ISSN 2639-3840
This JAMES website is about the JAMES family that descends from John JAMES (1688-1725) who married Justina THURSTON/THRUSTON (1691-1750).
Please see my NOTICE below about copying from this website.
My earliest known JAMES ancestor is John James. In 1712 John James was 24 years old. He was born in Bristol, Somerset County, England. He met a 19 year old woman, Justina Thurston, and they were married. Almost immediately after their marriage, John and his bride made plans to move to the Colonies in the New World. The young couple were sailing directly to a township, then known as “Martin’s Hundred,” (now known as Carter’s Grove) in the Colony of Virginia, near Jamestown. Justina was coming to claim her inheritance, a home that had been established by her parents, in the late 1600s. The property was comfortably situated along the James River and was known as the “Loveing Estate.” Justina’s estate in Martin’s Hundred, which is located on the James River, the site where our American history begins. The story of how they came to acquire this land is interesting. See below.
Above, artist’s concept of Wolstenholme Towne, ca. 1622
For infomation on the Winthrop Rockefeller Archaeology Museum, Wolstenholme Towne, go to
The site is on the James River near Williamsburg. An English settlement called Martin’s Hundred had been established here in 1618. During the 1970’s an archeological investigation began which extensively researched this early settlement and, subsequently, clarified much of the settlement’s history. About 1623 the occupants of Martin’s Hundred suffered a massacre. Those surviving appear to have vanished.
Martin’s Hundred was found by accident in the early 1970s, by archaeologists searching around Carter’s Grove, a stately 18th-century plantation eight miles east of Williamsburg, for evidence of its early outbuildings. What they instead found were traces of an early 17th-century town and fort and domestic and military artifacts — a fragment of a Dutch delft tile, table knives encrusted in silver, a gilded spur, body armor, sword guards, two iron helmets, ceramics from Italy, Portugal, Germany. They also found bodies — some hastily buried.
The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation decided, in 1985, to tell the story of these events and how the archaeologists were able to discover it. The challenge was to design a building that would leave the area undisturbed yet be able to comfortably accommodate visitors and present the site in an interesting manner. The small museum was placed underground, at the crest of a hill overlooking the archeological site. The visitor enters the building from the side of the hill, away from the site, and emerges from the museum facing the site and the James River beyond.
More websites on the Wintrhop Rockefeller Museum that had been at Carter’s Grove. It closed in the early 1990s.
The above screenshot is from the book Americans of Gentle Birth, A Genealogical Encyclopedia, Volume I, page 295. Embracing many authenticated lineages and biographical sketches of the founders of the colonies and their descendants found in all parts of the United States. By Mrs. H. D. Pittman, Editor and Mrs. R. K. Walker, Manager.
I have transcribed that article below. I have inserted my comments as clarification in [ ] below.
Transcribed it reads: 1774, with Col. Richard Taliaferro, Capt. John Lightfoot and others. Capt. Christopher [JAMES], eldest brother of Maj. Thruston James, married Lucy Thompson; their homestead, “Armfield,” in Martin’s Hundred. He died 1779, leaving nine children: Foster, married Miss Clough; John, married first Miss [Elizabeth Frances] Morris, secondly, Miss Mosely [Mosby*]; Thruston, married Sallie Pendleton; George, never married; Edward (twin brother [of George]), married Susanna Shcppard [Sheppard]; Elizabeth, married John Thompson of Rose Hill; Mary, married James Pendleton; Lucy, married Nathaniel Thompson; Francis married Miss Chiles. Page 295.
*The surname of Mosby has been spelled Mosely in several colonial records.

Justina’s great grandmother, Elizabeth (Beverly) Kingston, had sailed to Martin’s Hundred on the James River from England in 1618 along with two hundred and twenty settlers to populate the settlement that would include a fort and the fledgling Wolstenholme Towne, which was part of Martin’s Hundred.
The Mayflower would not sail to America for two more years. Jamestown had been established eleven years earlier. And three years after my ancestors arrived in America, in 1622, the settlement was ravaged by an Indian massacre. The Indians, who had until then maintained cordial relations with the encroaching English, staged a surprise attack on the James River settlements and massacred nearly 350 people. Elizabeth and her first husband, Thomas Kingston, survived.
1622 Massacre
According to the 1995 book Martin’s Hundred by Ivor Noel Hume, ” the story of the archaeological breakthrough at Martin’s Hundred is a marvelous account of sleuthing, suspense, and feats of deduction.”
Ivor Noel Hume was a Williamsburg archaeologist and his team pieced together the cultural and social fabric of the settlement from the shards of pottery, hardware, and other fragile artifacts painstakingly unearthed with trowel and brush. From the graves, a story emerges of disease and violence, eloquent testimony to the desperate, tragic lives of these early arrivals in the New World – a skull split by a heavy blow and showing signs of scalping; skeletons without coffins (four in a grave), and evidence of epidemic.” According to Washington Post Book World “The story of his archaeological dig is one of the most significant in American Historical archaeology.”

After the massacre, Thomas Kingston served as Burgess for Martin’s Hundred Parish in 1629. After he died in 1636, Elizabeth married Thomas Loving (Loveing), who was also a landowner in Martin’s Hundred, owning at least 2,700 acres.

Elizabeth and Thomas Loving, my 10th great grandparents, had a daughter named Anne, who married Edward Thruston on October 28, 1666 in Martin’s Hundred. Edward is quoted as saying: “But the celebration of our Wedding was at Chepoakes in the same country Virginia by Mr. Murry, Minister.” Anne and Edward had a son they named John Thruston, who was born in Martin’s Hundred on December 2, 1668. It would seem that Edward and Anne traveled to England shortly after John’s birth, because Edward died in England in 1670. Anne died there also.
Edward and Anne’s son John Thruston (shown as Thruston and Thurston in various records) and his wife Elizabeth Cary Thruston married in England on September 23, 1690. They had a daughter named Justina Thurston, who was born in England on Aug. 26, 1691. She married John James, who was also born in England, in 1688. As stated earlier, John and Justina married before 1712 in England. John and Justina then sailed to Virginia in 1713. Christopher James was born to them in 1720, also in Martin’s Hundred. Christopher married Lucy Thompson in 1746. They then had John James in 1750. John James married twice. His first wife was Elizabeth Frances Morris and they married in 1774. Elizabeth died at the birth of their first child or very soon after. The daughter was named Elizabeth Morris James.
John married his second wife, Lucy Mosby, in 1780 in Henrico County, Virginia (see marriage record below). John and Lucy left James City County, Virginia soon after their marriage, and had several different homes in Virginia.
John and Lucy had ten children. Their first child was a son, William, born in 1780 in Hanover County, VA (my 4th great grandfather.) Hanover County is about 70 miles NW of where John was born in James City County. Then, they moved another 80 miles west and were living in Buckingham County, Virginia in 1783. Their 3rd child, John James, Jr. was born there.
