This Hardcastle Family Bible came into my possession because my mother-in-law married John “Chick” Hardcastle in 1966 several years after Nellie’s husband John Powell passed away. Chick had no children by his first marriage and so the bible was passed down to me, Elaine Hatfield Powell. I am putting this information online so that others researching this Hardcastle family can have this important family information.
The bible is in poor to fair condition. It has a lot of foxing on the pages. It does not have a musty smell. I have kept the bible in an archival box for over 20 years.
The bible has a brown leather cover with some minimal scrollwork. There is no title or copyright page because the first two pages of the bible have been removed. Therefore, there is no date on the bible itself. However, the first page of the bible says “TO THE READER” and it says that the bible is an American version of the King James Bible, and the publisher states “he has made the following impression from the Oxford edition of 1784. So if I had to guess, I’d say the bible dates from the late 1700s to the early 1800s.
I have made additions in between [ and ] to clarify certain things in the bible.

Her children names:
1.William Hardcastle
2. James Hardcastle
3. Andrew Hardcastle
4. Elizabeth Hardcastle
5. Thomas Hardcastle
6. Edward Hardcastle
7. Matilda Hardcastle
8. Lucy Hardcastle
9. Mary Hardcastle
10. Robert Hardcastle
Mrs. Margaret Hamilton Hardcastle
Died at 4 o’clock a.m. 27th inst. at the residence of her son-in-law James Hardcastle, in the 76th year of her age.
Mrs. Hardcastle was born in Bourbon Co., Ky. on Dec. 6th, 1806. She was the daughter of Andrew Hamilton and Elizabeth Kincaid Hamilton. Her father was born June 12th, 1776, and her mother July 19th, 1776. In the pleasantries of the family circle her mother was accustomed to boast that she was free-born, but her husband was by birth a British subject.
Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton removed, with their family, to this state and county, and settled near Greenfield, in 1827 — the year in which the first mile of railroad in this country was built. In 1829, John Hardcastle and Miss Margaret Hamilton were married and began life together, on their farm at Walnut Grove, where they ever lived and where they now lie buried. The husband was buried seven years before the wife. In this home also the father and mother died. She was the last of her father’s family. Here were born to them ten children, six of whom survive them. Two sons reside in Texas; one daughter in Kansas; the youngest son Robert retains the old home, while two sisters, Mrs. William Waller, and Mrs. James M. Russell also reside in this county. Twenty-five grandchildren and a very large circle of relatives are greatly bereaved in Mrs. Hardcastle’s death.
When 17 years old, in Paris, Ky., she publicly confessed the Lord Jesus Christ as her saviour, and in her last conversation with her pastor, she said she had never for a moment regretted it, but more and more her confidence was strengthened. “He is my only hope,” she said, with strong emphasis. She dreaded the thought of living to be burdensome to her children. She did not dread death. She expressed the feeling of many a widowed heart: “I have been very lonely since my husband died.”
She was the last of the original members of the Walnut Grove Presbyterian Church, and as [the next several lines have been ripped off] Living more than fifty year upon one farm, and not given to going about much, her good deeds have been confined to the few miles about her home, but within that circle who has won so many hearts? The whole county is in sorrow at the thought that we shall see her face no more. All felt that the text of the funeral discourse was appropriate in her case: Rev. XIV — Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth; Yea, saith the Spirit that they may rest from their labors; and their works do follow them.

Inside the front cover there is an obituary of Mrs. J. M. Russell
Mrs. Lucy Hardcastle, wife of James M. Russell, died at their home near Smithboro, Bond County, last Friday, July 22, [1894] at 2 p.m. She had been ill and a great sufferer for along time. The body was brought here last Saturday, and taken out to Walnut Grove [in Greene County, Illinois]. The funeral service was conducted at the church there Sunday at 10:30 a.m., by the pastor, Rev. Reuben L. McWherter. A large company of relatives and friends were present and followed the body to the place of interment, the family burying ground west of Robt. Hardcastle’s home.
