The photo above is of my Hatfield family. My great grandfather DeWitt Clinton “D.C.” Hatfield (sitting on chair, left) is seen with 9 of the 17 children that he fathered by three wives. The photo was taken in 1914 in front of DeWitt’s Hardware Store and Ice House that he owned in Calhoun County, Illinois. A couple of years after this photo was taken, the store burned to the ground and the family moved to Lincoln County, Missouri.
Those in the photo are, left to right: Louis “Louie,” DeWitt — holding the hand of Harvey. Behind Harvey is Hurley. Next to Harvey is Lena and next to her is Roy and then Christina. Behind Christina is my grandfather Ora. My great grandmother, Lewellen (Fry) is seated at right holding the baby, Lela. Lewellen was pregnant with Clyde when this photo was taken. “Lou Ella” as she was called, was DeWitt’s 3rd wife. She was 18 years younger than DeWitt. My grandfather, Ora Ezrah Hatfield is standing directly behind her. To the far right is Eugene. D.C. would have been 59 years old when this photo was taken. D.C. outlived Lewellen by 14 years, so he outlived all three of his wives. Lewellen went on to have one more child after Clyde. Lowell was stillborn on February 27, 1919 and Lewellen died of pneumonia in 1920, leaving D.C. with young children still at home.
The children of DeWitt and Lewellen “Lou” (Fry) Hatfield are:
Eugene DeWitt Hatfield (1896-1983)
Ora Ezrah Hatfield (1897-1944) Changed his name to Olin Hatfield and then Melvin Edward Hatfield.
Louis Weaver Hatfield (1900-1964)
Hurley Melvin Hatfield (1902-1973)
Roy Hatfield (1904-1970)
Christine Elizabeth Hatfield (1908-1982) married Cecil Loren Clayton
Lena Hatfield (1910-1988) married Everett Wooten
Harvey Kenneth Hatfield (1912-1994)
Lela Vernette Hatfield (1914-1982) married Charles Robert McLain
Clyde Woodrow Hatfield (1917-1972)
Lowell Hatfield (1919-1919)
Like many HATFIELDS, I was always told when I was a young girl, that we were related to the infamous Hatfields of the “feuding” Hatfields & McCoys. I never had any proof that I was or was not related to the feuding Hatfield, but now I do! I am NOT related to the feuding Hatfields.
In 2005 I took a sample of DNA from my father, Edsel Hatfield. I sent it in to FamilyTreeDNA and then went on the Hatfield Rootsweb Mailing List to encourage other Hatfields to submit their DNA for testing. In 2007, there were finally two other Hatfield men that had submitted their DNA samples that matched my dad’s DNA. There are now several Hatfield families that match. Those results have now proven that I am not descended from the feuding Hatfields, but rather from the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania family of John Hatfield and Catherine Supplee Hatfield. Their son was Revolutionary War militia Captain Andrew Supplee Hatfield. Results of the DNA tests can be seen at http://www.worldfamilies.net/surnames/hatfield/results
You can see my Pennsylvania line of Hatfields on http://www.ghat.com/hatftrec.htm Scroll down to John Hatfield — #1. My line of Hatfields is called the “Pennsylvania” line.