John and Lucy evidently returned to Hanover County by 1786, when Foster was born. Mosby was also born in Hanover County, in 1787. As John and Lucy continued to travel west, their family continued to grow. In 1794 they had eight children and they had moved 110 miles SW to Campbell County, Virginia. A daughter, Susannah, was born here. The adventurous couple finally settled in an area we now call Ohio County, Kentucky in 1799, and only three years after it had become a state. No towns or settlements are shown on the “Kentucke” map of 1795, for none had yet been settled. The large area was known as Nelson County, Kentucky – Ohio and Butler Counties did not yet exist. Their 10th and last child, Mariah James, was born in 1802. John was then 49 years old. (It is possible that the boundary lines of the counties mentioned changed, as there were many boundary line changes. See
John James was in Mercer County, Kentucky in 1796 to assist his daughter in some transactions. In October 1799 he purchased 150 acres on Green River for 45 pounds. He purchased 117 acres on Pigeon Roost of Muddy Creek in Ohio County, Kentucky on Sept. 12, 1809 for $200. As of October 1, 1819 the 150 acres was deeded to Lucy (Mosby) James and her sister, Susanna Mosby for their lives, then to revert to heirs of John James. That deed was signed by the 10 children, except that husbands of the married daughters signed for them.
I can find no proof that Edmund James was married to Lucy Mosby, despite this family story above. Lucy was 18 when she married John James, so it would seem unlikely that she was married to Edmund before she married John. Edmund was 13 years younger than John and he married Susannah Sheppard in 1763, so if he had married Lucy first, he would have been less than 17 years old. Not impossible, but unlikely.
Edmond James and Susanna Sheppard 20 Dec 1788 marriage
John and Lucy (my fifth great grandparents) were “pioneers” in the purest sense of the word. John could easily have been acquainted with Daniel Boone; they lived in the same general area, and at the same time. There was only 16 years difference in their ages. John James lived in Kentucky for 20 years. He died in 1819. His grave marker can be found in the cemetery at Beaver Dam Baptist Church, Beaver Dam Kentucky, photo below. It reads:
DEC. Sept. 26th 1819
Aged 69 years
“Long affliction have I born
Physicians were in vain
But Christ was pleased
To call me home
And rid me of my pain.”
My interest in my JAMES ancestors started when I first contacted a cousin of my grandmothers — Glenn Warren. He and his wife had been family family researchers for many years. Through JAMES family contacts that he provided, I received a hand-written “tree” that showed how the James family was related to the outlaw Jesse James and how we share an ancestor — Dr. John Woodson. That chart was drawn (or distributed by) Jesse Sibert James, who was the father of Thurston James, both now deceased. There is also an “upside down” family tree — a drawn outline of a tree with the earliest known ancestors of this family listed down to John James & wife Lucy Mosby (my 5th great grandparents) and lists some of their children and grandchildren.
I have blurred out the parts of the tree on the top two pages above that has now been proven to be incorrect because people were saving the page from this website and including it on and using the information to populate their own tree incorrectly.
Jesse states on the pages that the authenticated material used to put together this “upside down” family tree, was obtained through the research efforts of two of our relatives, namely his son Dwayne James, and a distant cousin Dorothy James Turner. I have acquired a lot of documents and records on this JAMES family over the many years since I received those “charts.” Since no source documents were listed on the hand-drawn trees, I have documented the ancestors in my James line by doing research in Virginia, Kentucky, and Washington, D.C.
I contacted the National Society of the Claiborne Family Descendants and they have confirmed that Thomas Claiborne and Sarah Fenn did NOT have a daughter named Rebecca, and so that means that the “royal” lineage shown on the “tree” is incorrect. I have been unable to yet discover who the parents of Rebecca Claiborne are, or if for sure John Thompson did indeed marry a woman name Rebecca Claiborne.
NOTE: This James family is NOT related to the infamous Jesse & Frank James through the JAMES line. We are related to the outlaw Jesse James through the WOODSON FAMILY. The middle name of Jesse James was WOODSON. John Woodson, surgeon to the Jamestown Company, was Jesse’s 6th great grandfather. John Woodson is my 10th great grandfather. So Jesse is my 6th cousin, 4 times removed. Here is a good WOODSON website by a descendant that does a great job of giving the history of Jamestown…
Some information on this webpage was provided by Thurston James and also came from the research of other family researchers and gathered in a very comprehensive James Family Tree which was compiled by Mike Nelson.
It’s important to know that there were several JAMES family members who married cousins. Estil Perkins James married Lucy Ellen James, both descendants of William “Billy” Samuel James so they were 2nd cousins. And Estil’s grandparents were 1st cousins, both share grandparents — John James and Lucy Mosby.
Several trees state that John James served in the Revolutionary War. I found two men with the name of John James who served. One of them is listed as having served in the Continental Troops in Virginia; however, that John James died in Pulaski County, Kentucky in 1833, so he could NOT be “our” John James who married Lucy Mosby because he died in 1819 in Ohio County, Kentucky.
The other John James served in Kentucky in 1793 in Hall’s Regiment, Cavalry, Volunteers in Kentucky. However, our John James had 10 children by that year and he still lived in Virginia, so it is unlikely that he served in the Revolutionary War in Kentucky.
If anyone would like to contribute to information on this JAMES family, please email me at [email protected].
There is a JAMES Y-DNA project and we are seeking males to get tested. For info, please email me at [email protected]
Please know that the purpose of this website is to share my many years of research with others; however, I would appreciate it if you would PLEASE NOT “CUT AND PASTE” parts of this website and put it either on your own website or on your Ancestry tree. The information on this website is copyrighted. If you want to cite information from this website, PLEASE ONLY include a link <> that includes the URL. That way people can get up-to-date information, since I am never “done” and will be updating and including more information as time permits. You will also notice that this page has an ISSN number — ISSN 2639-3840 — which means that I have registered my website with the Library of Congress.
I list below some of the descendants of John and Justina James. I only show eight generations to protect the privacy of living persons. So far, no family researcher has found documented proof that Christopher is the son of John and Justina Thurston. It seems that those records were destroyed in Richmond during the Civil War. Many cousins have shared their James ancestry with me and I am indebted to them. I’ve included those names.
Descendants of John James & Justina Thurston
1 John James b: 1688 in Bristol, Somerset, England, d: 1725 in Armsfield Plantation, James City, Virginia
+ Justina Thurston b: 26 Aug 1691 in Long Ashton, Summerset County, England, m: Bef. 1712 in Bristol, Gloucester, England, d: 1790 in Armsfield, James City, Hanover Co., VA
For more information on the Thruston/Thurston family, go to
…2 Thurston (Major) James b: 1715 in Martins Hundred, James City County, VA, d: 05 Feb 1780 in James City, VA
From the book The Vestry book of Blisland (Blissland) Parish, New Kent and James City Counties, Virginia, 1721-1786, pg. 89 “Mr. Thruston James being chosen a Vestryman the last Vestry, was this day Sworn accordingly.”