Lucy Hardcastle was born on the farm west of Walnut Grove [Greene County, Illinois], now the home of her brother Robt. Hardcastle. She was married to James M. Russell February 20, 1868. Seven children were born to them, all still living to mourn the loss, for a little while, of their best and truest earthly friend, their mother. Mrs. Russell professed conversion and united with the Walnut Grove Presbyterian church during the pastorate of Re. John N. Beall. Her faith was strong and her hope bright. In her last illness she expressed an assurance of a home with her Saviour. She selected part if not all the hymns sung at the funeral, and also chose the text, John 16:16 — “A little while and ye shall not see me; and again, a little while and ye shall me, because I go to the Father.” For the past year she had been a great sufferer, yet there was no murmuring. During this while, as in all her life, she exhibited great patience and cheerfulness.
Written in ink: Margaret Hardcastle, Great Granddaughter of John Hardcastle. [I am guessing that means that Margaret owned the bible.]
In the middle of the bible, there are four pages marked “FAMILY RECORD” and those four pages follow:
John Hardcastle married to Margaret Hamilton June 9, 1829
William T. Hardcastle married to Sarah M. Daniel May 20th, 1846
William Vanmetre married to Elizabeth A. Hardcastle Oct. 14, 1858
Edward R. Hardcastle married to Nancy A. Vitt Feb 7, 1861
James Russell married Lucy Hardcastle Feb 20, 1868
James Walker married to Mary E. Hardcastle April 20, 1871
Robt Hardcastle married to Clara Smith Dec 4, 1873
John Robert Hardcastle, son of Robert & Clara Hardcastle, married to Lucy Scruby Feb. 22, 1906
Lucy Bird Hardcastle married to Oscar A. Sterl April 11, 1907
Paul Smith Hardcastle, son of Robert & Clara Hardcastle, married to Alona A. Eldred Dec 19, 1914.
- Wm T. Hardcastle, son of John & Margret Hardcastle born April 2, 1830
- James Hardcastle, son of John & Margret Hardcastle born April 27, 1831
- Andrew H. Hardcastle, son of John & Margret Hardcastle born Oct 9, 1832
- Elizabeth Ann Hardcastle, daughter of John & Margret Hardcastle born Sep 14, 1834
- Thomas Hardcastle, son of John & Margret Hardcastle born Sept 20, 1836
- Edward R. Hardcastle, son of John & Margret Hardcastle born Sep 22, 1838
- Matilda Hardcastle, daughter of John & Margret Hardcastle born Jan 6, 1841
- Lucy Hardcastle, daughter of John & Margret Hardcastle born Apr 20, 1843
- Mary E. Hardcastle, daughter of John & Margret Hardcastle born Nov 22, 1845
- Robert Hardcastle, son of John & Margret Hardcastle born Jan 26, 1848
James Russell born 1840 [husband of Lucy Hardcastle]
John Hardcastle born Jan 27th, 1793
Margaret Hardcastle born December 3, 1806
Charles S. Hardcastle, son of William & Maria Hardcastle born June 4, 1857
Lucius H. Hardcastle son of William & Maria Hardcastle born Dec 11, 1858
Lucy B. Hardcastle, daughter of Robert & Clara Smith Hardcastle born August 23, 1876, Sunday
Ella J. Hardcastle, daughter of Robert & Clara Hardcastle, born July 9, 1878, Tuesday
John Robert Hardcastle, son of Robt & Clara Hardcastle, born Dec. 13, 1882
Paul Smith Hardcastle, son of Robert & Clara Hardcastle, born April 19, 1885, Sunday
Clara Smith Hardcastle born Sept 12, 1829
Andrew Hamilton born July 1?, 1776
Elizabeth Hamilton born July 13, 177
Margaret Hamilton Hardcastle Mother [was] Elizabeth Kincaid
Matilda Hardcastle died August 12th 1845 age four years and seven months
James Hardcastle died August 8th 1852 age 21 years 8 months
Thomas Hardcastle died August 2, 1854 age 17 years 11 months
William Hardcastle died March 1st 1871 age 40 years 11 months
Clara Smith Hardcastle died June 11, 1920 age 71
Robert Hardcastle died Aug 29, 1921 age 73
John Hardcastle died sept 16, 1873 age 81 years 9 months
Margret Hardcastle died March 24 1882 age 76 years 4 months
Edward R. Hardcastle died Nov 29 1891 age 52