My Current Research
With DNA results in hand, my quest now is to document my line of descent back to Andrew Supplee Hatfield. I had previously documented my Hatfield family back to Jacob Hatfield, father of William and grandfather of DeWitt. My great-great grandfather was William HATFIELD. He was born in Indiana in 1830 and married Christiana BUTCHER in Calhoun County, Illinois on April 13, 1857. William and Christiana and their son, DeWitt Clinton, born March 31, 1858 (my great-grandfather) were on the 1860 census of Calhoun County, Illinois. Also on that census and living in William’s household was Mary HATFIELD. Research points to this Mary being William’s sister Mary Priscilla Hatfield who was born in Indiana in 1835. Also a Jacob HATFIELD was living in the household, born in 1805 in Virginia. I believe that this is William’s father, Jacob Hatfield. Jacob Hatfield was on BOTH the 1860 census of Calhoun County, Illinois AND the 1860 census of Keokuk, Lee County Iowa census. How could this have happened? Because the Calhoun County census was taken on June 9, 1860 and the Lee County census was taken on September 25, 1860. That was more than enough time for Jacob to have left Illinois and traveled back to Indiana. My Granduncle Harvey Hatfield told me that his grandfather (William Hatfield) had gone “back” to Indiana. I never knew what he meant by that, because at the time he told me I did not know that the family originally came from Indiana. I find them in the following census records:
1830 census of Vigo Co., Indiana
Jacob Hatfield is in Indiana living next door to Aaron Hatfield. Jacob has 1 son under 5 (William) and one daughter under 5 (Mary Priscilla) and a wife (Nancy) 20-30. Researcher Leslie tells me that Aaron is a son to Jonas Hatfield and his wife Nancy. Jonas is a son to Capt. Andrew Supplee Hatfield. “I don’t see any way that your Jacob could be anything but either an unresearched brother or first cousin to this Aaron.” Elaine thinks Jacob is 1st cousin to Aaron.
Eversole, Elizabeth Hatfield, married Jacob Hatfield on 27 Oct 1833 in Vigo Co. Indiana.
1840 census of Lost Creek, Vigo Co., IN
Hatfield, Jacob
1 male 5-9 (Nelson 6)
1 male 10-14 (William 11)
1 male 30-39 (Jacob 35)
1 female under 5 — Missing after 1830; perhaps a child who died young.
1 female 10-14 (Mary Priscilla 10)
1 female 20-29 (wife Elizabeth)
DEED WITH WIFE’S FAMILY: Vigo Co., IN Deed Book 11, pg. 4.
28 Oct 1845 — Jacob Hatfield, Elizabeth Hatfield, Barbary Gregory, Christopher and Nancy Eversole, Mary Merriweather, Michael Byrn, and Ann, Nancy Eversol, Emily Eversol, James P. Merriweather of Vigo to Samuel McMurtrie for $343, 6/7of 70 acres of the west part of west half of northwest quarter of Sec. 29 in Twp. 12, Range 8W, the same having descended to the parties of the first part of Peter Eversol, dec’d. Witness: Robert McKee
1850 census Keokuk, Lee Co., Iowa pg. 419
Hatfield, Jacob 40 b. VA; Carpenter
Elizabeth Hatfield 32 b. OH b. IN (m. 1833 Vigo, IN, Elizabeth Eversol / Ebersole – 2nd wife)
William Hatfield 22 b. IN Plasterer (My GG Grandfather)
Priscilla Hatfield, 19, b. IN (I have Calhoun Co. marriage of Mary Priscilla Hatfield to Lewis Mead)
Nelson Hatfield, 16, b. IN (See in Lee Co., Iowa in 1860)
Barbara Hatfield 8 b. IN
Iowa F. Hatfield 2 b. IA (female) See Vigo IN 1860 census for name Frances Iowa
Isaac W. Hatfield, 4 months (the name Isaac might hold clues to relatives of Jacob)
Eversol, Emily 22, b. IN (I believe this is the sister of Elizabeth Eversole)
1860 – Census – Calhoun County, Illinois
June 9, 1860 pg. 731
Jacob is in household with his son William in Hamburg, Calhoun Co., IL
Hatfield, Wm 30 b. IN Lumberer
Hatfield, Christiana age 18, b. MO Illiterate
Hatfield, De Witt, age 1 b. IL
Hatfield, Jacob, age 55, b. VA (father of Jacob)
Hatfield, Mary, age 25, b. IN (sister of Wm)
And then by Sept. 25, 1860 is back in Riley, Vigo Co., Indiana
1860 Census – Riley, Vigo Co., IN — 25 Sep 1860
(no last name is listed — SEE INFORMATION BELOW)
— Henry, age 54, b. OH, Farmer $3500/$500
— Susannah, age 54 b. VA (sister to Jacob
— Margaret, age. 24, b. IN
— M. Elizth. age 21, b. IN
— Wm. age 20, b. IN
— Hatfield, Jacob, age 54, b. Va, Laborer
— Hatfield, Frances Iowa age 12, b. IA
Although no surname is indicated by the census taker for the family with whom Jacob Hatfield lived in Vigo Co. in Sept 1860, this is Henry CHRISTY and wife Susannah (Hatfield), you can see Henry Christy’s 1850 census listing in Vigo Co. for confirmation.