+ ?
……3 John James d: 1818 in James City Co., VA
………4 Thruston James d: Bet. 1833–1834 in James City County, VA + Mary “Polly” Banks
…………5 Mary Banks James b: 04 Oct 1820 in James City Co., VA, d: Aug 1859 in Barhamsville, New Kent, Virginia, USA
+ ? Parrish
+ William Oliver Hockaday m: 20 May 1847
……3 William James
…2 John James b: 1720 in Martin’s Hundred, James City Co., VA, d: 02 Jan 1778 in Fauquier Co., VA
Above, will of John James (1720-1778)
+ Dinah Allen b: Oct 1716 in Stafford Co., VA, m: 1738 in Stafford or Prince William Co., Va. ; Stafford Co. became Fauquier Co in 1759, d: 16 May 1800 in Facquier Co., VA
……3 Thomas James
……3 Benjamin James
……3 John James
……3 Sarah James + Peter Hitt
……3 Ann James + John Finnie
+ Rodham Tullos
……3 Hannah James + Charles Hume
……3 Elizabeth James + John Bradford
……3 Mary Jame
+ Peter Conway
……3 Dinah James
+ James Thompson
……3 Susannah James + Isaac Eustace
…2 Christopher James b: 1720 in Martin’s Hundred, James City Co., VA, d: 1779 in Armsfield, James City, VA
By his will Christopher bequeathed to Foster James his tract of land, known as “Dandridge’s Quarter”; to Thurston James his tract of land, purchased from Speaker Robinson of the Va. House of Burgesses, known as “Mill Creek.” To Edmund James, the Homestead of “Annfield” with half of the land attached. To George James, the other half of the Annfield tract of land. And to each of his daughters he left negroes and other personal property, leaving all of them in very comfortable circumstances for those early times. His son John James, he cut off with one shilling sterling. For what cause we have never learned.
+ Lucy Thompson b: Abt. 1720 in Henrico Co., VA, m: 1746 in Virginia, d: 1767 in Armsfield, James City, VA
……3 Mary James b: 1747 in Hanover County, VA; m. 7 Dec. 1777; d: Ohio County, KY
+ John Garland
Library of Virginia Electronic Card File Marriages Card 37, Hanover Co, VA. Mary James 7 December 1777 (Date as reported by Clerk, not the marriage date), Hanover County license, Marriage and Ordinary, VSL, Acc. no. 26535
………4 Mary Garland
+ John/James Pendleton
………4 Mary Pendleton
……3 Foster James b: 23 Jun 1752 in Hanover Co., VA, d: 12 Mar 1812 in Hanover Co., Virginia
Foster James is listed on the 1799 Tax List of Hanover County, Virginia at:
+ Rebecca Clough
……3 Elizabeth James b: 1754
+ John Thompson b: Rose Hill
………4 Elizabeth Thompson
……3 Lucy James b: 1757 + Nathaniel Thompson
………4 Lucy Thompson
………4 Garland Thompson b: 26 Oct 1790 in Hanover Co., VA, d: 15 Apr 1821 in Charleston, South Carolina, USA
+ Eliza D. Anderson m: 07 May 1818
……3 Thruston James b: 1759 Hanover Co., Va. d. 1849
+ Sarah Pendelton
Thruston James is on the 1799 Tax List of Hanover County, Virginia, along with his brothers Edmund and Foster.
………4 Spotswood James b: Abt. 1797 in Hanover Co., VA, d: Bet. 1860–1870 in Hanover Co., VA + Feronia A. Bird
……3 George James b: 15 Jan 1763 in Armsfield, James City, Virginia, USA, d: 1764 in Armsfield Plantation, James City Co., Virginia (TWIN OF EDMUND)
……3 Edmund James b: 15 Jan 1763 in Hanover Co., Virginia, d: Bet. 1805–1810 in Hanover Co., VA (TWIN OF GEORGE)
+ Susannah Sheppard m: 20 Dec 1788 in Henrico Co., Virginia
Edmund James is on the 1799 Tax List of Hanover County, Virginia, along with his brothers Edmund and Foster.
………4 Garland James b: 1789 in Hanover Co., VA, d: 1867 in Mill Creek, Hanover Co., VA + Sarah Peatross
…………5 Henry James
……………6 Fleming Wills James
………4 Fleming James b: 02 Jan 1792, d: Abt. 1863
+ Mary A. Armstrong m: 03 Jun 1829 in Richmond, VA
…………5 Fleming James Jr. + Mary Ella Duvall
……………6 Henry Duvall James
+ Elizabeth Blakeslee m: 1908
………………7 Dudley James
………………7 Mary Latimer James b: 1883, d: 1963
……………6 Fleming James b: 1877 + Rebecca Godwin
………………7 Margaret James
………………7 Francis James
………………7 Fleming James b: 1904 in Shanghai
+ ?
+ Matilda Quarles m: 1814 in Fluvanna Co., VA
………4 Joseph Sheppard James b: 1794 in Hanover Co., Virginia, d: 18 Mar 1839 in Richmond, VA + Catherine C. Richards
+ Frances Redd Chandler m: 30 May 1820 in Garland Hill, Hanover Co., VA
………4 Edwin James b: 1796 in Hanover Co., VA
+ Frances Wills Armstrong m: 14 Mar 1830 in Residence of Fleming James, Richmond, VA
………4 Elizabeth Mosby James b: 1798 in Hanover Co., VA, d: Aft. 13 Aug 1850 + John Ladd Vaughan m: Abt. 1824 in Hanover Co., VA
………4 Ann Sheppard James b: 1800 in Hanover Co., VA
+ Sublett McGruder b: Bet. 15–30 Apr 1847 in Richmond, Henrico, Virginia, USA
……3 Frances James b: 09 Jul 1766 in Hanover Co., VA + John Pendleton m: Aft. 1787
……3 John James b: 1750 in Armsfield Plantation, Hanover Co., Virginia, d: 16 Sep 1819 in Beaver Dam, Ohio Co., Kentucky (SEE INFORMATION BELOW ON JOHN JAMES.)
The above memorial marker is in the Warren’s Mill Cemetery in Butler County, Kentucky
There is an incorrect compiled genealogy in the book Selden and Kindred.
John James did not have a middle initial of E. nor the middle name of Edmund. This error occurred in the book Selden and Kindred of Virginia, pg. 106 where the compiler mixes up two brothers: Edmund James and John James. Also, none of the nine siblings of John had middle names, so it’s unlikely that John would have had one.
The book lists the following and my comments are in red:
John and Justina (Thurston) James had among their issue:
- Major Thurston James (1715-1780), of New Kent Co., VA.
- Christopher James, died 1779. He married Lucy Thompson.
They removed from James City Co. to Hanover County where they lived and raised a large family from whom there are numerous descendants. Issue:
- Mary James, born 1747, married John Garland
- John James, born 1749 (John was born in 1750), disinherited, moved west. (This is “our” John — he married Lucy Mosby (his 2nd wife) and his first wife was Elizabeth Morris who died in childbirth.)
