles City County
“I do not have documentary proof that his wife was Mary Drinkard, but I make the inference from the evidence at hand. Mary Drinkard made a will in Charles City County, Virginia, on August 14, 1771, which was probated on November 6, 1771, in which she mentioned her son William Rollerson Drinkard; her daughters, Elizabeth Brewer and Mary Prewett, and her granddaughters, Mollie Thompson and Ellen Thompson. She appointed her sons William Rollerson Drinkard and William Thompson as executors of her estate. It is evident that she was married to Thompson before she married Drinkard. A copy of the will is below…
From all available records, I conclude that William Drinkard and Mary Drinkard had the following children:
Francis Drinkard
William Rollerson Drinkard
John Drinkard
Francis Drinkard and his wife Ann were in Amelia County from 1755 to 1769 inclusive, and in Prince Edward County after 1769 where in 1785 Francis was enumerated as head of a family of eight.
William Rollerson Drinkard of Charles City County, who was married to Mrs. Polly Cocke Wilcox. (See my story, below, about William Rollerson Drinkard.)
John Drinkard and his wife Ann were in Amelia County in 1759 to 1780, and in Halifax County after 1780, where in 1782 John was enumerated as head of a family of ten whites and five slaves.
(There were also Thompson children in the family and probably Drinkard daughters.)”
This ends the quotes from the Drinkard book.
I have received emails over the past 20+ years that say that the book referenced above has many errors. What genealogy does NOT have errors? The book falls short because it contains NO copies of actual documents. I sure wish that I knew where the author had the documents that he refers to in the book. How many genealogists have documents that, after their death, get tossed out by their children or grandchildren?
I think it’s wrong to conclude that ALL the information in the Drinkard book is incorrect, based on the fact that SOME of the information is incorrect. However, I digress…
William Rollerson Drinkard ran a tavern in the Anderson House in Williamsburg. A picture of that house is at the top of this page. It is the William Anderson House in what is now Colonial Williamsburg. It has been restored, but is not open to the public. I have a copy of the document (see below), dated June 17, 1771 that states “Recorded June 17, 1771, York County Court) Williamsburg, February 26, 1771. William R. Drinkard begs Leave to inform the Publick that he intends to open TAVERN in the house lately occupied by Mr. William Holt, nearly opposite the Post Office, by the ensuring Apirl Court. Thyose Gentlemen who plese to favour him with their Custom may depend on good Accomodation.” William ran the tavern there until 1779. The house was owned by James Anderson and Hannah, his wife. Anderson was the appointed Armourer for Williamsburg, Virginia and had been a blacksmith. In 2012 the Anderson Blacksmith Shop and Armoury was reconstructed and it is now open to Colonial Williamsburg ticket holders. http://www.colonialwilliamsburg.com/do/revolutionary-city/tour-the-city/blacksmith-and-public-armoury/
If you have additional information regarding the content of this book, please contact me. The book is currently available on Amazon, and I have included the contents of a portion of the book here in order to assist other Drinkard researchers in their quest to find information about their Drinkard ancestors.
I am descended from William Drinkard and Mary Thompson of Virginia. I have done research on the Drinkard family. I used to travel to Williamsburg, Virginia often, and have done research on William and his son William Rollerson Drinkard there in the John D. Rockefeller Library. William Rollerson Drinkard ran a tavern on Duke of Gloucester Street in what is now the historic main street of the Living History Museum of Colonial Williamsburg. William’s tavern was located in the Anderson two story white frame house, across from the post office. (Photo above.) That home currently is not used as a public building within Colonial Williamsburg. However, the Anderson blacksmith shop is open to ticket holders at the rear of the property.
Both William Drinkard Sr. and Jr. were doorkeepers for the House of Burgesses. My research found that Doorkeepers were elected by the burgesses and would have been paid 30 pounds sterling for each session, which was a lot of money for those times. They would also have received a suit of clothing to wear, presumably so that they would be neat and clean for sessions of the House of Burgesses. The doorkeepers would have also received a badge. There were four doorkeepers who “guarded” the entrances of the House chamber. Doorkeepers may also have done errands for the burgesses, although their official duty was to be sergeant-at-arms. (Reference JHB 1766-1769, p. 61 (10 Dec 1766) and JHB, 1770-72, p. 156 (10 Feb 1772).
I have concluded that the William Drinkard who was the Doorkeeper in the House of Burgesses is William Drinkard Senior and here is why:
I have been to the John D. Rockefeller Library in Colonial Williamsburg on numerous occasions. I looked through all of the book on the proceedings of the House of Burgesses. William Drinkard is ALWAYS listed as William Drinkard, not William R. Drinkard. Whereas his son is always listed as William R. Drinkard, which is, I believe, to distinguish him from his father. Also, the last entry for anyone named William Drinkard in the House of Burgesses is 1778. William Drinkard is not in any documents that I have found after that date, so it’s assumed that his service as a Doorkeeper ended when he died. (This is not proven by documents, it’s just by my conclusion.) Also, William Rollerson Drinkard started running a tavern in 1771. Prior to that, according to the actor-interpretor at the Kings Arms Tavern in Colonial Williamsburg, he worked at the Kings Arms as a barkeeper. So why would a man who was employed in a tavern and who ran his own tavern, also work as a Doorkeeper for the House of Burgesses? That seems to me to be more of a job for a retired man, because it was not a full-time job. The doorkeeper would only work when the burgesses were in session. Images from the Journal of the House of Burgesses are below:
The next article states “A Petition of the Door-Keeper of this Houfe, praying to be allowed a Suit of Clothes, was prefented to the Houfe and read.
Virginia Gazette article that states that William R. Drinkard will open a tavern in Willliamsburg. (This is William Rollerson Drinkard, son of William Drinkard.) York County Record stating William R. Drinkard will open a tavern in the Anderson House in Williamsburg in 1771.
There is a lineage society called Flagon and Trencher: Descendants of Colonial Tavern Keepers. Any descendants of William Rollerson Drinkard would be eligible to join that society. For more information, go to http://www.flagonandtrencher.org/ While he is not listed as an approved ancestor, I’m sure the above document, along with your own lineage documents, would qualify for his descendants to join.
William Drinkard’s post in the Virginia Gazette about two missing horses, Dec. 26, 1771.
Below is an outline descendant chart showing six generations down from William Drinkard Sr. and Mary Thompson:
Descendants of William Drinkard
1 William Drinkard b: Abt. 1705 in Probably England d: Aft. 1778 in Charles City County, VA
.. +Mary Thompson b: Abt. 1706 in Charles City County, Virginia m: 1730 in VA d: 14 Aug 1771 in Charles City County, Virginia
…..2 John Drinkard Sr. b: 1730 in Lunenberg County, Virginia d: Aft. 17 Jun 1784 in Halifax County, VA
John Drinkard is a DAR Patriot, #A033775
Service Description: 1) FURNISHED SUPPLIES
……….+Ann Wilkerson b: in Amelia County, VA m: Abt. 1750 in Prince Edward County, Virginia d: Aft. 17 Jun 1785 in Halifax County, VA
………..3 John Drinkard Jr. b: in Halifax Co., VA
………..3 Katheren Drinkard d: 1797
…………..+Joel Mullins m: 26 Nov 1792 in Halifax Co., Virginia
…………3 Leturah Drinkard
…………3 Archibald Drinkard b: 1760 in Amelia Co., VA d: 1848 in Appotomax Co., VA
- S. Army, Register of Enlistments, 1798-1914:
1840 Census, Archibald Drinkard:
Archibald Drinkard (about 1760-1848)
Archibald Drinkard was born in Amelia County about the year 1760 and died in Appomattox County in 1848. His parents were John and Ann Drinkard. He moved to Halifax County with his father in 1780. He married, first, Edith Hawkins in Halifax County on September 21, 1802, and there were no children from this union. After her death he moved to the village of Oakville, then in Buckingham County, now in Appomattox County, and there he married, secondly, Judith Pendleton about the year 1818. She was born about 1785 and died in 1875. Father remembered her well: she was medium in height, slender, erect, with smooth features, but very wrinkled in old age. The fact that she talked about applying for a pension on account of Archibald’s service in the Revolutionary War is evidence that he was a soldier in the Revolution. Her children spoke of her as a superior woman, a good manager, devoted to her family.
It was related of Archibald that he was small of stature, erect, and as dignified as a judge, with black hair, black beard that was slightly waved, and blue eyes. He was a farmer. In the year 1840, he was living in the Southern District of Buckingham County and his census return for that year shows that James Wilkerson, age 85, and a pensioner of the Revolutionary War was living with Archibald Drinkard. I infer from this and other records that Archibald’s mother was a Wilkerson and probably James was her brother or nephew.
The children of Archibald and Judith were: John Drinkard, James Drinkard, his twin sister Elizabeth Drinkard who married James Lane, David Drinkard, and William Drinkard. The four sons of Archibald were soldiers in the Confederate Army during the Civil war.
The record then indicates the following genealogical line:
William Drinkard, father of
John Drinkard, father of
Archibald Drinkard
……………+Edith Hawkins m: 21 Sep 1802 in Halifax Co., VA d: Bef. 1817
……………..*2nd Wife of Archibald Drinkard:
……………….+Judith Pendleton b: 1785 in Appomattox Co., VA m: 1818 in Buckingham Co., CA (now Appomattox Co.) d: Apr 1876 in Campbell Co., VA
………………..4 Elizabeth Drinkard
…………………..+James Layne
…………………….5 Emma Haskins Layne
…………………………+John Dabney Stepp
……………………………..6 Daniel Cleveland Stepp
…………………………………+Lizzie Bailey
…………………4 James Drinkard b: 10 Jul 1822 in Buckingham Co., VA d: 05 Jan 1908

………………….. +Mary Lucinda Alvis
…………………… 5 Alfred Washington Drinkard b: in Campbell Co., VA
…………………… 5 Charles Milton Drinkard b: in Campbell Co., VA
…………………… 5 Edward Crote Drinkard b: in Campbell Co., VA
…………………… 5 Elantha Martin Drinkard b: in Campbell Co., VA
+Betty Thomas
…………………… 5 George David Drinkard b: in Campbell Co., Va
…………………… 5 James Calhoun Drinkard b: in Campbell Co., VA
…………………… 5 John Wesley Drinkard b: in Campbell Co., VA
…………………… 5 Judith Drinkard b: in Campbell Co., VA
…………………… 5 Lafayette Drinkard b: in Campbell Co., VA
…………………… 5 Sallie Drinkard b: in Campbell Co., VA
…………………… 5 Samuel William Drinkard b: in Campbell Co., VA
…………………… 5 Walter Preston Drinkard b: in Campbell Co., VA
…………………4 John Drinkard
…………………4 David Drinkard b: 1825 d: 1897
…………………….+Nancy Jane Thomas
………………………5 Annie Elizabeth Drinkard
………………………….+William Edward Inge
……………………… 5 Booker Henderson Drinkard
……………………….5 Charles William Drinkard
……………………….5 Edward “Glover” Drinkard d: Abt. 1930
…………………………….+Rosa Cardwell
………………………………6 Cabel Drinkard
………………………………6 Cleveland Drinkard
………………………………6 Edna Drinkard
………………………………6 Edward “Hubert” Drinkard d: Abt. 1930
………………………………6 Estelle Drinkard
………………………………6 Howard Drinkard
………………………………6 Les Drinkard
………………………………6 Vergie Drinkard
……………………….5 Eliza Francis Drinkard
……………………….5 James Matthew Drinkard
……………………….5 John “Letcher” Drinkard
……………………….5 Laura Drinkard
…………………4 William Drinkard b: 1826 in Appomattox Co., VA d: 30 Aug 1914 in Appomattox Co., VA
………………………+Mary Jane Moore b: Abt. 1836 in Campbell Co., VA m: Abt. 1846 d: 17 Jan 1889 in Appomattox Co., VA
………………………..5 Virginia Willis Drinkard b: 20 Sep 1863 in Appomattox Co., VA d: 09 May 1937 in Appomattox Co., VA
……………………………+Chesley Melvin Stratton b: 13 Aug 1858 in Appomattox Co., VA m: 18 Dec 1886 d: 05 Jul 1937 in Buckingham Co., VA
……………………………..6 Bessie Drinkard Stratton b: 26 Jul 1896 in Appomattox Co., VA d: 25 Jan 1944 in Appomattox Co., VA
………..3 Francis Drinkard Sr. b: Bet. 1760 – 1765 in Amelia County, VA d: Feb 1841 in Halifax County, VA
…………….+Martha Fleming b: Abt. 1770 in prob Halifax County, VA m: 25 Jul 1791 in Prince Edward County, VA d: Bef. 01 Oct 1833 in prob Halifax County, VA
…………………4 Beverly C. Drinkard d: Bef. Jan 1845
…………………….+Hilda Fleming m: 06 Aug 1834 in Halifax Co., Virginia
…………………4 Martha Elizabeth Drinkard
………………………+Holcomb Bailey
……………………….5 Francis Bailey
……………………….5 Henry Bailey
……………………….5 James Bailey
……………………….5 Martha Bailey
……………………….5 Mary Bailey
…………………4 Nancy Drinkard
……………………..+Osborne Meadows
…………………4 Francis Drinkard Jr. b: 22 Feb 1800 in Halifax County, VA d: 1827
……………………..+Rebekah Cunningham b: 14 Jul 1800 m: 13 Sep 1821 in Prince Edward Co., VA d: 30 Aug 1907
……………………….5 Martha Jane Drinkard b: 20 Jun 1822
…………………………..+Edward Watkins m: 06 Feb 1839
……………………….5 John Newton Drinkard b: 20 Jan 1824 d: 28 Apr 1865 in Point Lookout, Maryland
…………………………..+Amanda Jane Elnora Gilliam b: 21 Oct 1827 in Sept 6, 1885 m: 04 Jul 1849 in Prince Edward County, VA
……………………………..6 Taylor Brooks Drinkard, b. 2 Dec 1857 in Prince Edward Co., Virginia; d. 20 Feb 1940 in Bristol, Bristol City, Virginia

……………………………..6 Alice Newton Drinkard b: 13 Aug 1855 d: 16 Sep 1933
………………………………….+John William Harwood b: 26 Apr 1844 in London, England m: 01 Feb 1880 d: 09 Apr 1909 in Virginia
………………………..5 Nannie F. Drinkard b: 28 Nov 1825
………………………..5 William Francis Drinkard b: Aft. 22 Nov 1825 in Prince Edward Co., VA d: 1898
…………………………….+Mary Jane Ellerson b: 1831 m: 07 Jun 1850 d: 07 Jun 1950
……………………………..6 Ida Rebecca Drinkard b: 1853
………………………………6 Sarah Elizabeth Drinkard b: 1856
………………………………6 Fannie Amanda Drinkard b: 1858
………………………………6 William Francis Drinkard b: 1861 d: 1925
………………………………….+Annie Fannie Drew m: 14 Nov 1899 d: 1927
………………………………6 John Henry Drinkard b: 1864 d: 1864
………………………………6 Mary Annie Drinkard b: 1866 d: 1939
……………………….5 Samuel Branch Drinkard b: 1827
………………..4 John S. Drinkard b: 08 Apr 1809 in Prince Edward Co, Virginia d: Bef. 16 Nov 1839 in Probably Callaway Co., MO
……………………+Nancy Tatum b: Bet. 1804 – 1806 in Virginia m: 13 Nov 1827 in Charlotte County, Virginia d: 03 Mar 1874 in Calloway County, MO
……………………….5 Emeline Drinkard
……………………….5 James Drinkard
……………………….5 John N. Drinkard
……………………….5 Martha Drinkard
……………………………+Edward Watkins
……………………….5 Samuel B. Drinkard
……………………….5 William Francis Drinkard
……………………….5 Benjamin Jarman Drinkard b: 24 May 1837 in Callaway County, MO d: 04 Oct 1883 in Callaway County, MO
……………………………+Mary Jane Hughes b: 14 Mar 1835 in VA or MO m: 29 Mar 1855 d: 04 Apr 1921 in Cedar City, Callaway County, MO
……………………………..6 James John Drinkard b: 02 Jun 1867 in Callaway County, MO d: 22 Feb 1949 in Fulton, MO
…………………………………+Etta Percilla Bell
……………………*2nd Wife of James John Drinkard:
…………………..+Annie Lee Moore b: 04 Aug 1873 in Callaway County, MO m: 22 Dec 1894 in Cole County, MO d: 06 Jun 1897 in Holts Summit, MO
………………..4 Branch Robertson Drinkard b: 14 Jun 1813 in Prince Edward Co., VA d: 29 Feb 1888 in Graves Co., KY
………………….+Tabitha Elizabeth Baynham m: 23 Dec 1833 in Halifax Co., Virginia
………………………..5 Eddie Bascom Drinkard
……………………………..6 [2] Claude Drinkard
……………………………….+[1] Audye Henley
…………………………5 Viola Drinkard
……………………………..+Robert Henley
………………………………6 [1] Audye Henley
………………………………..+[2] Claude Drinkard
…………… *2nd Wife of Francis Drinkard Sr.:
…………………+Mary (Polly) Roland m: 06 Dec 1833 in Charlotte Co., VA d: Aft. 1841
………..3 William Drinkard b: Abt. 1764 in Halifax Co., VA
……………..+Nancy Stanley
………………..4 Mary Catherine Drinkard b: in South Carolina
…………………….+William M. Sutherland
………..3 James Drinkard b: 1770 in Buckingham Co., VA d: 1862 in Buckingham Co., VA*
*NOTE: The following info came from Richard C. Sheridan in Sept., 2011.