Lucy Hardcastle Russell died Friday July 22 1894 age 54 years
James Russell died 1926
Elizabeth Hardcastle Van Metre died Jan 18 1898
Andrew Hamilton Hardcastle died June 1905
Eleanor Elizabeth Hardcastle daughter of John R. and Lucy Scruby died March 30, 1911 age 20 months
Below are all the descendants that I have for James Robert Hardcastle:
Outline Descendant Report for James Robert Hardcastle
- James Robert Hardcastle b: 21 Dec 1756 in Queen Anne’s, Maryland, USA, d: 1811 in Talbot, Maryland, United States
- Elizabeth Clarke b: 1753 in Caroline, Maryland, USA, m: 20 Jun 1787 in Caroline, Maryland, USA, d: 31 Dec 1802 in Caroline, Maryland, USA
.2 John Hardcastle b: 23 Jan 1793 in Caroline, Maryland, USA, d: 16 Sep 1873 in Walnut Grove, Greene Co., IL
- Margaret W Hamilton b: 03 Dec 1806 in Bourbon C., KY, m: 09 Jun 1829 in Greene County, Illinois, USA, d: 27 Mar 1882 in Walnut Grove, Greene Co., IL
(Daughter of Andrew Hamilton, b. 1 July 1776 in England and Elizabeth Kincaid b. 13 July 1776)
..3 William T. Hardcastle b: 03 Apr 1830, d: 01 Mar 1876 in Macon, Illinois, USA
+ Sarah Maria Daniels b: Aug 1831 in West Virginia, U.S.A., m: 1877, d: Aft. 1860
…4 Charles S. Hardcastle b: 04 Jun 1857 in Walnut Grove, Knox, Illinois, USA, d: 01 Mar 1942 in Wise, Texas, United States
…4 Lucius H. Hardcastle b: 11 Dec 1858 in Illinois, USA, d: 11 May 1863
…4 Samuel Hardcastle b: Jun 1863 in Illinois, USA, d: Jul 1900 in Marion, Marion, Kansas, USA
…4 Anna Hardcastle b: 1866 in Illinois, United States, d: Aft. 1870
…4 Julia Hardcastle b: Jul 1869 in Illinois, USA, d: Aft. 1870
…4 Fannie Marie Hardcastle b: 28 Jul 1872 in Decatur, Macon, Illinois, USA, d: 14 Jun 1935 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, USA
…4 Viginia Hardcastle b: Abt. 1875
…4 Walter Hardcastle b: Feb 1887 in Kansas
..3 James Hardcastle b: 27 Apr 1831, d: 15 Aug 1852
..3 Andrew Hamilton Hardcastle b: 09 Oct 1832, d: Aft. 1870
..3 Elizabeth Ann Hardcastle b: 14 Sep 1834, d: 18 Jan 1898 in Conway, Arkansas; Age: 63
- William G. VanMatre b: 08 Aug 1832 in Illinois, m: 14 Oct 1858 in Greene, Illinois, USA, d: 26 Jun 1913 in Arkansas; Age: 80
…4 John E. Van Matre b: 1864, d: 1947
..3 Thomas Hardcastle b: 20 Sep 1836, d: 21 Aug 1854
..3 Edward R. Bertram Hardcastle b: 22 Sep 1838, d: 29 Nov 1891 + Nancy A. Vitt m: 07 Feb 1861
..3 Matilda Hardcastle b: 06 Jan 1841, d: 12 Aug 1845 in Walnut Grove, Greene Co., IL
..3 Lucy Hardcastle b: 20 Apr 1843 in Greene County, Illinois, USA, d: 22 Jul 1894 in Smithboro, Bond Co., IL
- James Marion Russell b: 20 Feb 1840, m: 20 Feb 1868 in Greene Co., IL, d: 07 Apr 1926 in Green Co, Illinois
…4 Frank W. Russell b: Abt. 1869 in Illinois
…4 John H. Russell b: Abt. 1870 in Kansas
…4 Robt. L. Russell b: Abt. 1872 in Kansas
…4 James B. Russell b: Abt. 1873 in Kansas
…4 Jane M. Russell b: Abt. 1875 in Kansas
…4 Thomas H. Russell b: Abt. 1877 in Illinois
..3 Mary Ellen Hardcastle b: 22 Nov 1845 in Carrollton, Greene, Illinois, USA, d: Aft. 1870 + James Waller m: 20 Apr 1871
..3 Robert Hardcastle b: 26 Jan 1848 in Illinois, d: 29 Aug 1921 in Carrollton, Greene, Ill
+ Clara Smith b: 12 Sep 1849 in Illinois, m: 04 Dec 1873, d: 11 Jun 1920 in Carrollton, Greene, Illinois
…4 Lucy Bird Hardcastle b: 23 Aug 1876 in Carrollton, Greene County, Illinois, USA, d: 24 Jul 1963 ; Age: 86
- Oscar Alexander Sterl b: 22 Nov 1878 in Vermont, USA, m: 11 Apr 1907, d: 26 Dec 1946 ; Age: 68
…4 Ella Jane Hardcastle b: 09 Jul 1878, d: 1954
…4 John Robert Hardcastle b: 13 Dec 1882 in Greene, Illinois, d: 1963 in Carrollton, Greene County, Illinois

- Lucy Estellla Scruby b: 04 May 1883 in Carrollton, Greene, Illinois, United States, m: 22 Feb 1906, d: 1962 in Carrollton, Greene County, Illinois

….5 John Robert “Chick” Hardcastle b: 13 Jan 1907 in Carrollton, Greene County, Illinois, d: 08 Jan 1968 in Florissant, Missouri
- ?