- Foster James, born 1752, married Rebecca Clough
- Elizabeth James, born 1754, married John Pendleton
- Lucy James, born 1757, married Nathaniel Thompson
- Thurston James, born 1759
- Edmund James married first Susannah Sheppard; second Lucy Mosby (This is incorrect. Edmund only married once — to Susannah Sheppard on 20 Dec. 1788. Susannah was his only wife. Lucy Mosby ONLY married John James and he was her only husband – see child #2 above.)
- George, twin of Edmund. They were born Jan. 15, 1763.
- Frances James, born July 9, 1766; married Mr. Child.
All five sons of Christopher James are listed in his will.
+ (1st) Elizabeth Frances Morris b: ca. 1755 Hanover Co., Va.; d. 1774 Hanover Co., Va. (in childbirth)
…… 4 Elizabeth Morris James b. 1 March 1774 Hanover Co., Virginia; d. 1817 Mercer Co., Kentucky
+ (2nd) Lucy Mosby b: 1762 in Henrico Co., Virginia, m: 1780 in Henrico, Virginia, d: 26 Sep 1819 in Beaver Dam, Ohio Co., Kentucky
………4 Mosby James b: 1784 in Henrico Co., Virginia, d: 15 Nov 1855 in Ohio Co., KY
…………5 Martha J. James b: 1830 in Ohio Co., KY, d: Bet. 1890 in Butler Co., KY
+ Volney M. James b: Dec 1821 in Ohio Co., Kentucky, m: 16 Jul 1845 Ohio Co., KY; d. 2 Aug 1863 Church Hospital, Memphis, TN (Wounded as a Civil War POW)
……………6 Burilla Carolyn James b: 31 Aug 1846 in Ohio County, KY, d: 01 Jan 1920
+ John Logan Warren b: 11 May 1844 in Mattoon, Coles County, Illinois, m: 01 Nov 1866 in Butler County, d: 05 Oct 1905 in Warren’s Mill, Butler County, KY
………………7 William Volney Warren b: 15 Jul 1867 in Warren’s Mill, Butler Co., KY, d: 01 Mar 1938 in McHenry, Ohio Co. KY
+ Yettie Goodall b: 13 Jan 1877 in Butler Co., KY, m: 26 Nov 1892 in Butler Co., Kentucky, d: 28 Oct 1957 in Butler Co., Kentucky
………………7 Martha Evaline Warren b: 29 Apr 1869 in Warren’s Mill, Butler Co., KY, d: 31 Dec 1912 in Warren’s Mill, Butler Counry., KY
+ William Cicero Liles b: 07 Oct 1869 in Rosine, Ohio County, KY, d: 08 Mar 1931 in Springfield, Illinois
………………7 Eugene Warren b: 23 Aug 1875 in Warren’s Mill, Butler County, KY, d: 19 May 1889
………………7 Minnie J. Warren b: 23 Aug 1875 in Warren’s Mill, Butler County, KY, d: 01 Feb 1879 in Ohio County, KY
………………7 Everett Eustis Warren b: 14 Apr 1888 in Warren’s Mill, Butler County, KY, d: 01 Apr 1944 in Ohio County, KY
+ Donna Morris b: 02 Jul 1888 in Butler Co., KY, m: 17 Jan 1914, d: 03 Nov in Hartford, Ohio County, KY
……………6 William Mosby “Brud” James b: 17 Jul 1849, d: 01 Feb 1911
+ Rosanah Clark b: 29 Jan 1861, m: 05 Jul 1877 in Butler County, Kentucky, d: 28 Dec 1939 in Ohio Co., KY
………………7 Lena James d: Died in Infancy
………………7 Glenn James
………………7 Estil Perkins James b: 24 Oct 1878, d: 20 Mar 1958
+ Lucy Ellen James b: 24 Apr 1884, m: 24 Nov 1901, d: 17 Mar 1966
………………7 Clyde Vernon James b: 01 Aug 1881, d: 22 Jul 1964 in McHenry, KY + Leona Butler b: 16 Oct 1890, d: 09 May 1961 in McHenry, KY
………………7 Minnie E. James b: 02 Apr 1884, d: 11 Jan 1971 in Jeffersonville, IN
+ John Calvin Brisendine b: 1873, m: 14 Jan 1906 in Butler County, Kentucky
………………7 Levis Fleming James b: 03 Nov 1887, d: 19 Dec 1967
………………7 Lafe James b: 26 Dec 1891
+ Jesse “Pearl” Benton m: 18 Jun 1911
………………7 Buna James b: 08 Aug 1894, d: Jan 1997 in Booker, TX
………………7 Dessie Dorene James b: 03 Nov 1900, d: 02 Feb 1978 in Skiatook, OK
+ Eudora Frances “Martha” James b: 27 Oct 1851 in Ohio Co., KY, d: 23 Oct 1876 in Butler Co., KY
………………7 Martha Addie James b: Abt. 1875, d: 17 Sep 1928
+ Robert C . Butler b: 1873, d: 13 May 1947
+ Elizabeth “Betsey” Martha Rogers b: 1791 in Nelson Co., KY, m: 08 Nov 1813 in Ohio Co., Kentucky
…………5 Volney M. James b: Dec 1821 in Ohio Co., Kentucky, d: 2 Aug 1863 Church Hospital, Memphis, TN (Wounded in Civil War POW)
+ Martha J. James b: 1830 in Ohio Co., KY, m: 16 July 1845, Ohio Co., KY d: 1890 in Butler Co., KY
……………6 Burilla Carolyn James b: 31 Aug 1846 in Ohio County, KY, d: 01 Jan 1920
+ John Logan Warren b: 11 May 1844 in Mattoon, Coles County, Illinois, m: 01 Nov 1866 in Butler County, d: 05 Oct 1905 in Warren’s Mill, Butler County, KY
………………7 William Volney Warren b: 15 Jul 1867 in Warren’s Mill, Butler Co., KY, d: 01 Mar 1938 in McHenry, Ohio Co. KY
+ Yettie Goodall b: 13 Jan 1877 in Butler Co., KY, m: 26 Nov 1892 in Butler Co., Kentucky, d: 28 Oct 1957 in Butler Co., Kentucky
………………7 Martha Evaline Warren b: 29 Apr 1869 in Warren’s Mill, Butler Co., KY, d: 31 Dec 1912 in Warren’s Mill, Butler Counry., KY
+ William Cicero Liles b: 07 Oct 1869 in Rosine, Ohio County, KY, d: 08 Mar 1931 in Springfield, Illinois