The death date of James Drinkard given in several web postings (and above) as 1862 in Wilson County, TN is wrong. My research suggests that he died between 1810 and 1820 in Buckingham County, VA. He and family are in 1810 census but not 1820. Wife and daughter sold the farm in 1822. In 1840s, wife Dicie is apparently a widow as only she and not James are listed as heir of her father Joseph Owen’s estate. She lived in Wilson County Tennessee listed alone in 1850 and 1860 censuses, and may have died about 1862 in that county (but no record has been found). I am a descendant of James Drinkard and his wife Dicie through their daughter Charlotte Drinkard Williamson (wife of Zachariah Williamson). | |
……………+Dicey Owen m: 19 Oct 1797 in Halifax Co., Virginia
…………3 Elizabeth Drinkard b: Abt. 1780
…………….+Phillip Hawkins b: Abt. 1775 m: 03 Aug 1802 in Halifax Co., Virginia
….2 Francis Drinkard b: Abt. 1731 in Charles City County, VA d: Abt. 1751 in Prob. Prince Edward Co., VA
………+Ann Stanley b: 1731 Dinwiddle County, Virginia m: Abt. 1751 Prince Edward County, Virginia d: Prince Edward Co., Virginia
………….3 Archibald Drinkard
………….3 William Drinkard
………….3 Francis Drinkard Jr. b: Abt. 1752 in Amelia County, Virginia d: Bef. 1817 in Prob. Madison County, KY
………………+Mrs. Eliza Clark
…………… *2nd Wife of Francis Drinkard Jr.:
………………+Lucretia Maxey d: 1837
…………… *3rd Wife of Francis Drinkard Jr.:
……………….+Nancy McDowell b: Abt. 1752 m: Abt. 1772 in VA, NC d: in Kentucky
………………..4 Nancy Drinkard
……………………+William Thompson b: 22 Jun 1767 Bedford Co., VA m: 18 May 1790 Madison Co., KY

………………………..5 ? Thompson
………………………..5 ? Thompson
………………………..5 ? Thompson
………………………..5 ? Thompson
………………………..5 Cynthia Thompson
…………………………….+Fergus German m: 1825
…………………………5 Jane Thompson
……………………………..+James Lingo m: in Campbell Co., KY
…………………………5 Lucinda Thompson
……………………………..+William Beagle m: 1831
…………………………5 Mary Thompson
…………………………….+Thomas Beagle
…………………………5 Nancy Thompson
……………………………..+Robert Ware m: 1812 in Campbell Co., KY
………………………….5 Sarah Thompson
………………………………+Benjamin Morre m: 1830 in Pendleton Co., KY
………………………….5 William Thompson
………………………………+Nancy Petty m: 21 Sep 1819
………………………….5 Keturah Thompson b: 1813 Campbell Co., KY d: 09 Jun 1885 in Howell Co., MO
………………………………+Robert William Shaw m: 14 Jun 1832 in Campbell Co., KY
…………………………………6 Martha Ann Shaw
………………………………………+William Marion Byrd m: 27 Aug 1862
………………………………..6 William Thomas Lafayette Shaw d: 12 Oct 1866 in Campbell Co., KY
……………………………………..+Ella Virginia West
………………………………..6 Thomas T. Shaw b: 1842
………………………………..6 John P. Shaw b: 1848
………………………………..6 Benjamin A. Shaw b: 1851 d: 12 Oct 1867
……………………………….. 6 Mary Jane Shaw b: 03 Feb 1854
……………………………………..+Walter Rand Rouse m: 03 Feb 1876
…………………………………6 Sarah F. Shaw b: 1856
……………………………………..+Emmett E. Grant m: 19 Sep 1880
………………..4 William Drinkard b: 1773 in VA d: 1853 in MO
…………………….+Sarah “Sally” Finnel b: Abt. 1775 in Virginia m: 15 Nov 1792 in Madison Co., KY d: Aft. 1840
…………………………5 Francis (Frank) Drinkard b: Abt. 1793 in Kentucky d: 20 Aug 1825
…………………………….+Susannah Finnell b: Abt. 1797 m: 04 Oct 1815 in Garrard Co., KY
…………………………………6 William Drinkard b: 1816
…………………………………6 Beverly Frank Drinkard b: 1818 d: 1850
……………………………………..+Lucretia Freeman m: 1840
…………………………………6 Sally Drinkard b: 1820
…………………………………6 Eliza Drinkard b: 1822
………………………….5 John Drinkard b: Abt. 1795 in Madison Co., Kentucky d: Abt. 1840
………………………….5 William Drinkard Jr. b: 1797 in Madison Co., Kentucky d: 1840 in Garrard Co., KY
……………………………..+Nancy Jane Finnell b: 1805 in Garrard Co., Kentucky m: 02 Aug 1824 in Garrard Co., KY d: 18 Apr 1878 in Macon Co, Missouri
…………………………………6 Samantha Drinkard b: 1824 d: 25 Jul 1896
…………………………………6 Nancy Jane Drinkard b: 1827 d: 10 Mar 1897
…………………………………6 James Frank Drinkard b: 1828 d: 1849 in Plains on way West
…………………………………6 Edna Drinkard b: 10 Feb 1831 d: 16 Feb 1917
……………………………………..+Joseph Montgomery m: 11 Apr 1850
…………………………..5 James Ervin Drinkard b: Abt. 1800 in Kentucky d: 1843
………………………………+Ann McHargue
…………………………………6 Joseph H. Drinkard b: Dec. 1841 Howard Co., Missouri
…………………………………6 Ervin Drinkard b: Abt. 1824
…………………………………6 Abner (Dick) Drinkard b: 01 Feb 1826 in Glasgow, Howard Co., Missouri
……………………………………..+Effie Matson m: 1842 d: 1843
…………………………………….*2nd Wife of Abner (Dick) Drinkard:
……………………………………..+Caroline E. Clark b: 28 Oct 1825 in Iowa m: 28 Oct 1845 d: 26 Sep 1905 in Trenton, Grundy Co., Missouri
………………………………. 6 Mary H. Drinkard b. Sep 1, 1838 Howard Co., Missouri; d. 1 Jan 1861 in Grundy Co., MO
………………………………. 6 James Ervin (Irvine) Drinkard, b. 1 Feb 1826 in Howard Co., MO; d. 1860 Grundy Co., Missouri
……………………………… 6 Francis Drinkard b. 16 Apr 1843 Grundy Co., MO; d. 23 Oct 1843 in Grundy Co., MO
……………………………… 6 William Drinkard b. 3 Apr 1835 Chariton Co., MO; m. 15 Oct 1854 Grundy Co., MO; d. 2 Sep 1887 Rowland, Linn Co., Oregon

+ Martha Ann Wilson

This is the wagon that William & Martha (Wilson) Drinkard took to Oregon in 1865. It is now in the Linn Co., Oregon Museum.
“Mr. & Mrs. William Drinkard migrated westward from Grundy Co., Missouri, in 1865. There were four children then: Oscar, Quincy, Flora Bell, and Joseph. Our folks went in a horse-drawn wagon train of 100 wagons. We were six months on the trail. I can recall many incidents on the trip, as I was five years old when we left on the journey. We finally landed real estate of what is now Brownsville, Linn County, Oregon, on a farm owned by my father’s uncle James McCarg. We flouished n Oregon. By the time I was married, there were eleven children in our family.”
The wagon was used by the William and Martha Ann Drinkard and their four children. Interestingly, the Drinkards left on the Oregon Trail in 1865 after the end of the Civil War. William had been taken prisoner during the war, and Martha Ann was able to get the Union Army to release him on the promise that they would head west and not return to their home in Missouri. Since William was in prison, it was Martha Ann who did all the preparations for the move, including selling the farm and everything they wouldn’t be taking with them. She purchased this wagon, loaded it, and met William in Iowa. And, she was pregnant as she drove the wagon across the county, since William was driving her mother’s wagon.
…………………………….. 6 Sarah E. Drinkard, b. 17 Sep 1836 Grundy Co., MO; d. 29 Aug 1870 Linn, Oregon
…………………………..5 Killis Drinkard b: Abt. 1802 in Garrard Co., KY d: 1826 in Missouri
…………………………..5 Patsy Drinkard b: Abt. 1804 in Garrard Co., KY d: Abt. 1826
…………………………..5 George W. Drinkard b: Abt. 1806 in Garrard Co., KY d: in Grundy Co., MO
………………………………+Juliann “July” B. Finnell b: 31 Jul 1830 in Boone Co., KY m: 08 Apr 1847 in Boone Co., KY
…………………………………6 Virginia Drinkard b: 1847 in Kentucky
…………………………..5 Harrison Drinkard b: Abt. 1808 in Kentucky d: Abt. 1850 in Missouri
…………………………..5 Stephen Drinkard b: 1812 in KY d: Mar 1838 in MO
………………………………+Minerva Elizabeth “Mary” Collett b: 1816 d: 1853
…………………………………6 George Washington Drinkard b: 1834 d: 1910
………………………………….+Mary Ellender Edwards b: 1842 d: 1900
…………………………………6 Stephen Drinkard b: 13 Jul 1838
…………………………………..+Amanda Elizabeth Halliburton m: 29 Oct 1858 in Randolph Co.