It seems that William left to go search for Gold in California during the latter years of the Gold Rush. I wonder what would have brought him to California so late after the initial gold rush?
1870 Census Coloma, El Dorado, CA; Jun 30, 1870; Roll: M593_72: Page 3
Hatfield, Wm 44 Indiana Miner (living alone)
El Dorado County was founded February 18, 1850 as one of the original 27 counties making up the new state of California. The gold discovery at Coloma in 1848 sparked one of the biggest gold rushes ever, and changed the region quickly and drastically. It was in the town of Coloma in 1848 at Sutter’s Mill on the American River that James Marshall initiated the California Gold Rush with a single sentence, “Boys, I believe I’ve found gold!”. By 1852, Coloma was a busy town of 12,000 miners and merchants, each seeking their fortune. So I find it interesting that William went to California long after the gold “rush” was over. It’s hard to say why he went there; however, the age of daughter William’s daughter Nancy (age 5-born in 1875) indicates that William was back in Illinois by 1874-75 and then he is listed in the Missouri State Census of Cape Girardeau County, Missouri. And he must have died between 1876 and 1880 since William’s wife is listed as a widow on the 1880 Ripley County Missouri census.
1876 Census of Cape Girardeau, Missouri
William Hatfield, DeWitt C. Hatfield, Andrew J. Hatfield, Christine Hatfield, Mary Hatfield, Eleanor Hatfield, Elizabeth Hatfield
1880 census of Ripley County, Missouri
Christiana HATFIELD is a widow with her 5 children (all born in Illinois.) The census lists the following children living in the household:
1. DeWitt HATFIELD, b. 1858 (my great grandfather)
2. Andrew J. “Jack” HATFIELD, born 1861 (could have been named after his ancestor Andrew Supplee HATFIELD)
3. Mary HATFIELD, born 1864 (could have been named after Mary Priscilla)
4. Elizabeth HATFIELD, born 1866 (could have been named after Elizabeth EVERSOLE HATFIELD)
5. Nancy HATFIELD, born 1875 (could have been named after Nancy, first wife of Jacob)
DeWitt was back in Calhoun County on the 1900 and 1910 census with his family.
Land Records in Parke and Vigo Counties, Indiana
The book Families of Vigo Co., Indiana have land maps showing land owned by Jacob, Henry, and Isaac Hatfield in the 1830s. Jacob owned the land where the Terre Haute airport currently lies.
Jacob was first in Indiana in 1822 where he purchased land in Parke County.

I WOULD LIKE TO CORRESPOND WITH ANYONE WHO IS DESCENDED FROM THIS LINE OF HATFIELDS — Andrew HATFIELD & wife Mary MANN; Jacob HATFIELD and wives Nancy ? or Elizabeth EVERSOLE; William HATFIELD & wife Christiana BUTCHER. Please email me at [email protected].
My line of descent follows:
1 John Hatfield b: 1717 in Philadelphia Co., PA d: Abt. 1805
+Catherine Supplee b: 1724 in Upper Merion, Montgomery Co., PA m: 20 Nov 1736 in Philadelphia, PA d: Aft. 1757 in VA
….2 Andrew Supplee Hatfield b: 25 Jul 1737 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA d: 15 Jan 1813 in Cabell Co., VA (now WV)
….+Christina Powell b: Abt. 1738 in Montgomery Co., VA m: 1759 in Kanawha Co., VA d: 25 Oct 1809 in Cabell Co., VA
…….3 Andrew Hatfield b: 1769 in Montgomery Co., VA d: in Carroll Co. Indiana
………+Mary Mann b: Abt. 1769 m: 13 Oct 1798 in Montgomery Co., VA
I have proven my line from myself back to Jacob Hatfield. I have no single “proof” document that proves that Andrew Hatfield and Mary Mann was the father of Jacob or the other 3 children listed below, but my BEST EVIDENCE indicates that these 4 children, listed below as #4 ARE the children of Andrew Hatfield Jr. & his wife Mary Mann. My quest now is to prove that information. I will update this site with info as I find it.