………………7 Eugene Warren b: 23 Aug 1875 in Warren’s Mill, Butler County, KY, d: 19 May 1889
………………7 Minnie J. Warren b: 23 Aug 1875 in Warren’s Mill, Butler County, KY, d: 01 Feb 1879 in Ohio County, KY
………………7 Everett Eustis Warren b: 14 Apr 1888 in Warren’s Mill, Butler County, KY, d: 01 Apr 1944 in Ohio County, KY
+ Donna Morris b: 02 Jul 1888 in Butler Co., KY, m: 17 Jan 1914, d: 03 Nov in Hartford, Ohio County, KY
……………6 William Mosby “Brud” James b: 17 Jul 1849, d: 01 Feb 1911
+ Rosanah Clark b: 29 Jan 1861, m: 05 Jul 1877 in Butler County, Kentucky, d: 28 Dec 1939 in Ohio Co., KY
………………7 Lena James d: Died in Infancy
………………7 Glenn James
………………7 Estil Perkins James b: 24 Oct 1878, d: 20 Mar 1958
+ Lucy Ellen James b: 24 Apr 1884, m: 24 Nov 1901, d: 17 Mar 1966
………………7 Clyde Vernon James b: 01 Aug 1881, d: 22 Jul 1964 in McHenry, KY + Leona Butler b: 16 Oct 1890, d: 09 May 1961 in McHenry, KY
………………7 Minnie E. James b: 02 Apr 1884, d: 11 Jan 1971 in Jeffersonville, IN
+ John Calvin Brisendine b: 1873, m: 14 Jan 1906 in Butler County, Kentucky
………………7 Levis Fleming James b: 03 Nov 1887, d: 19 Dec 1967
………………7 Lafe James b: 26 Dec 1891
+ Jesse “Pearl” Benton m: 18 Jun 1911
………………7 Buna James b: 08 Aug 1894, d: Jan 1997 in Booker, TX
………………7 Dessie Dorene James b: 03 Nov 1900, d: 02 Feb 1978 in Skiatook, OK
+ Eudora Frances “Martha” James b: 27 Oct 1851 in Ohio Co., KY, d: 23 Oct 1876 in Butler Co., KY
………………7 Martha Addie James b: Abt. 1875, d: 17 Sep 1928 + Robert C . Butler b: 1873, d: 13 May 1947
…………5 Morrison James b: 01 Sep 1814 in Ohio Co., KY, d: Aft. 1880 in Butler Co., KY
+ Caroline M. James b: 16 Jun 1814 in Ohio Co., KY, m: 28 Dec 1836 in Butler Co., KY, d: 1907 in Butler Co., KY
……………6 Lewis P. James d: 1932
+ Mary Idel Hobdy b: 15 May 1855 in Kentucky
………………7 O. F. James b: 1873, d: 1879
………………7 J. P. James b: 1875, d: 1875
……………6 Leura Catherine James b: 16 Jun 1844 in Ohio Co., Kentucky, d: 1919 in Butler Co., Kentucky
+ William Earlis Hudson b: 21 Feb 1838 in Sumner Co., TN, m: 24 Apr 1873, d: 29 Aug 1887
………………7 Earlis Jerome Hudson b: 1876, d: 1923
……………6 Richard S. James b: 22 Sep 1838 in Ohio County, Kentucky, d: 25 May 1916 in Butler County, Kentucky
+ Phrenetter House
………………7 Henry Euphratus James b: 16 Feb 1866 in Ohio County, KY, d: 30 May 1945 in McHenry, Ohio County, KY
+ Mary Frances Warren b: 15 Feb 1870 in Butler County, KY, m: 07 Oct 1894 in Butler County, KY, d: 28 Jun 1931 in McHenry, Ohio County, KY
+ Martha Green Warren b: 02 Aug 1850 in Ohio Co., KY, m: 05 Nov 1868 in Butler County, Kentucky, d: 14 Dec 1953 in Butler Co., KY
………………7 Iduma James b: 28 Jan 1869 in Butler Co., KY, d: 28 Nov 1953 in Aberdeen, KY + John William DeWeese m: 22 Oct 1896
………………7 Uncillis James b: 14 Nov 1870
………………7 Maesan James b: 17 Oct 1872
………………7 Morgan B. James b: 16 Jul 1874
……………6 Alexander C. James b: 07 Nov 1842 in Ohio Co., Kentucky, d: Feb 1850 in Ohio Co., Kentucky
……………6 Gerome James b: 29 Apr 1850
……………6 Elizabeth James b: 09 Jan 1847 in Ohio Co., Kentucky + Caroline M. ?
……………6 Elizabeth James b: 09 Jan 1847 in Ohio County, Kentucky, d: 22 Dec 1908 in Butler County, Kentucky
+ Joseph Thompson
+ John Layton Warren b: 02 Feb 1845 in Garrard, Kentucky, m: 29 Apr 1867 in Butler County, Kentucky, d: 06 Feb 1915 in Butler Co., KY
…………5 Samuel Louis James b: 25 Aug 1816, d: 1907
…………5 Margaret Ann James b: 1818, d: 1856
…………5 William Henry James b: 1819, d: 1848
…………5 Joseph (Frank) Franklin James b: 1822 in Ohio Co., KY, d: Ohio Co., KY
+ Malissa Catherine Valentine b: 1826, m: 22 Sep 1846, d: 1899 5 Pleasant Foster James b: Abt. 1828 in Ohio County, Kentucky
+ Mary Louise Parker b: Tennessee, m: 23 Dec 1847, d: Abt. 1865 in Butler County, Kentucky
……………6 Eliza D. James b: 25 Dec 1855 in Butler County, Kentucky, d: 07 Jun 1943 in Ohio County, Kentucky…………
……………6 Senora James b: 1852 in Russelville, KY, d: 25 Mar 1926 in Owensboro, Davies Co., Kentucky
+ John Wilson Maxey b: 1849
………………7 Florence Maxey
………………7 Louisa E. Maxey b: 1872
………………7 James Thomas Maxey b: 1874, d: 1959
………………7 Charles Edward Maxey b: 1875, d: 1947
………………7 Mary Agnes Maxey b: 1878, d: 1953
………………7 Clarence Maxey b: 1880
………………7 Daisy Myrtle Maxey b: 1900, d: 1984
+ John Harris Driscoll
…………5 Berilla James b: 1828 in Ohio Co., KY + John L. Rankin
…………5 Hezekiah James b: 29 May 1832 in Ohio Co., KY, d: 18 Feb 1880 in Butler Co., KY + Mary D. Butler b: 02 Jan 1842 in Sumner Co., TN, d: 09 Jan 1906
…………5 John (Jack) James b: 1833 + Sally Borah
………4 William “Billy” Samuel James b: 1780 in Hanover Co., Virginia, d: Bet. 1840–1848 in Butler Co., KY