………………..4 Abner “Dick” Drinkard b: Abt. 1775 in Virginia d: Abt. 1840 in Trenton, Grundy Co., Missouri
………………..4 Tabitha Stanley Drinkard b: Abt. 1775 in Halifax County, VA d: 07 Jan 1841 in Madison/Ohio County, Kentucky
…………………..+Samuel Arbuckle b: 1775 in Prince Edward Co., VA m: 02 Jan 1794 in Madison County, Kentucky d: Bef. 1821 in Ohio/Garrard County, KY
UPDATE — Feb. 29, 2024! The marriage record for Samuel Arbuckle and Tabitha Stanley Drinkard showed her surname as STANLEY; however, I just found the index listed in the front of the film on FamilySearch and it LISTS TABITHA’S SURNAME AS DRINKARD!! The index can be seen at https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QS7-L9S7-9KJ8?i=7&cc=1804888
…………………………..5 Stanley Arbuckle b: 04 May 1798 in Crab Orchard, Lincoln County, KY d: 29 Jul 1846 in Livingston Co., Missouri
…………………………….+Clarissa “Clara” Dockery b: 04 Feb 1802 m: 10 Jan 1820 in Garrard County, KY d: 21 Feb 1879
…………………………………6 Alexander Arbuckle
…………………………………6 George W. Arbuckle
…………………………………6 John Arbuckle
…………………………………6 Patsey Arbuckle
…………………………………6 Tabetha Arbuckle
…………………………………6 William O. Arbuckle
…………………………………6 Logan Saulsbury Arbuckle b: 29 Aug 1846 in Livingston Co., Missouri d: Abt. 1906
…………………………………….+Idella Atcheson b: 11 Jul 1851 d: 1931
…………………………………… *2nd Wife of Logan Saulsbury Arbuckle:
……………………………………..+Sarah E. Lewis b: 23 Jan 1848 in Virginia m: 15 Apr 1869 d: 26 Mar 1889
…………………………………… *3rd Wife of Logan Saulsbury Arbuckle:
………………………………………+Susan Catherine Hayden b: 12 May 1853 m: 03 Jan 1890 d: 13 Jun 1901
………………………….5 Francis Arbuckle b: 1801 in Garrard Co., KY d: 1833 in Indiana
…………………………….+Elizabeth Sebastian b: in Garrard County, Kentucky m: 27 Oct 1823 in Garrard Co., KY d: 1833 in Indiana
………………………………….6 Robert Arbuckle
………………………………….6 Tabitha Arbuckle
………………………………….6 [4] John Wesley Arbuckle b: 11 Aug 1824 in Ohio Co., KY d: 25 Feb 1892 in Butler Co., KY
……………………………………+Lucy McMillan b: 01 Dec 1831 in Garrard Co., KY d: 10 Mar 1875 in Butler Co., Kentucky
…………………………………… *2nd Wife of [4] John Wesley Arbuckle:
……………………………………..+[3] Nancy Ellen Warren b: 28 Sep 1839 in Jolly Austin Place, Butler County. KY m: 16 Jun 1877 d: 03 Feb 1912 in Butler Co., KY
………………………………….6 William Arbuckle b: 1826 d: 1870
………………………………….6 Martha Arbuckle b: 1828
………………………………….6 Samuel Arbuckle b: 1830 d: 1839
…………………………5 Drinkard Arbuckle b: 07 May 1803 Kentucky d: 14 May 1863 Butler Co., Kentucky
……………………………+Lucretia Maxey d: Abt. 1839
…………………………………..6 Milton Layton Arbuckle b: Abt. 1827 in Garrard Co., KY
…………………………………..6 Peter Maxey Arbuckle b: Abt. 1828 in Garrard Co., KY
…………………………………..6 Nathaniel Francis Arbuckle b: 13 Sep 1829 in Garrard Co., KY d: 1915
……………………………………..Sarah Ann “Sallie” James b: 15 Nov 1831 in Ohio Co., KY m: 04 Sep 1858 d: 12 Jan 1913 in Weir, Kansas
…………………………………..6 Mary Jane Arbuckle b: Abt. 1832
…………………………………..6 Lucinda Arbuckle b: Aug 1832 Garrard Co., KY d: Aug 1901 Butler Co., KY
……………………………………..+William L. James b: 20 Jun 1819 m: 20 Jun 1846 in Butler Co., Kentucky d: 25 Jul 1899 in Warren’s Mill, Kentucky
…………………………………..6 Judith Arbuckle b: Abt. 1833 in Butler Co., KY
……………………………………..+Levi Plummer b: Abt. 1818 m: 13 May 1858
…………………………………..6 Logan Arbuckle b: Abt. 1835
…………………………… *2nd Wife of Drinkard Arbuckle:
………………………………. +Eliza James b: 08 Sep 1809 in KY m: 17 Jun 1841 in Butler Co., Kentucky d: 08 Jan 1866 in Butler Co., Kentucky
……………………………………6 Eudora S. Arbuckle b: 1842 in Butler Co., KY d: 01 Apr 1858 in Butler Co., KY
……………………………………6 Joseph Alfred Arbuckle b: Abt. 1844
……………………………………6 William Curran Arbuckle b: 21 Jan 1844 in Butler Co., KY d: 11 Nov 1917 in Ohio Co., KY
……………………………………..+Eliza J. Hodges b: 13 Dec 1848 m: 07 Sep 1866 d: 04 Apr 1885 in Green River, KY
…………………………………… *2nd Wife of William Curran Arbuckle:
……………………………………….+Narcissa L. Hodges b: Abt. 1841 m: 31 Dec 1885
……………………………………6 James Drinkard Arbuckle b: May 1848 in Butler Co., KY
………………………………………+Sarah M. Ranney b: 1854 m: 25 Dec 1871
…………………………………… *2nd Wife of James Drinkard Arbuckle:
……………………………………….+Virginia Miller b: Abt. 1859 m: 25 Sep 1884
…………………………………… 6 Volney James Arbuckle b: 04 Feb 1851 in Butler Co., KY d: 26 Dec 1897 in Ohio Co., KY
……………………………………….+Idella Atchison b: 1852 d: 1931
…………………………5 Martha “Patsy” Arbuckle b: Dec 1812 in Garrard County, KY d: 15 Sep 1846 in Butler County, KY
…………………………..+Arthur Warren b: 28 Oct 1810 in Buckeye, Garrard County, KY m: 19 Dec 1831 in Garrard County d: 14 Jul 1895 in Warren’s Mill, Butler County, KY
…………………………………… 6 Elizabeth L. Warren b: 31 Oct 1832 in Garrard County, KY d: 12 Nov 1852 in Warren’s Mill, Butler County, KY
………………………………………+Elvis G. Bryzendine b: Abt. 1827 in Tennessee m: 12 Jul 1849 in Sumner County, TN
…………………………………… 6 Samuel Francis Warren b: 07 Aug 1835 in Garrard Co., KY d: 08 Dec 1911 in Warren’s Mill, Butler Co., KY
……………………………………….+Evelyn Hobdy b: 28 Jan 1846 in Ohio Co., KY m: 04 Feb 1863 in Corning, Clay Co., AR d: 16 Apr 1938 in McHenry, Ohio Co. KY
…………………………………… 6 Liberty Smith Warren b: 25 Oct 1836 in Garrard County, KY d: 25 Feb 1875 in Kentucky
………………………………………+Hanah Allen m: 22 Jan 1861 in Randolph County, Arkansas
…………………………………… 6 [3] Nancy Ellen Warren b: 28 Sep 1839 in Jolly Austin Place, Butler County. KY d: 03 Feb 1912 in Butler Co., KY
……………………………………….+Nathaniel Gulley m: 05 Oct 1857 in Butler Co., Kentucky
…………………………………… *2nd Husband of [3] Nancy Ellen Warren:
……………………………………….+[4] John Wesley Arbuckle b: 11 Aug 1824 in Ohio Co., KY m: 16 Jun 1877 d: 25 Feb 1892 in Butler Co., KY
…………………………………… 6 Wiliam Henry Harrison Warren b: 25 Nov 1841 in Morgantown, Butler County, KY d: 12 Sep 1846 in Butler County, KY
…………………………………… 6 John Logan Warren b: 11 May 1844 in Mattoon, Coles County, Illinois d: 05 Oct 1905 in Warren’s Mill, Butler County, KY
……………………………………….+Burilla Carolyn James b: 31 Aug 1846 in Ohio County, KY m: 01 Nov 1866 in Butler County d: 01 Jan 1920
……………………………5 Logan Arbuckle b: 1815 d: 1895
……………………………5 Mary “Polly” Arbuckle b: 1818 d: 1846
…………… 3 John Drinkard b: Abt. 1770 in Amelia, Dinwiddle, or P.E. Co. VA d: Bet. 1794 – 1796
……………….+Obedience Childress b: Abt. 1770 in VA m: 18 Nov 1790 in Prince Edward Co., VA d: Aft. 1840 in Lincoln Co., TN ?
………………….4 William Childress Drinkard b: Abt. 1791 in Prince Edward Co., VA d: 25 Oct 1829 in Lincoln Co., TN
……………………….+Jane Tatum b: 14 Dec 1803 in North Carolina m: 06 Mar 1823 in Lincoln Co., TN d: 10 Sep 1878 in Gadsden, Crockett Co., TN
……………………………5 Eliza L. Drinkard b: 1824 in Lincoln Co., TN
……………………………5 Harriet Drinkard b: 1825 in Lincoln Co., TN
……………………………5 Francis Perry Drinkard b: 26 Apr 1827 in Lincoln Co., TN
……………………………5 Helen M. Drinkard b: 1829 d: 1900 in Crockett Co., TN
……………………………….+Albion P. Davis m: 02 Apr 1846 in Lincoln Co., TN
……………………4 Francis Drinkard b: Abt. 1793
……………………4 Mourning Drinkard b: Abt. 1795
………………………. +John Elliott b: Abt. 1788 m: 25 Jan 1816 in Williamson Co., TN
….2 William Rollerson Drinkard b: Abt. 1750 in England ? d: 16 May 1805 in Williamsburg, Charles City Co., Virginia (TAVERN OWNER IN WILLIAMSBURG. See above) William Rollerson Drinkard is a DAR Patriot — Ancestor #A201081. He provided one musket, so that is Patriotic Service.
…….+Mary Polly Cocke Willcox b: 02 Nov 1762 in Charles City Co., VA m: Bef. 1776 in Charles City Co., Virginia d: 17 Sep 1846
……………3 Agnes F. Drinkard
………………+Phillip Coatney m: Jan 1799 in Williamsburg, VA
……………………4 ? Coatney
……………………4 ? Coatney
……………………4 ? Coatney
……………………4 ? Coatney
……………………4 ? Coatney
……………………4 ? Coatney
……………………4 ? Coatney
…………… 3 Betsy Drinkard
…………… 3 David Drinkard
……………….+Susannah C. Kendrick m: 11 Jan 1810 in Henrico County, VA
……………………4 George H. Drinkard b: 1822
………………………. +Sarah J. Crews
……………………4 Lemira Drinkard b: 1825
………………………. +Kaleb W. Watts
……………………4 Mildred Drinkard b: 1833 in Albemarle County
………………………. +Philip Peters
……………………4 Martha A. Drinkard b: 1840 in Albemarle County
……………………….+Martin W. Painter
…………… 3 George Drinkard
…………… 3 Joseph Drinkard
…………… 3 Mary B. Drinkard
……………….+? Harwood
…………… 3 Mary Polly Cocke Drinkard
……………….+George W. Stainback
……………………4 Rebecca E. Stainback
…………… 3 Nancy Drinkard
……………….+? Allen
…………… 3 William H. Drinkard
………………..+Frances E. Pace m: 07 Oct 1841 in Albermarle County, VA
……………………4 Texana Drinkard b: 1844 in Albemarle County
……………………….+P. H. Robertson
……………………4 William H. (Jr.) Drinkard b: 1847 in Bedford County, VA d: 1915
………………………. +Virginia Engart m: 21 Feb 1872 in Botetourt County, VA
……………………………5 Rossie M. Drinkard b: 1875
……………………………….+Berkeley Paine m: 16 Oct 1894
……………………………5 James A. Drinkard b: 1877 d: 1933
……………………………….+Lottie Berry
……………………………5 Albert A. Drinkard b: 1884
…………… 3 Beverly Drinkard b: 17 Jan 1793 in Charles City County, VA d: 01 Dec 1875 in Petersburg, Dinwiddie Co., VA
……………….+Elizabeth Ann Firth Cosby b: Abt. 1791 in VA m: 01 Feb 1817 in Petersburg, Dinwiddie Co., VA ? d: 27 Nov 1864 in Petersburg, Dinwiddie Co., VA
……………………4 William Rollerson Drinkard b: 01 Mar 1818
………………………. +Mary Frances Martin m: 15 Dec 1841
……………………4 Mary Susan Drinkard b: 13 Sep 1820 d: 21 Mar 1824
……………………4 Elizabeth Leigh Drinkard b: 22 Jul 1823 d: 20 May 1909
………………………. +Nathaniel Cole Harrison m: 28 Feb 1843
……………………4 Charles Beverly Drinkard b: 23 Feb 1826 in Petersburg, Dinwiddie Co., VA d: 10 Oct 1912 in Childress, TX
……………………….+Zoradia Ann Bruce b: Abt. 1841 in Mississippi m: 10 May 1860 in Ft. Smith, Arkansas d: 05 Apr 1878 in Lamar Co., Texas
……………………………5 Thomas Beverly Drinkard b: 01 Jan 1865 in Lamar Co., Texas d: 10 Jul 1946 in Childress, TX
……………………………….+Elizabeth Gillie Ballard b: 16 Sep 1873 in Coryell Co., TX m: 17 Jun 1888 in Concho Co., TX d: 02 Oct 1961 in Eden, Concho Co., TX
…………………………………… 6 Tom William Drinkard
…………………………………… 6 Betty Llewellyn Drinkard b: 22 Jul 1914 in Eden, Concho Co., TX d: 09 Dec 1998 in Eden, Concho Co., TX
………………………………………+Edgar Carl Spiser b: 31 May 1913 in Old Glory, Stonewall Co. TX m: 05 May 1934 in Tom Green Co., TX d: 07 May 1981 in San Angelo, Tom Green Co., TX
……………………4 Spotswood Drinkard b: 16 Dec 1828 d: 09 Oct 1862
……………………4 John Bragg Drinkard b: 17 Nov 1831 d: 12 Aug 1869
……………………….+Louisa Winston
……………………4 Virginia Ann Drinkard b: 06 Oct 1833 d: 17 Feb 1897 in Danville
……………………4 Thomas Edward Drinkard b: 1836 d: 1903
……………………4 Henry Harrison Drinkard b: 1840 d: 1878
……………*2nd Wife of Beverly Drinkard:
……………….+Jane Ellyson m: 02 Nov 1865 in Petersburg, VA
…… *2nd Wife of William Rollerson Drinkard:
……………….+Amy Marable b: Bef. 1760 in Charles City Co., VA m: Bef. 1776 in Charles City Co., VA d: Bef. 1796 in Charles City Co., VA
My direct line down from William Drinkard, Sr., is below:
1 William Drinkard b: Abt. 1705 in Probably England d: Aft. 1778 in Charles City Co., VA
..+Mary Thompson b: Abt. 1706 in Charles City Co., Virginia m: 1730 in VA d: 14 Aug 1771 in Charles City Co., Virginia
….2 Francis Drinkard b: Abt. 1731 in Charles City Co., VA d: Abt. 1751 in Prob. Prince Edward Co., VA
……+Ann Stanley b: Abt. Mar 1731/32 in Dinwiddle County, Virginia m: Abt. 1751 in Prince Edward Co., Virginia d: in Virginia
……3 Francis Jr. Drinkard b: Abt. 1752 in Amelia Co., Virginia d: Bef. 1817 in Prob. Madison Co., KY
……+Nancy McDowell b: Abt. 1752 m: Abt. 1772 in VA, NC d: in Kentucky
……….4 Tabitha Stanley Drinkard * b: Abt. 1775 in Halifax Co., VA d: 07 Jan 1841 in Madison/Ohio Co., Kentucky
…………+Samuel Arbuckle b: 1775 in Prince Edward Co., VA m: 02 Jan 1794 in Madison Co., KY d: Bef. 1821 in Ohio/Garrard Co., KY
…………..5 Martha “Patsy” Arbuckle b: Dec 1812 in Garrard Co, KY d: 15 Sep 1846 in Butler Co., KY
…………….+Arthur Warren b: 28 Oct 1810 in Buckeye, Garrard Co., KY m: 19 Dec 1831 in Garrard Co., KY d: 14 Jul 1895 in Warren’s Mill, Butler Co., KY
……………….6 Samuel Francis Warren b: 07 Aug 1834 in Garrard or Butler Co., KY d: 09 Dec 1911 in Warren’s Mill, Butler Co., KY
………………..+Evelyn Hobdy b: 28 Jan 1846 in Ohio Co., KY m: 04 Feb 1863 in Corning, Clay Co., AR d: 16 Apr 1938 in McHenry, Ohio Co. KY
………………….7 Alexander Arthur Warren b: 16 Apr 1868 in Butler Co., KY d: 15 Nov 1947 in Jacksonville, IL
……………………+Martha A. Short b: Abt. 20 Feb 1874 in Missouri m: 02 Jan 1894 in Greene Co., IL d: 04 Feb 1899 in Warren’s Mill, Butler Co., Kentucky
……………………… 8 Catherine Evelyn Warren b: 12 Jan 1895 in Warren’s Mill, Butler Co., Kentucky d: 07 Oct 1983 in St. Louis, MO
………………………….+Ora Ezrah Hatfield b: 08 Dec 1897 in Elsberry, Lincoln Co., Missouri m: 10 Apr 1917 in Alton, Madison Co., IL d: 14 Mar 1944 in San Francisco, CA
…………………………….. 9 Edsel Arthur Hatfield b: 02 Jan 1919 in East Alton, Madison Co., IL d: 05 Jul 2007 in St. Louis City, Missouri
……………………………….+Jessie Louise Whitelaw b: 19 Apr 1921 in St. Louis, MO m: 10 Oct 1942 in Camp Robinson, Pulaski Co., Arkansas d: 26 Feb 1991 in St. Louis Co., MO
………………………………….10 Elaine Marie Hatfield ME
See all the Drinkards on my Ancestry.com website entitled Hatfield-Whitelaw/Powell-Knight
I will be adding more information and documents to this webpage as time permits.