………..4 Jacob Hatfield b: 1805 in VA d: Aft. 1860 in Vigo Co., Indiana?
…………..+Nancy ? m: Abt. 1829 in Prob. Vigo Co., Indiana d: Abt. 1830
……………5 William Hatfield b: Aft. 1825 d: Abt. 1877
………………..+Christiana Butcher b: 1842 in Missouri m: 13 Apr 1857 in Calhoun Co., Illinois d: Aft. 1880
………………….6 DeWitt Clinton Hatfield b: 31 Mar 1858 in Calhoun Co., IL d: 18 May 1934 in Elsberry, Lincoln Co., MO
……………………+Lewellen Fry b: 10 Oct 1876 in Pike Co., Mo, m: 1894 in Lincoln Co. d: 14 Feb 1920 in Lincoln Co., MO
……………………..7 Ora Ezrah Hatfield (AKA Edward Melvin Hatfield) b: 08 Dec 1897 Elsberry, Lincoln Co., MO d: 14 Mar 1944 in San Francisco, CA (My grandfather)

……………………….+Catherine Warren b: 12 Jan 1895, Butler Co., Ky, m: 10 Apr 1917 Madison Co., IL d: 07 Oct 1983 St. Louis, MO
…………………………8 Edsel Arthur Hatfield b: 02 Jan 1919 in East Alton, Madison Co., IL d: 05 Jul 2007 in St. Louis MO
……………………………+Jessie Whitelaw b: 19 Apr 1921 St. Louis, MO m: Oct 1942, Pulaski Co., AR d: Feb 1991 St. Louis Co., MO
………………………………9 Elaine Marie Hatfield ME!
…….. 4 ? Isaac Hatfield b: 1798 in VA d: Aft. 1856
………… +Priscilla Woollen b: 1809 in North Carolina m: 07 Sep 1826 in Vigo Co., IN d: Aft. 1856
…….. 4 ? Henry Hatfield b: 1800 in VA d: Aft. 1860 in Last in Lee Co IA
…….. 4 ? Susannah “Susan” Hatfield b: 15 May 1805 in VA d: 30 Mar 1880 in Vigo Co., IN
………… +Henry Christy b: 11 May 1805 in Batavia, Clermont Co., Ohio m: 09 Feb 1826 in Vigo Co., Indiana d: 30 Mar 1879 in Terre Haute, Vigo Co., Indiana
To read about the line of Hatfields from which my family descends, see my webpage “The Pennsylvania Hatfields
Andrew Hatfield and Mary MANN
Some online genealogies show Mary MANN as Mary MARR. I found the original marriage bond on microfilm in the Library of Virginia. It clearly shows Mary MANN as her name. The marriage register incorrectly lists ANDERSON Hatfield, rather than Andrew and Mary Mann and John Mann as Mary’s father which is correct. See the images for these two marriage documents above.
To see ALL the actual photos of all the various marriage records for Andrew Hatfield and Mary MANN, go to my Andrew Hatfield Mary Mann website at https://www.theheritagelady.com/hatfield-family/andrew-hatfield-mary-mann/
Andrew Hatfield’s father was Andrew Supplee Hatfield, born 25 July 1737 in Pennsylvania.
To read about this line of Hatfields, go to my site by clicking on the link on the right.
To look for YOUR Hatfields, see Jerry Hatfield’s website at http://www.ghat.com/hatfintr.htm#tree
If you have information to share or would like more info, please email me at [email protected].