+ Catherine Ann Parker b: Abt. 1785 in VA, m: 06 Apr 1801 in Ohio Co., Kentucky, d: Bet. 1840–1848 in Butler Co., KY

…………5 Samuel James b: 1802 in Ohio Co., KY, d: Abt. 1870 in Ohio Co., KY
+ Elizabeth Reno b: Abt. 1804 in Kentucky, m: 09 Feb 1826 in Muhlenburg Co., KY
……………6 Wing Kincheloe James b: Oct 1825 in Kentucky, d: 27 Jan 1920 + Mary A. Roan (Reno?) b: 1838 in Kentucky, d: Bef. 1900
………………7 Alice B. James b: Oct 1852 in Kentucky
+ Lycurgus W. Iglehart b: Jan 1848 in Kentucky, m: 18 Jan 1872, d: Aft. 1900
………………7 William Luther James b: 1853
+ Nannie E. White m: 28 Nov 1875
………………7 Harriet R. James b: 1861 in Ohio Co., KY + Leslie Iglehart m: 08 Jan 1881
………………7 Mattie James b: 22 Dec 1863 in Ohio Co., KY + Lowery Tichenor
………………7 Catherine James b: 22 Dec 1863
+ Alvis Berry Tichenor m: 17 Jan 1883
………………7 Frances E. James b: 1868
……………6 Amanda Catherine James b: 15 May 1827
……………6 Sarah Ann “Sallie” James b: 15 Nov 1831 in Ohio Co., KY, d: 12 Jan 1913 in Weir, Kansas
+ Nathaniel Francis Arbuckle b: 13 Sep 1829 in Garrard Co., KY, m: 04 Sep 1858 in Ohio, Kentucky, USA, d: 23 Nov 1915 in Lafayette, Missouri, USA
………………7 Samuel Drinkard Arbuckle b: 01 Jun 1859 in Ohio Co., KY, d: Aft. 1942
………………7 Florence Harriet Arbuckle b: 30 Dec 1861 in Ohio Co., KY, d: 17 Sep 1899 in Bucklin MO + Harry S. Perkins m: 13 Dec 1880
………………7 William Thomas Arbuckle b: 29 Jan 1866 in Ohio Co., KY, d: 16 Oct 1933 in Edmond, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, USA
+ Laura S. Brandow m: 05 May 1893
………………7 Sarah Elizabeth Arbuckle b: 08 Aug 1871 in Macon Co., MO, d: 20 Jul 1891 in Bucklin MO + Anthony Drain Woodward m: Oct 1889
………………7 Edmond Reno Arbuckle b: 24 Jun 1873 in Macon Co., MO, d: 21 Dec 1941 in California + Emma Jane Stephenson m: 01 Aug 1901
………………7 George Ruth Topham Arbuckle b: 20 Feb 1877 in Macon Co., MO, d: 25 Jun 1900 in Macon, Missouri, USA
+ William A. Evans m: 06 Nov 1895
……………6 Francis E. James b: 1834 in Ohio Co., KY + Robert M. Davis m: 01 Aug 1853
……………6 William James b: Abt. 1835
……………6 Edmond Henderson James b: Sep 1837 in Ohio Co., KY, d: 11 Mar 1911 in Ohio Co., KY + Elizabeth Hook (or Timmons) m: 07 Feb 1859, d: 1913
………………7 Cordia James James b: 1860
+ William W. Shacklett
………………7 Edmonia James b: 1862
………………7 Mattie A. James b: 1864
………………7 Sallie James b: 1866
………………7 Elizabeth James b: Abt. 1868
………………7 Mary I. James b: Abt. 1870
………………7 Lena James b: Abt. 1874
+ Mary Sophia Butler b: 20 Oct 1846 in Butler Co., KY, d: 18 Mar 1920 in Chanute, KS
………………7 Finus James b: 19 Jun 1885 in Cromwell, KY, d: 17 Mar 1964 in Chanute KS
+ Margaret Laura Sullivan b: Abt. 1876, m: 16 Oct 1910
……………6 Mary Eliza James b: 19 Aug 1839 in Ohio Co., Kentucky
+ Thomas H. Woodward m: 16 Jun 1859
………………7 Ralph Woodward
………………7 ? Woodward
………………7 Anthony Drain Woodward
+ Sarah Elizabeth Arbuckle m: 18 Oct 1889
……………6 Millie James b: 14 Apr 1842
……………6 Samuel Mosby James b: 16 Feb 1844
+ Laura Alice Kincheloe b: 1853, d: 1921
………………7 Richard Herbert James b: 13 Dec 1877 in Ohio Co., Kentucky, d: 17 Mar 1961 in Ohio County, KY
+ Iola Beatrice Benton m: 22 Feb 1902 in Ohio County, KY
+ Effie Tichenor m: 20 Feb 1914 in Ohio County, KY
……………6 Nancy E. “Nannie” James b: 11 Sep 1845
+ Elijah Hise James b: 1851, m: 01 Mar 1876
+ Elizabeth Davis m: 10 Nov 1821
…………5 Fleming W. James b: 1803 in Ohio Co., Kentucky, d: Aft. 1880 in Ohio Co., Kentucky
+ Margaret Ann Rogers b: Abt. 1824 in Ohio Co., KY, m: 24 Nov 1839 in Ohio Co., KY, d: Bef. 1880 in Ohio Co., Kentucky
……………6 Vibella James b: 1844 in Ohio Co., KY, d: Bef. 1863
+ Agnes E. James b: 04 Sep 1842 in Ohio Co., KY
+ Luther Rogers
……………6 Francis James b: 1847 in Kentucky
……………6 Samuel Wing James b: 1848
+ Mary Curt Arbuckle b: 22 Mar 1861 in Illinois, d: 22 Jul 1924
………………7 Lucy James
………………7 Ira James
………………7 Cora Eula James b: 04 Aug 1890 in Butler, Kentucky, United States, d: 25 May 1971
+ William Cicero Liles b: 07 Oct 1869 in Rosine, Ohio County, KY, m: 1918, d: 08 Mar 1931 in Springfield, Illinois
+ Henry Earl Elder b: 15 May 1884, d: 19 Dec 1917
………………7 Jewel James
………………7 Oval James
……………6 Samuel Wing James b: 12 Oct 1848, d: 30 Mar 1912 in Butler, Kentucky, USA + Jenetta E. Hodges m: 08 Sep 1870
………………7 Granvel James b: Bet. 1870–1877
+ Ada Clark b: Bet. 1861–1891
………………7 Ada James b: 10 Oct 1875, d: 15 Mar 1967 in Galveston, Texas + Mary Curt Arbuckle b: 11 Mar 1861, d: 22 Jul 1924
………………7 Ira B. James b: 1882, d: 1963 + Lottie Warren b: 1889, d: 1974 + Mary ?