Elaine Powell
Email me at [email protected]
Updated 31 October 2022
William Rollerson Drinkard ran a tavern in the Anderson House in Williamsburg. A picture of that house is at the top of this page. It is the William Anderson House in what is now Colonial Williamsburg. It has been restored, but is not open to the public. I have a copy of the document (see below), dated June 17, 1771 that states “Recorded June 17, 1771, York County Court) Williamsburg, February 26, 1771. William R. Drinkard begs Leave to inform the Publick that he intends to open TAVERN in the house lately occupied by Mr. William Holt, nearly opposite the Post Office, by the ensuring Apirl Court. Thyose Gentlemen who plese to favour him with their Custom may depend on good Accomodation.” William ran the tavern there until 1779. The house was owned by James Anderson and Hannah, his wife. Anderson was the appointed Armourer for Williamsburg, Virginia and had been a blacksmith. In 2012 the Anderson Blacksmith Shop and Armoury was reconstructed and it is now open to Colonial Williamsburg ticket holders. http://www.colonialwilliamsburg.com/do/revolutionary-city/tour-the-city/blacksmith-and-public-armoury/
If you have additional information regarding the content of this book, please contact me. The book is currently out of print, and I have included the contents of a portion of the book here in order to assist other Drinkard researchers in their quest to find information about their Drinkard ancestors.
I am descended from William Drinkard and Mary Thompson of Virginia. I have done research on the Drinkard family. I used to travel to Williamsburg, Virginia often, and have done research on William and his son William Rollerson Drinkard there. William Rollerson Drinkard ran a tavern on Duke of Gloucester Street in what is now the historic main street of the Living History Museum of Colonial Williamsburg. William’s tavern was located in the Anderson two story white frame house, across from the post office. (Photo above.) That home currently is not used as a public building within Colonial Williamsburg. However, the Anderson blacksmith shop is open to ticket holders at the rear of the property.
Both William Drinkard Sr. and Jr. were doorkeepers for the House of Burgesses. My research found that Doorkeepers were elected by the burgesses and would have been paid 30 pounds sterling for each session, which was a lot of money for those times. They would also have received a suit of clothing to wear, presumably so that they would be neat and clean for sessions of the House of Burgesses. The doorkeepers would have also received a badge. There were four doorkeepers who “guarded” the entrances of the House chamber. Doorkeepers may also have done errands for the burgesses, although their official duty was to be sergeant-at-arms. (Reference JHB 1766-1769, p. 61 (10 Dec 1766) and JHB, 1770-72, p. 156 (10 Feb 1772).
I have received emails over the past 20+ years that say that the book referenced above has many errors. What genealogy does NOT have errors? The book falls short because it contains NO copies of actual documents. I sure wish that I knew where the author had the documents that he refers to in the book. How many genealogists have documents that, after their death, get tossed out by their children or grandchildren?
I think it’s wrong to conclude that ALL the information in the Drinkard book is incorrect, based on the fact that SOME of the information is incorrect. However, I digress…
I have concluded that the William Drinkard who was the Doorkeeper in the House of Burgesses is William Drinkard Senior and here is why:
I have been to the John D. Rockefeller Library in Colonial Williamsburg on numerous occasions. I looked through all of the book on the proceedings of the House of Burgesses. William Drinkard is ALWAYS listed as William Drinkard, not William R. Drinkard. Whereas his son is always listed as William R. Drinkard, which is, I believe, to distinguish him from his father. Also, the last entry for anyone named William Drinkard in the House of Burgesses is 1778. William Drinkard is not in any documents that I have found after that date, so it’s assumed that his service as a Doorkeeper ended when he died. (This is not proven by documents, it’s just by my conclusion.) Also, William Rollerson Drinkard started running a tavern in 1771. Prior to that, according to the actor-interpretor at the Kings Arms Tavern in Colonial Williamsburg, he worked at the Kings Arms as a barkeeper. So why would a man who was employed in a tavern and who ran his own tavern, also work as a Doorkeeper for the House of Burgesses? That seems to me to be more of a job for a retired man, because it was not a full-time job. The doorkeeper would only work when the burgesses were in session.

I have copies of the Virginia Gazette Newspaper that have articles on William Drinkard.

There is a lineage society called Flagon and Trencher: Descendants of Colonial Tavern Keepers. Any descendants of William Rollerson Drinkard would be eligible to join that society. For more information, go to http://www.flagonandtrencher.org/ While he is not listed as an approved ancestor, I’m sure the above document, along with your own lineage documents, would qualify for his descendants to join.

Below is an outline descendant chart showing six generations down from William Drinkard Sr. and Mary Thompson:
Descendants of William Drinkard
1 William Drinkard b: Abt. 1705 in Probably England d: Aft. 1778 in Charles City County, VA
.. +Mary Thompson b: Abt. 1706 in Charles City County, Virginia m: 1730 in VA d: 14 Aug 1771 in Charles City County, Virginia
…..2 John Drinkard Sr. b: 1730 in Lunenberg County, Virginia d: Aft. 17 Jun 1784 in Halifax County, VA
John Drinkard is a DAR Patriot, #A033775
……….+Ann Wilkerson b: in Amelia County, VA m: Abt. 1750 in Prince Edward County, Virginia d: Aft. 17 Jun 1785 in Halifax County, VA
………..3 John Drinkard Jr. b: in Halifax Co., VA
………..3 Katheren Drinkard d: 1797
…………..+Joel Mullins m: 26 Nov 1792 in Halifax Co., Virginia
…………3 Leturah Drinkard
…………3 Archibald Drinkard b: 1760 in Amelia Co., VA d: 1848 in Appotomax Co., VA
U. S. Army, Register of Enlistments, 1798-1914:
1840 Census, Archibald Drinkard:
Archibald Drinkard (about 1760-1848)
Archibald Drinkard was born in Amelia County about the year 1760 and died in Appomattox County in 1848. His parents were John and Ann Drinkard. He moved to Halifax County with his father in 1780. He married, first, Edith Hawkins in Halifax County on September 21, 1802, and there were no children from this union. After her death he moved to the village of Oakville, then in Buckingham County, now in Appomattox County, and there he married, secondly, Judith Pendleton about the year 1818. She was born about 1785 and died in 1875. Father remembered her well: she was medium in height, slender, erect, with smooth features, but very wrinkled in old age. The fact that she talked about applying for a pension on account of Archibald’s service in the Revolutionary War is evidence that he was a soldier in the Revolution. Her children spoke of her as a superior woman, a good manager, devoted to her family.
It was related of Archibald that he was small of stature, erect, and as dignified as a judge, with black hair, black beard that was slightly waved, and blue eyes. He was a farmer. In the year 1840, he was living in the Southern District of Buckingham County and his census return for that year shows that James Wilkerson, age 85, and a pensioner of the Revolutionary War was living with Archibald Drinkard. I infer from this and other records that Archibald’s mother was a Wilkerson and probably James was her brother or nephew.
The children of Archibald and Judith were: John Drinkard, James Drinkard, his twin sister Elizabeth Drinkard who married James Lane, David Drinkard, and William Drinkard. The four sons of Archibald were soldiers in the Confederate Army during the Civil war.
The record then indicates the following genealogical line:
William Drinkard, father of
John Drinkard, father of
Archibald Drinkard
……………+Edith Hawkins m: 21 Sep 1802 in Halifax Co., VA d: Bef. 1817
……………..*2nd Wife of Archibald Drinkard:
……………….+Judith Pendleton b: 1785 in Appomattox Co., VA m: 1818 in Buckingham Co., CA (now Appomattox Co.) d: Apr 1876 in Campbell Co., VA
………………..4 Elizabeth Drinkard
…………………..+James Layne
…………………….5 Emma Haskins Layne
…………………………+John Dabney Stepp
……………………………..6 Daniel Cleveland Stepp
…………………………………+Lizzie Bailey
…………………4 James Drinkard b: 10 Jul 1822 in Buckingham Co., VA d: 05 Jan 1908
………………….. +Mary Lucinda Alvis
…………………… 5 Alfred Washington Drinkard b: in Campbell Co., VA
…………………… 5 Charles Milton Drinkard b: in Campbell Co., VA
…………………… 5 Edward Crote Drinkard b: in Campbell Co., VA
…………………… 5 Elantha Martin Drinkard b: in Campbell Co., VA
+Betty Thomas
…………………… 5 George David Drinkard b: in Campbell Co., Va
…………………… 5 James Calhoun Drinkard b: in Campbell Co., VA
…………………… 5 John Wesley Drinkard b: in Campbell Co., VA
…………………… 5 Judith Drinkard b: in Campbell Co., VA
…………………… 5 Lafayette Drinkard b: in Campbell Co., VA
…………………… 5 Sallie Drinkard b: in Campbell Co., VA
…………………… 5 Samuel William Drinkard b: in Campbell Co., VA
…………………… 5 Walter Preston Drinkard b: in Campbell Co., VA
…………………4 John Drinkard
…………………4 David Drinkard b: 1825 d: 1897
…………………….+Nancy Jane Thomas
………………………5 Annie Elizabeth Drinkard
………………………….+William Edward Inge
……………………… 5 Booker Henderson Drinkard
……………………….5 Charles William Drinkard
……………………….5 Edward “Glover” Drinkard d: Abt. 1930
…………………………….+Rosa Cardwell
………………………………6 Cabel Drinkard
………………………………6 Cleveland Drinkard
………………………………6 Edna Drinkard
………………………………6 Edward “Hubert” Drinkard d: Abt. 1930
………………………………6 Estelle Drinkard
………………………………6 Howard Drinkard
………………………………6 Les Drinkard
………………………………6 Vergie Drinkard
……………………….5 Eliza Francis Drinkard
……………………….5 James Matthew Drinkard
……………………….5 John “Letcher” Drinkard
……………………….5 Laura Drinkard
…………………4 William Drinkard b: 1826 in Appomattox Co., VA d: 30 Aug 1914 in Appomattox Co., VA
………………………+Mary Jane Moore b: Abt. 1836 in Campbell Co., VA m: Abt. 1846 d: 17 Jan 1889 in Appomattox Co., VA
………………………..5 Virginia Willis Drinkard b: 20 Sep 1863 in Appomattox Co., VA d: 09 May 1937 in Appomattox Co., VA
……………………………+Chesley Melvin Stratton b: 13 Aug 1858 in Appomattox Co., VA m: 18 Dec 1886 d: 05 Jul 1937 in Buckingham Co., VA
……………………………..6 Bessie Drinkard Stratton b: 26 Jul 1896 in Appomattox Co., VA d: 25 Jan 1944 in Appomattox Co., VA
………..3 Francis Drinkard Sr. b: Bet. 1760 – 1765 in Amelia County, VA d: Feb 1841 in Halifax County, VA
…………….+Martha Fleming b: Abt. 1770 in prob Halifax County, VA m: 25 Jul 1791 in Prince Edward County, VA d: Bef. 01 Oct 1833 in prob Halifax County, VA
…………………4 Beverly C. Drinkard d: Bef. Jan 1845
…………………….+Hilda Fleming m: 06 Aug 1834 in Halifax Co., Virginia
…………………4 Martha Elizabeth Drinkard
………………………+Holcomb Bailey
……………………….5 Francis Bailey
……………………….5 Henry Bailey
……………………….5 James Bailey
……………………….5 Martha Bailey
……………………….5 Mary Bailey
…………………4 Nancy Drinkard
……………………..+Osborne Meadows
…………………4 Francis Drinkard Jr. b: 22 Feb 1800 in Halifax County, VA d: 1827
……………………..+Rebekah Cunningham b: 14 Jul 1800 m: 13 Sep 1821 in Prince Edward Co., VA d: 30 Aug 1907
……………………….5 Martha Jane Drinkard b: 20 Jun 1822
…………………………..+Edward Watkins m: 06 Feb 1839
……………………….5 John Newton Drinkard b: 20 Jan 1824 d: 28 Apr 1865 in Point Lookout, Maryland

…………………………..+Amanda Jane Elnora Gilliam b: 21 Oct 1827 in Sept 6, 1885 m: 04 Jul 1849 in Prince Edward County, VA
……………………………..6 Taylor Brooks Drinkard, b. 2 Dec 1857 in Prince Edward Co., Virginia; d. 20 Feb 1940 in Bristol, Bristol City, Virginia
……………………………..6 Alice Newton Drinkard b: 13 Aug 1855 d: 16 Sep 1933
………………………………….+John William Harwood b: 26 Apr 1844 in London, England m: 01 Feb 1880 d: 09 Apr 1909 in Virginia
………………………..5 Nannie F. Drinkard b: 28 Nov 1825
………………………..5 William Francis Drinkard b: Aft. 22 Nov 1825 in Prince Edward Co., VA d: 1898
…………………………….+Mary Jane Ellerson b: 1831 m: 07 Jun 1850 d: 07 Jun 1950
……………………………..6 Ida Rebecca Drinkard b: 1853
………………………………6 Sarah Elizabeth Drinkard b: 1856
………………………………6 Fannie Amanda Drinkard b: 1858
………………………………6 William Francis Drinkard b: 1861 d: 1925
………………………………….+Annie Fannie Drew m: 14 Nov 1899 d: 1927
………………………………6 John Henry Drinkard b: 1864 d: 1864
………………………………6 Mary Annie Drinkard b: 1866 d: 1939
……………………….5 Samuel Branch Drinkard b: 1827
………………..4 John S. Drinkard b: 08 Apr 1809 in Prince Edward Co, Virginia d: Bef. 16 Nov 1839 in Probably Callaway Co., MO
……………………+Nancy Tatum b: Bet. 1804 – 1806 in Virginia m: 13 Nov 1827 in Charlotte County, Virginia d: 03 Mar 1874 in Calloway County, MO
……………………….5 Emeline Drinkard
……………………….5 James Drinkard
……………………….5 John N. Drinkard
……………………….5 Martha Drinkard
……………………………+Edward Watkins
……………………….5 Samuel B. Drinkard
……………………….5 William Francis Drinkard
……………………….5 Benjamin Jarman Drinkard b: 24 May 1837 in Callaway County, MO d: 04 Oct 1883 in Callaway County, MO
……………………………+Mary Jane Hughes b: 14 Mar 1835 in VA or MO m: 29 Mar 1855 d: 04 Apr 1921 in Cedar City, Callaway County, MO
……………………………..6 James John Drinkard b: 02 Jun 1867 in Callaway County, MO d: 22 Feb 1949 in Fulton, MO
…………………………………+Etta Percilla Bell
……………………*2nd Wife of James John Drinkard:
…………………..+Annie Lee Moore b: 04 Aug 1873 in Callaway County, MO m: 22 Dec 1894 in Cole County, MO d: 06 Jun 1897 in Holts Summit, MO
………………..4 Branch Robertson Drinkard b: 14 Jun 1813 in Prince Edward Co., VA d: 29 Feb 1888 in Graves Co., KY
………………….+Tabitha Elizabeth Baynham m: 23 Dec 1833 in Halifax Co., Virginia
………………………..5 Eddie Bascom Drinkard
……………………………..6 [2] Claude Drinkard
……………………………….+[1] Audye Henley
…………………………5 Viola Drinkard
……………………………..+Robert Henley
………………………………6 [1] Audye Henley
………………………………..+[2] Claude Drinkard
…………… *2nd Wife of Francis Drinkard Sr.:
…………………+Mary (Polly) Roland m: 06 Dec 1833 in Charlotte Co., VA d: Aft. 1841
………..3 William Drinkard b: Abt. 1764 in Halifax Co., VA
……………..+Nancy Stanley
………………..4 Mary Catherine Drinkard b: in South Carolina
…………………….+William M. Sutherland
………..3 James Drinkard b: 1770 in Buckingham Co., VA d: 1862 in Buckingham Co., VA*
*NOTE: The following info came from Richard C. Sheridan in Sept., 2011.