- Nellie Elizabeth Knight b: 05 Nov 1910 in White Hall, Greene County, Illinois, m: 11 Feb 1966 in Florissant Presbyterian Church, Florissant, St. Louis County, Missouri, d: 08 Oct 1992 in St. Louis, MO
….5 Eleanor Elizabeth Hardcastle b: 1910, d: 30 Mar 1911
….5 Margaret C. Hardcastle b: 1911
…4 Paul Smith Hardcastle b: 19 Apr 1885, d: 1931 ; Age: 46
+ Elona Adelaide Eldred b: 15 Jun 1890, m: 19 Dec 1914, d: 01 Jul 1968 ; Age: 78
.2 James Hardcastle b: Abt. 1795, d: Aft. 1824 in Carrollton, Greene, Illinois
.2 Elizabeth Eliza Hardcastle b: 09 Oct 1798 in Maryland, United States, d: 26 Feb 1831 in Greene, Illinois, United States
- Daniel Kirby b: 28 Feb 1795 in Talbot, Maryland, United States, m: 27 Jan 1819 in Talbot County, Maryland, USA, d: 24 Sep 1876 in Miami, Miami, Kansas, United States
..3 Mary Jane Kirby b: 1821 in Maryland, United States, d: 1855 in Greene, Illinois, United States
..3 Edward Hardcastle Kirby b: 14 Feb 1823 in Talbot, Maryland, United States, d: 13 Mar 1898 in Miami, Miami, Kansas, United States
..3 John Kirby b: Abt. 1824 in Maryland, d: 27 Aug 1863 in NEW ORLEANS, ORLEANS, LA
..3 Eliza Ann Kirby b: 1825 in Illinois, United States, d: 1873 in Greene, Illinois, United States
..3 Joshua Kirby b: Abt. 1828 in Maryland, d: 03 May 1858
..3 Daniel Kirby b: Abt. 1829 in GREENE COUNTY, IL, d: 09 Aug 1851 in GREENE COUNTY, IL
..3 ELIZA ANN KIRBY b: 06 Mar 1829 in Illinois, d: 31 Dec 1899 in CARROLLTON, TX
..3 Caleb Kirby b: 05 Sep 1833 in Greene, Illinois, United States, d: 18 Aug 1864 in Greene, Illinois, United States
+ Nancy Brown b: 28 Sep 1844 in Greene, Illinois, United States, d: 30 May 1916 in Missouri, United States
..3 James M. Kirby b: Abt. 1837 in Illinois
..3 Emily Kirby b: Abt. 1838 in Illinois
..3 Lavina Kirby b: Abt. 1840 in Illinois
..3 Nancy M. Kirby b: Abt. 1842 in Illinois
.2 William Clark Hardcastle b: 10 Dec 1800 in Maryland, d: 10 Oct 1868 in Illinois; Age: 67 + Lavina Crane
..3 John C. Hardcastle b: 1831 in Carrollton, Greene Co., Illinois + M. E. Kile
…4 Nellie Hardcastle
.2 Edward “Ed” Hardcastle b: 10 Jun 1802 in Maryland, d: 28 Jul 1873 in Macoupin, Illinois; Loomis Cem., Macoupin Co., IL
If you would like to contact me about this Hardcastle family, email me at [email protected]