………………7 Lucy Ellen James b: 24 Apr 1884, d: 17 Mar 1966
+ Estil Perkins James b: 24 Oct 1878, m: 24 Nov 1901, d: 20 Mar 1958
………………7 Corda James b: 1887
………………7 Louis James b: Bet. 1891–1893
………………7 Jewel Leslie James b: 1894 + Myrtle Cook
………………7 Robert Oval James b: 1900
………………7 Cora Eula James b: 04 Aug 1890 in Butler, Kentucky, United States, d: 25 May 1971
+ William Cicero Liles b: 07 Oct 1869 in Rosine, Ohio County, KY, m: 1918, d: 08 Mar 1931 in Springfield, Illinois
+ Henry Earl Elder b: 15 May 1884, d: 19 Dec 1917
……………6 Martha Eudora James b: 1852, d: 1933
+ Josiah Walton Wade b: 1845, m: 1869, d: 1919
………………7 Lewis Benjamin Wade b: 1880, d: 1956
+ Sesney B. Ross b: 1887, m: 1906, d: 1978
……………6 Edmonia James b: 1852, d: 1950
+ Aaron Frank Butler m: 19 Mar 1869
………………7 Robert C . Butler b: 1873, d: 13 May 1947
+ Martha Addie James b: Abt. 1875, d: 17 Sep 1928
……………6 John Thomas James b: 1854
+ Mary E. Robertson m: 24 Jul 1878
……………6 Laura L. James b: 1856, d: Bet. 1880–1889
+ Joseph James Butler b: 01 Oct 1850 in Ohio Co., Kentucky, m: 13 Dec 1871 in Ohio Co., Kentucky, d: 08 May 1915 in Butler Co., Kentucky
………………7 Viola Butler b: 01 Dec 1873 in Butler Co., KY, d: 16 Feb 1936 in Butler Co., KY + ? m: 25 Dec 1889 in Butler Co., KY
………………7 Bina Butler b: 1876
……………6 Luther James James b: 1859
……………6 Vilura James b: 1862
……………6 Amanda James b: 1864
……………6 Florence James b: 1866, d: 07 Sep 1892 + Robert Fulton Arbuckle m: 20 Sep 1882
…………5 Lucy James b: 1805
+ William Cass Rogers b: Abt. 1802, m: 22 Apr 1822 in Ohio Co., Kentucky
……………6 Emily Rogers b: 1831
……………6 Eliza Rogers b: 1833
……………6 Martha Rogers b: 1842
……………6 Mary Rogers b: 1845
…………5 Frances “Fannie” James b: 1808 in Ohio Co., KY + Milton Rogers b: 1808, d: 1882
……………6 Thomas Rogers
……………6 Luther Rogers
+ Vibella James b: 1844 in Ohio Co., KY, d: Bef. 1863
+ Agnes E. James b: 04 Sep 1842 in Ohio Co., KY, m: 23 Oct 1863
+ Sarah James-Valentine b: 26 Feb 1831 in Ohio Co., KY, d: 29 Nov 1918
……………6 Catherine Rogers b: 1831, d: Jun 1868 in Ohio Co., KY + John A. Sigler b: 1822 in Indiana, m: Abt. 1850
………………7 Isabell Sigler b: 1851
+ Richard S. James b: 1848
………………7 Alice Sigler b: 1855 + W. D. Arbuckle
………………7 Mary E. Sigler b: 1858 + C. S. Taylor
………………7 Florence Sigler b: 1860 + Charles F. Miller
………………7 Sarah Letitia Jane Sigler b: 15 Oct 1865, d: 11 May 1951 in Central City, KY
+ John William Keown b: 23 Dec 1860, m: 23 May 1884, d: 29 Sep 1939 in Ohio Co., KY
…………5 Eliza James b: 08 Sep 1809 in KY, d: 08 Jan 1866 in Butler Co., Kentucky + Isaac Clark b: KY, m: 27 Jan 1835 in Butler Co., Kentucky
+ Chastain Ferguson m: 26 Dec 1832
……………6 Fleming James Clark b: 15 Jan 1836 in Garrard County, Kentucky, d: 20 Mar 1904 in Butler County, Kentucky
+ Elizabeth Warren b: 28 Mar 1837 in Garrard County, KY, m: 11 Nov 1857 in Morgantown, Butler County, Kentucky, d: Aft. 1910
………………7 ? Clark
………………7 Finis W. Clark b: 11 Dec 1858 in Butler County, Kentucky, d: 1921 in Butler County, Kentucky
+ Mary ? b: 1871
………………7 Rosanah Clark b: 29 Jan 1861, d: 28 Dec 1939 in Ohio Co., KY
+ William Mosby “Brud” James b: 17 Jul 1849, m: 05 Jul 1877 in Butler County, Kentucky, d: 01 Feb 1911
………………7 Ada Clark b: Bet. 1861–1891
+ Granvel James b: Bet. 1870–1877
………………7 Amanda Clark b: Bet. 1861–1891
+ Penn Austin b: 18 Jul 1892, d: Oct 1967 in Marathon, FL
………………7 Nancy E. Clark b: 1865 + Genie Inglehart
………………7 John R. Clark b: 1866 in KY, d: Aft. 1910 + Lizzie C. ? b: KY, m: Abt. 1894
………………7 Bruneta Clark b: 1867 + Fred Young
………………7 Thomas P. Clark b: 25 Jul 1877 in Butler County, Kentucky, d: 12 Mar 1915 in Butler County, Kentucky
+ Ora Belle Daugherty b: Abt. 1884 in Kentucky, m: Abt. 1902
……………6 Emeline Clark b: 1837 in Butler Co., KY
+ Elvis G. Bryzendine b: Abt. 1827 in Tennessee, m: 30 Mar 1857 in Butler Co., Kentucky
……………6 Mary C. Clark b: 1838 in Butler Co., KY
+ Drinkard Arbuckle b: 07 May 1803 in Garrard, Kentucky, United States of America, m: 17 Jun 1841 in Butler Co., Kentucky, d: 14 May 1863 in Butler Co., Kentucky
……………6 Eudora S. Arbuckle b: 1842 in Butler Co., KY, d: 01 Apr 1858 in Butler Co., KY
……………6 Joseph Alfred Arbuckle b: Abt. 1844
……………6 William Curran Arbuckle b: 21 Jan 1844 in Butler Co., KY, d: 11 Nov 1917 in Ohio Co., KY + Eliza J. Hodges b: 13 Dec 1848, m: 07 Sep 1866, d: 04 Apr 1885 in Green River, KY
………………7 Maary Arbuckle b: 1867
………………7 William W. Arbuckle b: 1872
………………7 Nola Arbuckle b: 1874
………………7 Berchel Arbuckle b: 1876, d: Ohio Co., KY
………………7 Nathaniel C. Arbuckle b: 1881, d: Ohio Co., KY + Narcissa L. Hodges b: Abt. 1841, m: 31 Dec 1885
……………6 James Drinkard Arbuckle b: May 1848 in Butler Co., KY
+ Sarah M. Ranney b: 1854, m: 25 Dec 1871
+ Virginia Miller b: Abt. 1859, m: 25 Sep 1884
……………6 Volney James Arbuckle b: 04 Feb 1851 in Butler Co., KY, d: 26 Dec 1897 in Ohio Co., KY + Idella Atchison b: 1852, d: 1931