The death date of James Drinkard given in several web postings (and above) as 1862 in Wilson County, TN is wrong. My research suggests that he died between 1810 and 1820 in Buckingham County, VA. He and family are in 1810 census but not 1820. Wife and daughter sold the farm in 1822. In 1840s, wife Dicie is apparently a widow as only she and not James are listed as heir of her father Joseph Owen’s estate. She lived in Wilson County Tennessee listed alone in 1850 and 1860 censuses, and may have died about 1862 in that county (but no record has been found). I am a descendant of James Drinkard and his wife Dicie through their daughter Charlotte Drinkard Williamson (wife of Zachariah Williamson). | |
……………+Dicey Owen m: 19 Oct 1797 in Halifax Co., Virginia
…………3 Elizabeth Drinkard b: Abt. 1780
…………….+Phillip Hawkins b: Abt. 1775 m: 03 Aug 1802 in Halifax Co., Virginia
….2 Francis Drinkard b: Abt. 1731 in Charles City County, VA d: Abt. 1751 in Prob. Prince Edward Co., VA
………+Ann Stanley b: 1731 Dinwiddle County, Virginia m: Abt. 1751 Prince Edward County, Virginia d: Prince Edward Co., Virginia
………….3 Archibald Drinkard
………….3 William Drinkard
………….3 Francis Drinkard Jr. b: Abt. 1752 in Amelia County, Virginia d: Bef. 1817 in Prob. Madison County, KY
………………+Mrs. Eliza Clark
…………… *2nd Wife of Francis Drinkard Jr.:
………………+Lucretia Maxey d: 1837
…………… *3rd Wife of Francis Drinkard Jr.:
……………….+Nancy McDowell b: Abt. 1752 m: Abt. 1772 in VA, NC d: in Kentucky
………………..4 Nancy Drinkard
……………………+William Thompson b: 22 Jun 1767 Bedford Co., VA m: 18 May 1790 Madison Co., KY
………………………..5 ? Thompson
………………………..5 ? Thompson
………………………..5 ? Thompson
………………………..5 ? Thompson
………………………..5 Cynthia Thompson
…………………………….+Fergus German m: 1825
…………………………5 Jane Thompson
……………………………..+James Lingo m: in Campbell Co., KY
…………………………5 Lucinda Thompson
……………………………..+William Beagle m: 1831
…………………………5 Mary Thompson
…………………………….+Thomas Beagle
…………………………5 Nancy Thompson
……………………………..+Robert Ware m: 1812 in Campbell Co., KY
………………………….5 Sarah Thompson
………………………………+Benjamin Morre m: 1830 in Pendleton Co., KY
………………………….5 William Thompson
………………………………+Nancy Petty m: 21 Sep 1819
………………………….5 Keturah Thompson b: 1813 Campbell Co., KY d: 09 Jun 1885 in Howell Co., MO
………………………………+Robert William Shaw m: 14 Jun 1832 in Campbell Co., KY
…………………………………6 Martha Ann Shaw
………………………………………+William Marion Byrd m: 27 Aug 1862
………………………………..6 William Thomas Lafayette Shaw d: 12 Oct 1866 in Campbell Co., KY
……………………………………..+Ella Virginia West
………………………………..6 Thomas T. Shaw b: 1842
………………………………..6 John P. Shaw b: 1848
………………………………..6 Benjamin A. Shaw b: 1851 d: 12 Oct 1867
……………………………….. 6 Mary Jane Shaw b: 03 Feb 1854
……………………………………..+Walter Rand Rouse m: 03 Feb 1876
…………………………………6 Sarah F. Shaw b: 1856
……………………………………..+Emmett E. Grant m: 19 Sep 1880
………………..4 William Drinkard b: 1773 in VA d: 1853 in MO
…………………….+Sarah “Sally” Finnel b: Abt. 1775 in Virginia m: 15 Nov 1792 in Madison Co., KY d: Aft. 1840
…………………………5 Francis (Frank) Drinkard b: Abt. 1793 in Kentucky d: 20 Aug 1825
…………………………….+Susannah Finnell b: Abt. 1797 m: 04 Oct 1815 in Garrard Co., KY
…………………………………6 William Drinkard b: 1816
…………………………………6 Beverly Frank Drinkard b: 1818 d: 1850
……………………………………..+Lucretia Freeman m: 1840
…………………………………6 Sally Drinkard b: 1820
…………………………………6 Eliza Drinkard b: 1822
………………………….5 John Drinkard b: Abt. 1795 in Madison Co., Kentucky d: Abt. 1840
………………………….5 William Drinkard Jr. b: 1797 in Madison Co., Kentucky d: 1840 in Garrard Co., KY
……………………………..+Nancy Jane Finnell b: 1805 in Garrard Co., Kentucky m: 02 Aug 1824 in Garrard Co., KY d: 18 Apr 1878 in Macon Co, Missouri
…………………………………6 Samantha Drinkard b: 1824 d: 25 Jul 1896
…………………………………6 Nancy Jane Drinkard b: 1827 d: 10 Mar 1897
…………………………………6 James Frank Drinkard b: 1828 d: 1849 in Plains on way West
…………………………………6 Edna Drinkard b: 10 Feb 1831 d: 16 Feb 1917
……………………………………..+Joseph Montgomery m: 11 Apr 1850
…………………………..5 James Ervin Drinkard b: Abt. 1800 in Kentucky d: Bef. 11 Jan 1844
………………………………+Ann McHargue

…………………………………6 Joseph H. Drinkard b: Dec. 1841 Howard Co., Missouri
…………………………………6 Ervin Drinkard b: Abt. 1824
…………………………………6 Abner (Dick) Drinkard b: 01 Feb 1826 in Glasgow, Howard Co., Missouri
……………………………………..+Effie Matson m: 1842 d: 1843
…………………………………….*2nd Wife of Abner (Dick) Drinkard:
……………………………………..+Caroline E. Clark b: 28 Oct 1825 in Iowa m: 28 Oct 1845 d: 26 Sep 1905 in Trenton, Grundy Co., Missouri
………………………………. 6 Mary H. Drinkard b. Sep 1, 1838 Howard Co., Missouri; d. 1 Jan 1861 in Grundy Co., MO
………………………………. 6 James Ervin (Irvine) Drinkard, b. 1 Feb 1826 in Howard Co., MO; d. 1860 Grundy Co., Missouri
……………………………… 6 Francis Drinkard b. 16 Apr 1843 Grundy Co., MO; d. 23 Oct 1843 in Grundy Co., MO
……………………………… 6 William Drinkard b. 3 Apr 1835 Chariton Co., MO; m. 15 Oct 1854 Grundy Co., MO; d. 2 Sep 1887 Rowland, Linn Co., Oregon
+ Martha Ann Wilson

“Mr. & Mrs. William Drinkard migrated westward from Grundy Co., Missouri, in 1865. Thre were four children then: Oscar, Quincy, Flora Bell, and Joseph. Our folks went in a horse-drawn wagon train of 100 wagons. We were six months on the trail. I can recall many incidents on the trip, as I was five years old when we left on the journey. We finally landed real estate of what is now Brownsville, Linn County, Oregon, on a farm owned by my father’s uncle James McCarg. We flouished n Oregon. By the time I was married, there were eleven children in our family.”
…………………………….. 6 Sarah E. Drinkard, b. 17 Sep 1836 Grundy Co., MO; d. 29 Aug 1870 Linn, Oregon
…………………………..5 Killis Drinkard b: Abt. 1802 in Garrard Co., KY d: 1826 in Missouri
…………………………..5 Patsy Drinkard b: Abt. 1804 in Garrard Co., KY d: Abt. 1826
…………………………..5 George W. Drinkard b: Abt. 1806 in Garrard Co., KY d: in Grundy Co., MO
………………………………+Juliann “July” B. Finnell b: 31 Jul 1830 in Boone Co., KY m: 08 Apr 1847 in Boone Co., KY
…………………………………6 Virginia Drinkard b: 1847 in Kentucky
…………………………..5 Harrison Drinkard b: Abt. 1808 in Kentucky d: Abt. 1850 in Missouri
…………………………..5 Stephen Drinkard b: 1812 in KY d: Mar 1838 in MO
………………………………+Minerva Elizabeth “Mary” Collett b: 1816 d: 1853
…………………………………6 George Washington Drinkard b: 1834 d: 1910
………………………………….+Mary Ellender Edwards b: 1842 d: 1900
…………………………………6 Stephen Drinkard b: 13 Jul 1838
…………………………………..+Amanda Elizabeth Halliburton m: 29 Oct 1858 in Randolph Co.
………………..4 Abner “Dick” Drinkard b: Abt. 1775 in Virginia d: Abt. 1840 in Trenton, Grundy Co., Missouri
………………..4 Tabitha Stanley Drinkard b: Abt. 1775 in Halifax County, VA d: 07 Jan 1841 in Madison/Ohio County, Kentucky
…………………..+Samuel Arbuckle b: 1775 in Prince Edward Co., VA m: 02 Jan 1794 in Madison County, Kentucky d: Bef. 1821 in Ohio/Garrard County, KY
…………………………..5 Stanley Arbuckle b: 04 May 1798 in Crab Orchard, Lincoln County, KY d: 29 Jul 1846 in Livingston Co., Missouri
…………………………….+Clarissa “Clara” Dockery b: 04 Feb 1802 m: 10 Jan 1820 in Garrard County, KY d: 21 Feb 1879
…………………………………6 Alexander Arbuckle
…………………………………6 George W. Arbuckle
…………………………………6 John Arbuckle
…………………………………6 Patsey Arbuckle
…………………………………6 Tabetha Arbuckle
…………………………………6 William O. Arbuckle
…………………………………6 Logan Saulsbury Arbuckle b: 29 Aug 1846 in Livingston Co., Missouri d: Abt. 1906
…………………………………….+Idella Atcheson b: 11 Jul 1851 d: 1931
…………………………………… *2nd Wife of Logan Saulsbury Arbuckle:
……………………………………..+Sarah E. Lewis b: 23 Jan 1848 in Virginia m: 15 Apr 1869 d: 26 Mar 1889
…………………………………… *3rd Wife of Logan Saulsbury Arbuckle:
………………………………………+Susan Catherine Hayden b: 12 May 1853 m: 03 Jan 1890 d: 13 Jun 1901
………………………….5 Francis Arbuckle b: 1801 in Garrard Co., KY d: 1833 in Indiana
…………………………….+Elizabeth Sebastian b: in Garrard County, Kentucky m: 27 Oct 1823 in Garrard Co., KY d: 1833 in Indiana
………………………………….6 Robert Arbuckle
………………………………….6 Tabitha Arbuckle
………………………………….6 [4] John Wesley Arbuckle b: 11 Aug 1824 in Ohio Co., KY d: 25 Feb 1892 in Butler Co., KY
……………………………………+Lucy McMillan b: 01 Dec 1831 in Garrard Co., KY d: 10 Mar 1875 in Butler Co., Kentucky
…………………………………… *2nd Wife of [4] John Wesley Arbuckle:
……………………………………..+[3] Nancy Ellen Warren b: 28 Sep 1839 in Jolly Austin Place, Butler County. KY m: 16 Jun 1877 d: 03 Feb 1912 in Butler Co., KY
………………………………….6 William Arbuckle b: 1826 d: 1870
………………………………….6 Martha Arbuckle b: 1828
………………………………….6 Samuel Arbuckle b: 1830 d: 1839
…………………………5 Drinkard Arbuckle b: 07 May 1803 Kentucky d: 14 May 1863 Butler Co., Kentucky
……………………………+Lucretia Maxey d: Abt. 1839
…………………………………..6 Milton Layton Arbuckle b: Abt. 1827 in Garrard Co., KY
…………………………………..6 Peter Maxey Arbuckle b: Abt. 1828 in Garrard Co., KY
…………………………………..6 Nathaniel Francis Arbuckle b: 13 Sep 1829 in Garrard Co., KY d: 1915
……………………………………..Sarah Ann “Sallie” James b: 15 Nov 1831 in Ohio Co., KY m: 04 Sep 1858 d: 12 Jan 1913 in Weir, Kansas
…………………………………..6 Mary Jane Arbuckle b: Abt. 1832
…………………………………..6 Lucinda Arbuckle b: Aug 1832 Garrard Co., KY d: Aug 1901 Butler Co., KY
……………………………………..+William L. James b: 20 Jun 1819 m: 20 Jun 1846 in Butler Co., Kentucky d: 25 Jul 1899 in Warren’s Mill, Kentucky
…………………………………..6 Judith Arbuckle b: Abt. 1833 in Butler Co., KY
……………………………………..+Levi Plummer b: Abt. 1818 m: 13 May 1858
…………………………………..6 Logan Arbuckle b: Abt. 1835
…………………………… *2nd Wife of Drinkard Arbuckle:
………………………………. +Eliza James b: 08 Sep 1809 in KY m: 17 Jun 1841 in Butler Co., Kentucky d: 08 Jan 1866 in Butler Co., Kentucky
……………………………………6 Eudora S. Arbuckle b: 1842 in Butler Co., KY d: 01 Apr 1858 in Butler Co., KY
……………………………………6 Joseph Alfred Arbuckle b: Abt. 1844
……………………………………6 William Curran Arbuckle b: 21 Jan 1844 in Butler Co., KY d: 11 Nov 1917 in Ohio Co., KY
……………………………………..+Eliza J. Hodges b: 13 Dec 1848 m: 07 Sep 1866 d: 04 Apr 1885 in Green River, KY
…………………………………… *2nd Wife of William Curran Arbuckle:
……………………………………….+Narcissa L. Hodges b: Abt. 1841 m: 31 Dec 1885
……………………………………6 James Drinkard Arbuckle b: May 1848 in Butler Co., KY
………………………………………+Sarah M. Ranney b: 1854 m: 25 Dec 1871
…………………………………… *2nd Wife of James Drinkard Arbuckle:
……………………………………….+Virginia Miller b: Abt. 1859 m: 25 Sep 1884
…………………………………… 6 Volney James Arbuckle b: 04 Feb 1851 in Butler Co., KY d: 26 Dec 1897 in Ohio Co., KY
……………………………………….+Idella Atchison b: 1852 d: 1931
…………………………5 Martha “Patsy” Arbuckle b: Dec 1812 in Garrard County, KY d: 15 Sep 1846 in Butler County, KY
…………………………..+Arthur Warren b: 28 Oct 1810 in Buckeye, Garrard County, KY m: 19 Dec 1831 in Garrard County d: 14 Jul 1895 in Warren’s Mill, Butler County, KY
…………………………………… 6 Elizabeth L. Warren b: 31 Oct 1832 in Garrard County, KY d: 12 Nov 1852 in Warren’s Mill, Butler County, KY
………………………………………+Elvis G. Bryzendine b: Abt. 1827 in Tennessee m: 12 Jul 1849 in Sumner County, TN
…………………………………… 6 Samuel Francis Warren b: 07 Aug 1835 in Garrard Co., KY d: 08 Dec 1911 in Warren’s Mill, Butler Co., KY
……………………………………….+Evelyn Hobdy b: 28 Jan 1846 in Ohio Co., KY m: 04 Feb 1863 in Corning, Clay Co., AR d: 16 Apr 1938 in McHenry, Ohio Co. KY
…………………………………… 6 Liberty Smith Warren b: 25 Oct 1836 in Garrard County, KY d: 25 Feb 1875 in Kentucky
………………………………………+Hanah Allen m: 22 Jan 1861 in Randolph County, Arkansas
…………………………………… 6 [3] Nancy Ellen Warren b: 28 Sep 1839 in Jolly Austin Place, Butler County. KY d: 03 Feb 1912 in Butler Co., KY
……………………………………….+Nathaniel Gulley m: 05 Oct 1857 in Butler Co., Kentucky
…………………………………… *2nd Husband of [3] Nancy Ellen Warren:
……………………………………….+[4] John Wesley Arbuckle b: 11 Aug 1824 in Ohio Co., KY m: 16 Jun 1877 d: 25 Feb 1892 in Butler Co., KY
…………………………………… 6 Wiliam Henry Harrison Warren b: 25 Nov 1841 in Morgantown, Butler County, KY d: 12 Sep 1846 in Butler County, KY
…………………………………… 6 John Logan Warren b: 11 May 1844 in Mattoon, Coles County, Illinois d: 05 Oct 1905 in Warren’s Mill, Butler County, KY
……………………………………….+Burilla Carolyn James b: 31 Aug 1846 in Ohio County, KY m: 01 Nov 1866 in Butler County d: 01 Jan 1920
……………………………5 Logan Arbuckle b: 1815 d: 1895
……………………………5 Mary “Polly” Arbuckle b: 1818 d: 1846
…………… 3 John Drinkard b: Abt. 1770 in Amelia, Dinwiddle, or P.E. Co. VA d: Bet. 1794 – 1796
……………….+Obedience Childress b: Abt. 1770 in VA m: 18 Nov 1790 in Prince Edward Co., VA d: Aft. 1840 in Lincoln Co., TN ?