Wow, great work! I am the great grand-daughter of baby Lela, and I think it’s awesome you posted that photograph, and shared all this information. I am only just beginning to study my family heritage, but life gets so much easier when other family members are helping out! I was just wondering if you got any farther, determining where the mysterious Jacob came from? Thanks so much for sharing what you’ve found!
Hi Rhonda,
I’m so glad to hear from you! I have found out SO much on our Hatfield family, and I have stacks of documents and copies of book pages and so much that I need to enter on this website. It’s going to take time to get it all typed out. I do know about Jacob. But I still have no proof on our connection with Andrew. But I will explain all that in time. I will email you privately.
Your Cousin Elaine
Thomas Hatfield 1761-1843 married Martha Adamson, both from PA, is my 6th great grandfather. I’m trying to locate his parents. I am also trying to verify his son, Jonas 1800-1836 married Sarah Matthews 1801-1846 and they are the parents of Marquis Hatfield 1815-1901 married Mary Ann Wills 1819-1866. These Hatfield living in Brown County, Ohio near Ripley, Ohio.
I have verification of Thomas and Martha tomb stones, and marriage date for Jonas, age 15 and Sarah age 14. Marquis was born 27 Dec 1815. I have court documents verifying Marquis filed a petition against Jonas’ heirs, stating he had a right to 1/7 part of the land.
Can you help, seems like I go in a circle on my research and no one on ancestery.com has any information on Marquis Hatfield.
thanking you in advance.
I have Thomas Hatfield as the son of Thomas and grandson of John Hatfield, born ca 1690 in Germantown, Philadelphia Co., Pennsylvania. He married Elizabeth ? about 1710 in Germantown. John’s son John, born 1717 married Catherine Supplee. email me at [email protected] for more info.
hello, i am trying to research my family roots. i am from the MATTIAS HATFIELD line. my grandfather LILLIAN OZBURN HATFIELD , his father was , ROBERT LUCIUS HATFIELD . if you can help me in any way please contact me at [email protected]. thank you
Hi Debra,
I am going to need some more info from you. Please give me the date (or approximate) and location of birth, marriage, and death for your grandfather, along with his wife’s name. Also the same for your great-grandfather, if you know it. Please email me direct at [email protected] when you find the info and I’ll see if I can help you.
Elaine Hatfield Powell
My great grandmother (Lula Susan Hatfield) was a descedant of John M. Hatfield of Philly. Family legend is that we are related to William Anderson and Henry Drury Hatfield. I cannot seem to find a connection.
I need more information from you before I can help you. Can you give me an approximate birth, marriage, and death date for Lula? I also need to know who her husband was and where she was born, married, and died, if known. I also need to know your grandparents names and dates and locations of their birth, marriage, and death, if known. You can email me direct at [email protected] with the info.
Elaine Hatfield Powell
hi my mother is Christina, we now live in planto tx. I am a only child. I have this picture plus a few others my mom left me. I can remember visiting with uncle Harvey, roy. louie, and aunt lena, lela. while stationed in altus ok. was the last time we saw Harvey. I have five children of my own my name is cecil Charles and doris diann clayton our children are Curtis Charles clayton. cindy christel clayton,edwards, corey Christopher clayton, Cherie chantel clayton alvarez, craig cecil clayton. our phone is 9723221650
I am going to email you a reply directly.
This is so very interesting! I was trying to google information about the store DeWitt had in Calhoun and stumbled upon this! Great history to have. DeWitt is my great-great grandpa.
Im so happy I found this site. when I was little I was told that my great-great-great uncle was “devil” Hatfield. My grandma sandy has a very nice picture of him at the house. As far as I know one of the Hatfields married into the Sherwood and voila!
Well hello cousin Megan!
I’m glad I was able to help you find your great grandpa. If you’d like to know any more about the family, let me know. I will be posting more photos. I have copies of a scrapbook that was owned by DeWitt’s daughter Christine. There are many photos of the Hatfields in it.
Elaine Hatfield Powell
If you get this email can you please email me at [email protected]? Your Aunt Sharon contacted me today.