………………….4 William Childress Drinkard b: Abt. 1791 in Prince Edward Co., VA d: 25 Oct 1829 in Lincoln Co., TN
……………………….+Jane Tatum b: 14 Dec 1803 in North Carolina m: 06 Mar 1823 in Lincoln Co., TN d: 10 Sep 1878 in Gadsden, Crockett Co., TN
……………………………5 Eliza L. Drinkard b: 1824 in Lincoln Co., TN
……………………………5 Harriet Drinkard b: 1825 in Lincoln Co., TN
……………………………5 Francis Perry Drinkard b: 26 Apr 1827 in Lincoln Co., TN
……………………………5 Helen M. Drinkard b: 1829 d: 1900 in Crockett Co., TN
……………………………….+Albion P. Davis m: 02 Apr 1846 in Lincoln Co., TN
……………………4 Francis Drinkard b: Abt. 1793
……………………4 Mourning Drinkard b: Abt. 1795
………………………. +John Elliott b: Abt. 1788 m: 25 Jan 1816 in Williamson Co., TN
….2 William Rollerson Drinkard b: Abt. 1750 in England ? d: 16 May 1805 in Williamsburg, Charles City Co., Virginia (TAVERN OWNER IN WILLIAMSBURG. See above)

…….+Mary Polly Cocke Willcox b: 02 Nov 1762 in Charles City Co., VA m: Bef. 1776 in Charles City Co., Virginia d: 17 Sep 1846
……………3 Agnes F. Drinkard
………………+Phillip Coatney m: Jan 1799 in Williamsburg, VA
……………………4 ? Coatney
……………………4 ? Coatney
……………………4 ? Coatney
……………………4 ? Coatney
……………………4 ? Coatney
……………………4 ? Coatney
……………………4 ? Coatney
…………… 3 Betsy Drinkard
…………… 3 David Drinkard
……………….+Susannah C. Kendrick m: 11 Jan 1810 in Henrico County, VA
……………………4 George H. Drinkard b: 1822
………………………. +Sarah J. Crews
……………………4 Lemira Drinkard b: 1825
………………………. +Kaleb W. Watts
……………………4 Mildred Drinkard b: 1833 in Albemarle County
………………………. +Philip Peters
……………………4 Martha A. Drinkard b: 1840 in Albemarle County
……………………….+Martin W. Painter
…………… 3 George Drinkard
…………… 3 Joseph Drinkard
…………… 3 Mary B. Drinkard
……………….+? Harwood
…………… 3 Mary Polly Cocke Drinkard
……………….+George W. Stainback
……………………4 Rebecca E. Stainback
…………… 3 Nancy Drinkard
……………….+? Allen
…………… 3 William H. Drinkard
………………..+Frances E. Pace m: 07 Oct 1841 in Albermarle County, VA
……………………4 Texana Drinkard b: 1844 in Albemarle County
……………………….+P. H. Robertson
……………………4 William H. (Jr.) Drinkard b: 1847 in Bedford County, VA d: 1915
………………………. +Virginia Engart m: 21 Feb 1872 in Botetourt County, VA
……………………………5 Rossie M. Drinkard b: 1875
……………………………….+Berkeley Paine m: 16 Oct 1894
……………………………5 James A. Drinkard b: 1877 d: 1933
……………………………….+Lottie Berry
……………………………5 Albert A. Drinkard b: 1884
…………… 3 Beverly Drinkard b: 17 Jan 1793 in Charles City County, VA d: 01 Dec 1875 in Petersburg, Dinwiddie Co., VA
……………….+Elizabeth Ann Firth Cosby b: Abt. 1791 in VA m: 01 Feb 1817 in Petersburg, Dinwiddie Co., VA ? d: 27 Nov 1864 in Petersburg, Dinwiddie Co., VA
……………………4 William Rollerson Drinkard b: 01 Mar 1818
………………………. +Mary Frances Martin m: 15 Dec 1841
……………………4 Mary Susan Drinkard b: 13 Sep 1820 d: 21 Mar 1824
……………………4 Elizabeth Leigh Drinkard b: 22 Jul 1823 d: 20 May 1909
………………………. +Nathaniel Cole Harrison m: 28 Feb 1843
……………………4 Charles Beverly Drinkard b: 23 Feb 1826 in Petersburg, Dinwiddie Co., VA d: 10 Oct 1912 in Childress, TX
……………………….+Zoradia Ann Bruce b: Abt. 1841 in Mississippi m: 10 May 1860 in Ft. Smith, Arkansas d: 05 Apr 1878 in Lamar Co., Texas
……………………………5 Thomas Beverly Drinkard b: 01 Jan 1865 in Lamar Co., Texas d: 10 Jul 1946 in Childress, TX
……………………………….+Elizabeth Gillie Ballard b: 16 Sep 1873 in Coryell Co., TX m: 17 Jun 1888 in Concho Co., TX d: 02 Oct 1961 in Eden, Concho Co., TX
…………………………………… 6 Tom William Drinkard
…………………………………… 6 Betty Llewellyn Drinkard b: 22 Jul 1914 in Eden, Concho Co., TX d: 09 Dec 1998 in Eden, Concho Co., TX
………………………………………+Edgar Carl Spiser b: 31 May 1913 in Old Glory, Stonewall Co. TX m: 05 May 1934 in Tom Green Co., TX d: 07 May 1981 in San Angelo, Tom Green Co., TX
……………………4 Spotswood Drinkard b: 16 Dec 1828 d: 09 Oct 1862
……………………4 John Bragg Drinkard b: 17 Nov 1831 d: 12 Aug 1869
……………………….+Louisa Winston
……………………4 Virginia Ann Drinkard b: 06 Oct 1833 d: 17 Feb 1897 in Danville
……………………4 Thomas Edward Drinkard b: 1836 d: 1903
……………………4 Henry Harrison Drinkard b: 1840 d: 1878
……………*2nd Wife of Beverly Drinkard:
……………….+Jane Ellyson m: 02 Nov 1865 in Petersburg, VA
…… *2nd Wife of William Rollerson Drinkard:
……………….+Amy Marable b: Bef. 1760 in Charles City Co., VA m: Bef. 1776 in Charles City Co., VA d: Bef. 1796 in Charles City Co., VA
My direct line down from William Drinkard, Sr., is below:
1 William Drinkard b: Abt. 1705 in Probably England d: Aft. 1778 in Charles City Co., VA
..+Mary Thompson b: Abt. 1706 in Charles City Co., Virginia m: 1730 in VA d: 14 Aug 1771 in Charles City Co., Virginia
….2 Francis Drinkard b: Abt. 1731 in Charles City Co., VA d: Abt. 1751 in Prob. Prince Edward Co., VA
……+Ann Stanley b: Abt. Mar 1731/32 in Dinwiddle County, Virginia m: Abt. 1751 in Prince Edward Co., Virginia d: in Virginia
……3 Francis Jr. Drinkard b: Abt. 1752 in Amelia Co., Virginia d: Bef. 1817 in Prob. Madison Co., KY
……+Nancy McDowell b: Abt. 1752 m: Abt. 1772 in VA, NC d: in Kentucky
……….4 Tabitha Stanley Drinkard * b: Abt. 1775 in Halifax Co., VA d: 07 Jan 1841 in Madison/Ohio Co., Kentucky
…………+Samuel Arbuckle b: 1775 in Prince Edward Co., VA m: 02 Jan 1794 in Madison Co., KY d: Bef. 1821 in Ohio/Garrard Co., KY
…………..5 Martha “Patsy” Arbuckle b: Dec 1812 in Garrard Co, KY d: 15 Sep 1846 in Butler Co., KY
…………….+Arthur Warren b: 28 Oct 1810 in Buckeye, Garrard Co., KY m: 19 Dec 1831 in Garrard Co., KY d: 14 Jul 1895 in Warren’s Mill, Butler Co., KY
……………….6 Samuel Francis Warren b: 07 Aug 1834 in Garrard or Butler Co., KY d: 09 Dec 1911 in Warren’s Mill, Butler Co., KY
………………..+Evelyn Hobdy b: 28 Jan 1846 in Ohio Co., KY m: 04 Feb 1863 in Corning, Clay Co., AR d: 16 Apr 1938 in McHenry, Ohio Co. KY
………………….7 Alexander Arthur Warren b: 16 Apr 1868 in Butler Co., KY d: 15 Nov 1947 in Jacksonville, IL
……………………+Martha A. Short b: Abt. 20 Feb 1874 in Missouri m: 02 Jan 1894 in Greene Co., IL d: 04 Feb 1899 in Warren’s Mill, Butler Co., Kentucky
……………………… 8 Catherine Evelyn Warren b: 12 Jan 1895 in Warren’s Mill, Butler Co., Kentucky d: 07 Oct 1983 in St. Louis, MO
………………………….+Ora Ezrah Hatfield b: 08 Dec 1897 in Elsberry, Lincoln Co., Missouri m: 10 Apr 1917 in Alton, Madison Co., IL d: 14 Mar 1944 in San Francisco, CA
…………………………….. 9 Edsel Arthur Hatfield b: 02 Jan 1919 in East Alton, Madison Co., IL d: 05 Jul 2007 in St. Louis City, Missouri
……………………………….+Jessie Louise Whitelaw b: 19 Apr 1921 in St. Louis, MO m: 10 Oct 1942 in Camp Robinson, Pulaski Co., Arkansas d: 26 Feb 1991 in St. Louis Co., MO
………………………………….10 Elaine Marie Hatfield ME
[email protected] To subscribe to the list, send the words “subscribe” (without the quotes) as the only text in the body of a message to [email protected] (mail mode) and [email protected] (digest mode).
See all the Drinkards on my Ancestry.com website entitled Hatfield-Whitelaw/Powell-Knight
I will be adding more information and documents to this webpage.
Elaine Powell
Email me at [email protected]
Updated 31 October 2022
You have done an excellent job with our Drinkard family. Keep up the good work. We appreciate you.
I enjoyed your site and found it to be a good source of information. I am related to drinkards through my Grandmother’s Family. She, Carrie Zorado Drinkard, daughter of Beverly Drinkard.
Still researching the family as much as possible to establish as much information on the lines as possible, an further to try and locate the source of a family story about Indian bloood.
Thank you again, and Seasons Greetings!
Pat Purcell
I found your website very helpful on finding my family genealogy. My Drinkard lineage starts with William Drinkard.
Sorry I accidently submitted without giving my lineage.
1. William Drinkard m. Mary Thompson
2. John Drinkard Sr. m. Ann Wilkerson
3. Archibald Drinkard m. Judith Pendleton
4. Elizabeth Drinkard m. James Layne
5. Emma Haskins Layne m. John Dabney Stepp
6. Daniel Cleveland Steppe m. Lizzie Bailey
7. Walter Clyde Steppe m. Harriet Irene Helsel
8. Danny Eugene Steppe m. Diana Hurst
9. Dana (Steppe) Hart
Thanks again for your website. It was very helpful!
Has anyone found where the three brothers came from in Scotland?
My father Jack Drinkard was born in Cullman Co. Al. most of which is a German community. My grandfather was Sam Drinkard we always thought and were told that they were of German decent as most of the people in that area are. If you have any information on this branch of the Drinkard family I would appreciate your reply.
Thank you
Shirley Drinkard Bowman
Hi Shirley,
I’m sorry I do not have any information on your Drinkard family. You would have to go back at least two more generations before I could possibly help you. All the early info on my Drinkard family came from the Drinkard family book written in 1946. Our Drinkard family is believe to have emmigrated from Scotland.
Elaine Powell
me >
father James Sproule Drinkard >
his father Albert Arlington Drinkard (b: 7 Feb 1884 / he died when I
was 2 but my older sister remembers him)married Ada Tom Cecil
21 Feb 1921 (personally knew her)>
his father William H Drinkard Jr (b: Sep 1846) married Virginia
Engart 21 Feb 1872 (from Engart Family Bible) with children
Rossie (my mother remembers stories about “Aunt Rossie”,
James, William, Albert > (have pics of headstones from family
cemetary in Buchanan, VA where they grew up)
his father William H Drinkard (b:abt 1819) married Frances E. Pace 7 Oct 1841 with children James, Texana, William Jr
Then according to the June 1, 1860 Fincastle, Botetourt, Va Census:
his father William M(?Morlan) Drinkard (b:1797) head of household with female Frances age 38 / male James 18 / female Texana 16 / male William 14
were there any african americans that was affiliated with the drinkard family? i ask because its not a common last name
I found this to be very helpfull in finding out more about my family history. I like the three brothers part because I’m one of three Drinkard brothers. Thanks
I found your information to be so helpful and can trace lineage back for Francis Drinkard’s brother James Ervine Drinkard. I found conflicting dates for a few of his children and the marriage of his son Abner. I really appreciate you taking the time to do this, and I intend on showing it to my Great Aunt who may remember some of these great people!!!
Thank you
In looking around, I found the following … let me know what you think!
James Ervin Drinkard married to Anna McHargue had seven children: James Ervine, Sarah E, Abner, William, Francis, Mary H., and Joseph Harrison.
His son Judge Abner Drinkard was born Feb 1 1826. He married his second wife Caroline E. Clark on 7/4/1847 (according Aunt Polly 🙂 ) I found that they had 5 children: Mary J. William E., John W. James Milton, and Sophrona “Fronie”.
Judge Abner and Caroline’s son William Ervine Drinkard married Sarabelle Fleak Drinkard in approximately 1875. Their daughter Rella Martin Drinkard married my great great gandfather William Jacob Martin on 12/24/1895.
Let me know what you think… My Great Aunt Polly is not sure about the children of Sarabelle but believes she lived to be 102 years old. As of yet she has the following names connected to her: Oakie, Glen, Nell, Lois, Rella,
Thank you sooo much!!!
The death date of James Drinkard given in several web postings (and above) as 1862 in Wilson County, TN is wrong! My research suggests that he died between 1810 and 1820 in Buckingham County, VA. He and family are in 1810 census but not 1820. Wife and daughter sold the farm in 1822. In 1840s, wife Dicie is apparently a widow as only she and not James are listed as heir of her father Joseph Owen’s estate. She lived in Wilson County & listed alone in 1850 and 1860 censuses, and may have died about 1862 in that county (but no record has been found). I am a descendant of James & Dicie through their daughter Charlotte Drinkard Williamson (wife of Zachariah Williamson). Richard C. Sheridan
My name is Shirley Drinkard, my father was Jack Drinkard, he was born in Morgan County Al. I am trying to find out an information about this branch of the Drinkard family.
Hi Shirley,
I would need a lot more info to try to help you. If you can give me names with dates and locations of birth, marriage, and death for your Drinkard parents and grandparents then perhaps I can help you. Recent records are not available and the latest census is 1930, so that’s why we need to go back another generation.
This is my line…
1 William Drinkard b: Abt. 1705 in Probably England d: Aft. 1778 in Charles City County, VA
….+Mary Thompson b: Abt. 1706 in Charles City County, Virginia m: 1730 in VA d: 14 Aug 1771 in Charles City County, Virginia
……2 Francis Drinkard b: Abt. 1731 in Charles City County, VA d: Abt. 1751 in Prob. Prince Edward Co., VA
………+Ann Stanley b: 1731 in Dinwiddle County, Virginia m: Abt. 1751 in Prince Edward County, Virginia d: in Prince Edward Co., Virginia
………..3 Francis Drinkard Jr. b: Abt. 1752 in Amelia County, Virginia d: Bef. 1817 in Prob. Madison County, KY
………….+Nancy McDowell b: Abt. 1752 m: Abt. 1772 in VA, NC d: in Kentucky
……………4 Tabitha Stanley Drinkard b: Abt. 1775 Halifax County, VA d: 07 Jan 1841 in Madison/Ohio County, Kentucky
……………..+Samuel Arbuckle b: 1775 in Prince Edward Co., VA m: 02 Jan 1794 in Madison County, Kentucky d: Bef. 1821 in Ohio/Garrard County, KY
……………….5 Martha “Patsy” Arbuckle b: Dec 1812 in Garrard County, KY d: 15 Sep 1846 in Butler County, KY
………………..+Arthur Warren b: 28 Oct 1810 Garrard County, KY m: 19 Dec 1831 in Garrard County d: 14 Jul 1895 in Warren’s Mill, Butler County, KY
………………….6 Samuel Francis Warren b: 07 Aug 1835 in Garrard Co., KY d: 08 Dec 1911 in Warren’s Mill, Butler Co., KY
………………… +Evelyn Hobdy b: 28 Jan 1846 Ohio Co., KY m: 04 Feb 1863 in Corning, Clay Co., AR d: 16 Apr 1938 in McHenry, Ohio Co. KY
…………………… Alexander Arthur Warren b: 16 Apr 1868 in Butler Co., KY d: 15 Nov 1947 in Jacksonville, Morgan Co., IL
………………………+Martha A. Short b: 20 Feb 1874 MO m: 02 Jan 1894 in Greene Co., IL d: 04 Feb 1899 in Warren’s Mill, Butler Co., Kentucky
………………………. 8 Catherine Evelyn Warren b: 12 Jan 1895 in Warren’s Mill, Butler Co., Kentucky d: 07 Oct 1983 in St. Louis City, MO
………………………….+Ora Ezrah Hatfield b: 08 Dec 1897 Lincoln Co., MO m: 10 Apr 1917 Madison Co, IL d: 14 Mar 1944 San Francisco, CA
…………………………9 Edsel Arthur Hatfield b: 02 Jan 1919 in East Alton, Madison Co., IL d: 05 Jul 2007 in St. Louis City, Missouri
……………………………+Jessie Louise Whitelaw b: 19 Apr 1921 St. Louis, MO m: 10 Oct 1942 Pulaski Co, AR d: 26 Feb 1991 St. Louis County, MO
Please give me any info that you can in that format for as far back as you can go. Also, if you know your father’s siblings names and your grandfather Drinkard’s sibling’s names that would help also, especially with a common name.
I did find a Jack Drinkard, b. 1917 in Alabama, married to Mary Lee Drinkard. Daughter Shirley Faye Bowman of Huntsville (is that you?); two brothers: Paul Drinkard of Oden Ridge, and Bobby Drinkard of Eva; four sisters, Bertha Fuller, Etoy McDaniel, Desmer Finnegan, and Carolyn Drinkard. He died March 2, 1987. He was a veteran and worked at the Redstone Arsenal. If that is him, I can give you his enlistment records from WWII.
Let me know.
Elaine Powell
Do you have any other info that tells you that James did not die in Wilson Co., TN besides what you listed in your email?
I found two member trees on Ancestry that both list Dicey’s death place as Wilson Co., TN. I sent inquiries to those two people, but you might already have done that. I also saw your post on one of the sites I searched for info.
Your conclusion that James died in Virginia based on the facts that you state seem quite plausible. However, I can understand why the SAR won’t take just those facts as proof. Finding proof from the 19th century is sometimes quite difficult, especially for you because the Buckingham County courthouse was totally destroyed in 1869.
If you can get the book Genealogical Records of Buckingham County, Virginia from a local library or at
it might give you some more info. And if you ever get to Richmond, VA then perhaps you can find some info there in their county records in books and microfilms.
I changed my Drinkard website at https://www.theheritagelady.com/family-histories/drinkard-family-genealogy/
Let me know if you do find any more info on your Drinkard family. Good luck.
Elaine Powell
—–Original Message—–
From: Richard Sheridan
To: Elaine64
Sent: Mon, Sep 12, 2011 9:27 am
Subject: Re: “DRINKARD Family Genealogy ”
Hello, Elaine! Yes, of course, you can use my comment on James Drinkard. The Drinkard book lists him as a son of John but the SAR reviewers recently rejected my application for membership unless I can provide another reference to prove relationship (which I do not have).
Thanks for updating your Drinkard webpage.
Richard Sheridan
Sheffield, AL
Sent: Friday, June 24, 2011 2:02 PM
Subject: “DRINKARD Family Genealogy ”
You said “associated with the Drinkard family,” so I don’t know what you mean by that. I am not aware of any African American Drinkards. I do know that some of them owned slaves and there is always the possibility that a Drinkard man had a child with his African slave.
Do you know of any African American Drinkards?
Elaine Powell
From: Brandy Smith
To: Elaine64
Sent: Fri, Jun 24, 2011 6:02 pm
Subject: Re: “DRINKARD Family Genealogy ”
yes ma am,i am a Drinkard..my grandfather is Eugene Drinkard,and it’s like a whole bunch of Drinkards everywhere..The singer Whitney Houston is a Drinkard as well,she is a cousin of mine,her mothers maiden name is Drinkard,and alot of them are from Blakely,Ga,Newark,NJ,Athens,Ga,just to name few.. I was just wondering,cause as i stated before,it’s not a common last name and i was curious as to where they come from and wanted to know more about them..
June 27, 2011
Hi again Brandy,
Oh, yes. I do remember hearing something about being related to Whitney Houston but didn’t know the connection. I just did some research and found out a lot of information. A word document with a lot of information on Whitney Houston’s Drinkard ancestors is attached. You might already know a lot of this information.
If you look at the 3 census records, John is listed as black on the 1900 and 1920 census, but on the 1910 census he is listed as Mulatto. I still don’t know if there is a connection to my Drinkard family. I’ll do some more searching to see if I can find a connection. If I find something, I’ll let you know.
Elaine Powell
From: Brandy Smith
To: Elaine64
Date: Mon, Jun 27, 2011 5:33 pm
Hi Teri,
Thanks for contacting me. Was there some information you wanted to know about your Drinkard family? Your comment seemed to just end.
Dear Elaine,
Please help me. My father was a Drinkard though I’m not sure from what line. He passed a few years back from a motorcycle accident and I was his only child. I don’t know any information on my family name and in California where I live I have never heard of anyone with the same last name. All of my family on my Drinkard side lives in Texas if that’s helpful at all, although I don’t even know what my grandfathers name was. My dads name was Steven Dean Drinkard. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Hi Wysteria,
I will need some more information to see if I can help you. I will need the birthdate and place, wife’s name with marriage date and place, and his death date and place. If you have ANY info you your grandparents, please give me that also — even approximate dates and/or place of birth, marriage, and death, plus his wife’s name. Please send this info to me directly to my email address at [email protected]. I have a cousin who lives in California who is a Drinkard. She told me that there was a Drinkard family who migrated to Oregon in a wagon train. The conestoga wagon that they used is in the Linn Co. Historical Museum! Read the story at http://www.ruralite-digital.com/ruralite/201104_CPI?pg=4#pg4
So there were Drinkards on the west coast. I look forward to hearing from you.
My Grandmother was from Uvalda, Ga. Her maiden name was Drinkard. I was reading of Whitney Houstons father was related to a Drinkard from Blakely, GA. Any information on Drinkards from the state of Georgia.
Hi Ronald,
Is your grandmother black? It was not Whitney’s father but rather her mother who was a Drinkard. Whitney’s mother is Cissy Drinkard. Emily “Cissy” Drinkard is the daughter of Nicholas Drinkard (born 1895 in Georgia), and granddaughter of John Drinkard (born 1870 in Blakely, GA). Cissy states in her video biography that her Drinkard ancestors were of American Indian descent. That might be true, if the Drinkard name was originally different from Drinkard, which would not be uncommon. (One census record lists the surname as Drinkers.) My Drinkard family name is of European descent, either Scottish or English. My immigrant Drinkard ancestor, who was white, was born about 1705 in (probably) England. According to census records, all of Cissy’s known ancestors were black. Cissy Drinkard was a member of a singing group called The Sweet Inspirations along with Dee Warwick, the sister of Dionne Warwick. Cissy also performed with a group called The Drinkard Singers, which included Drinkard relatives. Whitney Houston and Dionne Warwick were first cousins.
If you would like me to try and find out more about your grandmother’s Drinkard family, please email me directly at [email protected].
I am in this lline of Drinkards are connected my Great Grandmother is Tinnie Lee Drinkard.
This side of the family is planning a Drinkard Reunion in September 2012 in Blakely GA we are African American Drinkards and descended from Cherokee and Dutch and have heard we had Scottish blood as well. I am so excited. It was because of Whitney’s death I began research my children knew we were family and they wanted to know how. Please contact me at (919) 523-4936.
I beleive this to be my lineage from ohn Drinkard Sr. my Great Grandmother Tinnie Drinkard. I have more details and we are planning a Family Reunion in Blakely GA where I believe the family began to mix, we are African American with Dutch, Cherokee and Scot descent. I an be reached at (919) 523-4936.
15. John4 Drinkard Jr. (John5) was born in Georgia May 1870.(16)
He married Susan Bell Fuller in Early Co., Georgia, 26 Dec 1891.(17) Susan was born in Georgia Dec 1876.(18)
John Drinkard Jr. and Susan Bell Fuller had the following children:
child 16 i. Arthur3 Drinkard was born in Georgia Aug 1893.(19)
child + 6 ii. Nicholas Drinkard was born Jun 1895.
child 17 iii. Sallie Drinkard was born in Georgia May 1897.(20)
child 18 iv. Joseph Drinkard was born in Georgia Aug 1899.(21)
child 19 v. Leona Drinkard was born in Georgia ca 1902.(22)
child 20 vi. Tinnie Drinkard was born in Georgia ca 1906.(23)
child 21 vii. Benj. Drinkard was born in Georgia ca 1908.(24)
child 22 viii. Ruby Lee Drinkard was born in Georgia ca 1909.(25)
child 23 ix. W. T. Drinkard was born in Georgia ca 1912.(26)
child 24 x. Flossie Drinkard was born in Georgia ca 1914.(27)
1 William Drinkard b: Abt. 1705 in Probably England d: Aft. 1778 in Charles City County, VA
.. +Mary Thompson b: Abt. 1706 in Charles City County, Virginia m: 1730 in VA d: 14 Aug 1771 in Charles City County, Virginia
…..2 John Drinkard Sr. b: 1730 in Lunenberg County, Virginia d: Aft. 17 Jun 1784 in Halifax County, VA
……….+Ann Wilkerson b: in Amelia County, VA m: Abt. 1750 in Prince Edward County, Virginia d: Aft. 17 Jun 1785 in Halifax County, VA
………..3 John Drinkard Jr. b: in Halifax Co., VA
………..3 Katheren Drinkard d: 1797
…………..+Joel Mullins m: 26 Nov 1792 in Halifax Co., Virginia
…………3 Leturah Drinkard
…………3 Archibald Drinkard b: 1760 in Amelia Co., VA d: 1848 in Appotomax Co., VA
……………+Edith Hawkins m: 21 Sep 1802 in Halifax Co., VA d: Bef. 1817
……………..*2nd Wife of Archibald Drinkard:
……………….+Judith Pendleton b: 1785 in Appomattox Co., VA m: 1818 in Buckingham Co., CA (now Appomattox Co.) d: Apr 1876 in Campbell Co., VA
………………..4 Elizabeth Drinkard
…………………..+James Layne
…………………….5 Emma Haskins Layne
…………………………+John Dabney Stepp
……………………………..6 Daniel Cleveland Stepp
…………………………………+Lizzie Bailey
…………………4 James Drinkard b: 10 Jul 1822 in Buckingham Co., VA d: 05 Jan 1908
………………….. +Mary Lucinda Alvis
…………………… 5 Alfred Washington Drinkard b: in Campbell Co., VA
…………………… 5 Charles Milton Drinkard b: in Campbell Co., VA
…………………… 5 Edward Crote Drinkard b: in Campbell Co., VA
…………………… 5 Elantha Martin Drinkard b: in Campbell Co., VA
……………………….. +Betty Thomas
…………………… 5 Elantha Martin Drinkard
…………………… 5 George David Drinkard b: in Campbell Co., VA
…………………… 5 James Calhoun Drinkard b: in Campbell Co., VA
…………………… 5 John Wesley Drinkard b: in Campbell Co., VA
…………………… 5 Judith Drinkard b: in Campbell Co., VA
…………………… 5 Lafayette Drinkard b: in Campbell Co., VA
…………………… 5 Sallie Drinkard b: in Campbell Co., VA
…………………… 5 Samuel William Drinkard b: in Campbell Co., VA
…………………… 5 Walter Preston Drinkard b: in Campbell Co., VA
…………………4 John Drinkard
…………………4 David Drinkard b: 1825 d: 1897
…………………….+Nancy Jane Thomas
………………………5 Annie Elizabeth Drinkard
………………………….+William Edward Inge
……………………… 5 Booker Henderson Drinkard
……………………….5 Charles William Drinkard
……………………….5 Edward “Glover” Drinkard d: Abt. 1930
…………………………….+Rosa Cardwell
………………………………6 Cabel Drinkard
………………………………6 Cleveland Drinkard
………………………………6 Edna Drinkard
………………………………6 Edward “Hubert” Drinkard d: Abt. 1930
………………………………6 Estelle Drinkard
………………………………6 Howard Drinkard
………………………………6 Les Drinkard
………………………………6 Vergie Drinkard
……………………….5 Eliza Francis Drinkard
……………………….5 James Matthew Drinkard
……………………….5 John “Letcher” Drinkard
……………………….5 Laura Drinkard
…………………4 William Drinkard b: 1826 in Appomattox Co., VA d: 30 Aug 1914 in Appomattox Co., VA
My family has recently began tracing our roots back to Blakely Georgia. We share the Drinkard lineage on the Drinkard/Davis side. My great-grandmother was Tinnie Drinkard, her brother was Nitcholas Drinkard “Nitch”, Cissy Houston’s father. We have always been told that we were Dutch, Native American, and African American (slaves). Before we go planning our big reunion in Blakely this fall, could you possibly expand on the Drinkards from that region?
Thank You,
Tahira Davis
I can find no proof that there is any Cherokee, Dutch, or Scottish heritage among Whitney Houston’s ancestors. That doesn’t mean there isn’t any, I just cannot find any proof of that. If you can find proof, I’d like to know the source.
I will send you all the information I’ve collected on your Drinkard ancestors soon.
I can find no proof of any Dutch or Native American ancestry among Whitney Houston’s ancestors. That does not mean there isn’t any, but I have not found it yet. I will post and send you the info I have collected on her ancestors soon.
Elaine Powell
Feb 17, 2011
Hi Deirdra,
How do you think you connect to the descendant chart that you list above? I can find no connection between my Drinkard family and the Drinkard family of Whitney Houston’s mother. Her Drinkard family is black. My Drinkard ancestors are white. I do know that some slaves took the names of their masters; however, I can find no proof of that in this case. That does not mean that there IS no proof. That means that I cannot find proof from any online records that I have searched at this time. If you live near Early County, Georgia I would encourage you to go to the library and the courthouse there and try to find records from John Drinkard (born 1848 – died 1925). He lived a long life and hopefully there is some information that would list the name of his father. John is listed as a mulato on the 1920 census, but listed as black on all the other census records. His name is also listed as John DRINKERS on the 1920 census. That could be a key to the origins of this family. If the surname was originally DRINKERS and not DRINKARD, then they are not descended from William Drinkard and Mary Thompson. You should look for a will of John Drinkard or estate papers, or land records that might list parents or siblings. If you find something, please let me know and I will try to further my research.
Elaine Powell
Thanks Elaine I have found prove and there is no recored of us being under a slave Master we were jouned together in arriage I will forward you that information. Thank you Rhank you for all you do. I would love to talk to you (919) 523-4936. I have spoken to white Drinkards who have herd they had blck relstives and were related to whitney Houston Tahira is my 3rd cousin we are both of Tinnie Drinkard-Davis who is of 15. John4 Drinkard Jr. (John5) was born in Georgia May 1870.(16)
He married Susan Bell Fuller in Early Co., Georgia, 26 Dec 1891.(17) Susan was born in Georgia Dec 1876.(18).
Below is my line Tinnie Drinkard was my Great Grand Mother and Aunt to Cissy Houston whose father was Nicholas Drinkard, Tinnie’s brother..
1 William Drinkard b: Abt. 1705 in Probably England d: Aft. 1778 in Charles City County, VA
.. +Mary Thompson b: Abt. 1706 in Charles City County, Virginia m: 1730 in VA d: 14 Aug 1771 in Charles City County, Virginia
…..2 John Drinkard Sr. b: 1730 in Lunenberg County, Virginia d: Aft. 17 Jun 1784 in Halifax County, VA
……….+Ann Wilkerson b: in Amelia County, VA m: Abt. 1750 in Prince Edward County, Virginia d: Aft. 17 Jun 1785 in Halifax County, VA
Archibald Drinkard and Judith Pendleton then had James Drinkard
James Drinkard and Dolly McGraw had James Calhoun Drinkard
James Calhoun Drinkard had Susan Drinkard who married James Joesph Baldock. These two had Joseph Baldock who had my grandfather John Wesley Baldock. He married Margaret Monroe and they had my mother Julia Baldock.
This was awesome info and I wanted to add that this branch of the family has remained in Campbell county VA. In fact I know where James Drinkard who married Mary Lucinda “Lucy” Drinkard are buried. They are buried in a small family cemetery with many of their children. There is also a Drinkard family home that is still occupied here. I believe that it was built by James Calhoun Drinkard.
Hello Ann,
I am glad to hear from you! It’s always good to hear from a Drinkard cousin. I found a difference in the information I have on your line. I have that James Drinkard married Mary Lucinda Alvis. This seems to be supported by her tombstone and census records. If you have proof that the wife of James is Dolly McGraw I would love to have that documentation.
Hope to hear back from you…
My father is Jack Drinkard, married to Mary Lee Drinkard. I pursued this several years ago and got no where. What information do you have. How can you give me his Army records.
Shirley Drinkdard Bowman
[email protected]
Hi Shirley,
I don’t have info on all Drinkards. I got most of my early Drinkards from the Drinkard book or by researching myself or when someone has shared their family info with me. Do you want to know your line of Drinkard descent from the earliest known ancestor in America? If yes, then I’d need a lot more info. I’d need your parents’ birth, marriage, and death dates and locations. I’d need your mom’s maiden name. And I’d need the same info for your dad’s parents, and going back as far as you can. Then I can see if I can connect you to our ancestral Drinkards. I can send you a blank pedigree chart if that would help you.
Regarding your father’s Army records, I would not have those. Try this website… http://www.history.army.mil/reference/records.htm
I got my dad’s WWII record from the National Archives.
You can also Google “Army Records” and you’ll get some sites to search. They are subscription sites, so will require a fee. I can personally recommend http://go.fold3.com/results.php?category=military&links=0&xid=1314
Please email me directly at [email protected] when you reply.
Elaine Powell
Hello there. I am just getting ready to sign off for tonight and I found this website. I will get back tomorrow and read it closer. I have a George Bandy in my line (my 4th Great Grandfather) who married Drucilla Meador and had many Bandy children including my 3rd Great Grandfather Drinkard Grant Bandy 17994-1884. George lived in Virginia until 1790 when he moved to N Carolina, and in 1840 moved to Cumberland, Kentucky. I am wondering if this is where he got his first name as the others had names such as Thomas, George, Reuben, William, John, and Richard. Do you have any ideas? Are there Meador’s or Cardwell’s in your line? I will get back to this site. Thanks, Debbie (Santa Clarita, CA)
Hi Elaine –
Great website and Thank You!! I have Drinkard’s in my line and have collected various info for years… also have original of Charles Drinkard’s book which is out of print..(and has know errors)…. Your “list” includes John Drinkard who married “Obesence” Childress… (her name was Obedience per marriage records) – and their son was most likely William Childress Drinkard
(not Chalmers) as have records of them in TN – Wm. C. was executor of
Obedience’s father Reps’ will… and Childress name continues in the family.
I have lots of info on descendants…
Hi Claire,
Do you live in St. Louis, Missouri? I corresponded many years ago with Claire about our shared Drinkard family. Thanks for contacting me. I have changed my Drinkard website to correct the Childress family names you gave me. If you have info on their descendants you would like to share, I’d appreciate having that info.
Elaine Powell
Has the name Bandy come up? My 3rd GrGndfather was Drinkard Bandy b. 1794 Botetourt, VA d. 24 Jun 1884 Galesburg, Knox, Illinois. He Married Elizabeth Betsey Brown in 1829 Kentucky. They had 5 children: John R.,Francis Frazier, Anderson, Ann Hardney & Simeon. Simeon is my 2nd GrGndfather. On 29 May 1855 Edgar, Illinois he married Martha A Phipps. They had 1 son, William Huff. Could there be a connection?
Hi Cathleen,
I’m sorry, I have not been able to find any connection between your Drinkard Bandy and any known Drinkard. I thought that perhaps he would have been given his mother’s maiden name, however, his parents were George Bandy and Drucilla Meador. I even checked grandparents names, but no luck there either.
Good luck in your research.
Elaine Powell
Francis Drinkard married Nancy McDowell, their daughter Tabitha Stanley
Drinkard Married Samuel Arbuckle he was born 1760 and she was born
1775. Francis, Martha Patsy and Logan Stanley. One person left out is
the fact one Conrad Arbuckle born 1820-23 is Samuel Arbuckle so based
on record proof through the Archives. The proof I have is dated 1848
with Samuel Arbuckle sister named Hannah Arbuckle (Pollard married
name). sighted in petition#20884847. My Great Grandfather Samuel
Arbuckle is so to Conrad Arbuckle. My Grandfather is Samuel Arbuckle,
father to my mother.
A further note, individuals do be in denial but, I do wish the best for all;
sometime people leave facts out or twist things in disbelief. it is not in
anyway being negative, I have been looking for 20 years. As a fact,
along with this, last name hardon and cary or carey dates back to 1773
and 1777.. Also, the name of Mcgeehee. Later the name was changed to
Mcghee. One particula name, war records of 1812, Jasmine Ky.
Good luck to all, I know research is difficult.
Contact me, it is ok. I am directly related to Arbuckle, Drinkard, McDowell
and other members who are related. I think I might be the closes related
to them. I am the 6th relative under Samuel Arbuckle born 1760 who
married Tabitha Stanley Drinkard, Samuel sister is Hannah Arbuckle,
married name Pollard.
If anyone is looking for information on Drinkard’s they are well established in the DAR. http://www.dar.org
I would like to find proof that Tabitha Stanley Drinkard (ca 1775-1841) is the biological daughter of Francis Drinkard & Nancy McDowell.
I am so glad to hear from you! I am a descendant of Tabitha Stanley Drinkard and Samuel Arbuckle. Do you have documented proof that Tabitha was the daughter of Francis Drinkard? Some say she was adopted by Francis. However, since she has the middle name of Stanley and the mother of Francis is Ann Stanley, I think that is some proof of her parentage. I have been unable to find the proof, and I and many cousins have looked for years.
Here is my direct line:
1 Tabitha Stanley Drinkard b: Abt. 1775 in Halifax County, VA d: 07 Jan 1841 in Madison/Ohio County, Kentucky
.. +Samuel Arbuckle b: 1775 in Prince Edward Co., VA m: 02 Jan 1794 in Madison County, Kentucky d: Bef. 1821 in Ohio/Garrard County, KY
2 Martha “Patsy” Arbuckle b: Dec 1812 in Garrard County, KY d: 15 Sep 1846 in Butler County, KY
… +Arthur Warren b: 28 Oct 1810 in Buckeye, Garrard County, KY m: 19 Dec 1831 in Garrard County d: 14 Jul 1895 in Warren’s Mill, Butler County, KY
3 Samuel Francis Warren b: 07 Aug 1835 in Garrard Co., KY d: 08 Dec 1911 in Warren’s Mill, Butler Co., KY
…. +Evaline Hobdy b: 28 Jan 1846 in Ohio Co., KY m: 04 Feb 1863 in Corning, Clay Co., AR d: 16 Apr 1938 in McHenry, Ohio Co. KY
. 4 Alexander Arthur Warren b: 16 Apr 1868 in Butler Co., KY d: 15 Nov 1947 in Jacksonville, Morgan Co., IL
….. +Martha A. Short b: 20 Feb 1874 in Woodville, Greene Co., Illinois m: 02 Jan 1894 in Greene Co., IL d: 04 Feb 1899 in Warren’s Mill, Butler Co., Kentucky
.. 5 Catherine Evelyn Warren b: 12 Jan 1895 in Warren’s Mill, Butler Co., Kentucky d: 07 Oct 1983 in St. Louis City, MO
…… +Ora Ezrah Hatfield b: 08 Dec 1897 in Elsberry/Annada, Lincoln Co., Missouri m: 10 Apr 1917 in Alton, Madison County, IL d: 14 Mar 1944 in San Francisco, CA
…. 6 Edsel Arthur Hatfield b: 02 Jan 1919 in East Alton, Madison Co., IL d: 05 Jul 2007 in St. Louis City, Missouri
…….. +Jessie Louise Whitelaw b: 19 Apr 1921 in St. Louis, MO m: 10 Oct 1942 in Camp Robinson, Pulaski County, Arkansas d: 26 Feb 1991 in St. Louis County, MO
….. 7 Elaine Marie Hatfield ME!
Thanks for providing new information about Conrad Arbuckle. Will you please send me that Petition #20884847? I would love to have that for my records.
Your cousin
Elaine Powell
Hi. So glad I found your Web site. My g-grandfather was Edward “Glover” Drinkard (who married my g-grandmother Rosa Cardwell Drinkard). My grandfather was E. H. (Edward Hubert) Drinkard. Would love to learn more.