…………5 Mosby “Mode” James b: 15 Jan 1812 in Ohio Co., Kentucky, d: 11 Jan 1873 in Ohio Co., Kentucky
+ Elizabeth “Betsy” Coffee Hobdy b: 01 Mar 1815 in Tennessee, m: 25 Dec 1832 in Ohio County, Kentucky, d: 02 Dec 1879 in Ohio Co., KY
……………6 Minerva James b: 1834
……………6 Melvina “Elvina” James b: 03 Aug 1835 in Ohio Co., KY + George W. Taylor m: 04 Jul 1856
………………7 Florence Taylor
………………7 Mary D. Taylor
………………7 Cornett R. Taylor
……………6 Robert Clinton James b: 01 Mar 1837 in Ohio Co., KY + Elnora Gardner
………………7 Samuel M. James b: 1879
………………7 Adron V. James b: 1883
………………7 Gilbert C. James b: 1897
……………6 Agnes E. James b: 04 Sep 1842 in Ohio Co., KY
+ Vibella James b: 1844 in Ohio Co., KY, d: Bef. 1863
+ Walter S. Dunn m: 29 Mar 1860
+ Luther Rogers m: 23 Oct 1863
……………6 Lycurgus James b: 04 Sep 1842 in Ohio Co., KY + Elizabeth Rogers m: 20 Oct 1863
……………6 Samuel L. James b: 11 Aug 1844 in Ohio Co., KY, d: 02 Feb 1855
……………6 John H. James b: 25 Oct 1846 in Ohio Co., KY, d: 16 Dec 1884 + Sally Sharer m: 12 Oct 1875
……………6 Margaret M. James b: 1849 in Ohio Co., KY + James A. Fleener m: 24 Oct 1866
……………6 Eudora Frances “Martha” James b: 27 Oct 1851 in Ohio Co., KY, d: 23 Oct 1876 in Butler Co., KY
+ William Mosby “Brud” James b: 17 Jul 1849, d: 01 Feb 1911
………………7 Martha Addie James b: Abt. 1875, d: 17 Sep 1928 + Robert C . Butler b: 1873, d: 13 May 1947
…………5 Emaline James b: 1818
+ Cotten Hobdy b: 1812 in Tennessee, m: 13 May 1833 in Butler County, Kentucky; Divorced, d: Aft. 1870 in Butler County, Kentucky
……………6 Frances Hobdy b: Abt. 1847
……………6 Septimus Hobdy b: 1850 in Kentucky
……………6 Amos Hobdy b: 1852 in Kentucky
…………5 William L. James b: 20 Jun 1819 in Ohio Co., KY, d: 25 Jul 1899 in Warren’s Mill, Butler Co., Kentucky
Tombstone of William L. James and wife Lucinda James
Butler County Kentucky Deed dated 15 July 1850 between William L. James to Morrison James and acknowledged by Mosby James, Mitton Rogers, Wm. Rogers, Drinkard Arbuckle, William L. James and Alexander Hobdy…Elizabeth James wife of said William L. James, Lucinda James wife of said William L. James, Eliza Arbuckle wife of said Drinkard Arbuckle, Harry Rogers wife of said Milton Rogers, Lucy Rogers wife of said Wm. C. Rogers and Emaline Hobdy wife of said Alexander Hobdy.
+ Lucinda Arbuckle m: 10 Jun 1846 in Butler Co., Kentucky
……………6 Richard S. James b: 1848 + Isabell Sigler b: 1851
………………7 Albina James b: 1873
………………7 Mary M. C. James b: 1875, d: 1899
………………7 Annie M. James b: 1878
………………7 Fanny James b: 1882
………………7 William E. James b: 1885
………………7 Claudia James b: 1888
………………7 Lena M. James b: 1892
+ Lucinda Arbuckle b: Aug 1832 in Garrard Co., KY, m: 20 Jun 1846 in Butler Co., Kentucky, d: Aug 1901 in Butler Co., KY
……………6 Catherine Ann “Kitty” James b: 1847, d: 27 Aug 1944 in Ohio Co., Kentucky + James M. Butler b: 18 Aug 1845, m: 21 Mar 1867, d: 04 Nov 1915
………………7 James W. Butler b: 22 Aug 1869, d: 01 Jan 1918 in Ohio Co., Kentucky
+ Leona G. Stewart b: 11 Mar 1873, m: 11 Jan 1900, d: 30 Aug 1964 in Bloomington, Illinois
………………7 John T. Butler b: Bet. 1873–1875 + Nancy “Nannie” Austin
………………7 Claudy Butler b: 03 Aug 1878
………………7 Leona Butler b: 16 Oct 1890, d: 09 May 1961 in McHenry, KY
+ Clyde Vernon James b: 01 Aug 1881, d: 22 Jul 1964 in McHenry, KY
………………7 Lacky Butler b: Dec 1892
……………6 Richard S. James b: 1848 + Isabell Sigler b: 1851
………………7 Albina James b: 1873
………………7 Mary M. C. James b: 1875, d: 1899
………………7 Annie M. James b: 1878
………………7 Fanny James b: 1882
………………7 William E. James b: 1885
………………7 Claudia James b: 1888
………………7 Lena M. James b: 1892
……………6 Elijah Hise James b: 1851
+ Josephine Timmons m: 1869
+ Nancy E. “Nannie” James b: 11 Sep 1845, m: 01 Mar 1876
…………5 Sarah Ann “Sally” James b: 1825 in Butler County, Kentucky, d: Aft. 1880
+ Alexander Hobdy b: 1818 in Butler Co., Kentucky, m: 27 Jun 1843 in Butler County, KY, d: Bef. 1880 in Butler Co., KY

……………6 Frances Hobdy b: 17 Dec 1857 in Butler Co., Kentucky, d: 30 Apr 1882 in Warren’s Mill Cemetery, Butler County, KY
+ Robert Fulton Arbuckle b: 1856, m: 21 Nov 1877 in Butler County, Kentucky, d: 1902
……………6 Acrater Hobdy b: 13 Apr 1844 in Butler County, Kentucky, d: 08 Mar 1872 in Ohio Co., KY
+ William Earlis Hudson b: 21 Feb 1838 in Sumner Co., TN, m: 15 Mar 1859 in Ohio County, Kentucky, d: 29 Aug 1887
………………7 Sarah Elizabeth Hudson b: 1860 + Bud Sharp m: 31 Oct 1878
………………7 James A. Hudson b: 1864
+ Mary E. James m: 13 Mar 1898
………………7 Olive C. Hudson b: 1868
……………6 Evaline Hobdy b: 28 Jan 1846 in Ohio Co., KY, d: 16 Apr 1938 in McHenry, Ohio Co. KY
+ Samuel Francis Warren b: 07 Aug 1835 in Garrard Co., KY, m: 04 Feb 1863 in Corning, Clay Co., AR, d: 08 Dec 1911 in Warren’s Mill, Butler Co., KY
………………7 Sarah M. “Sally” Warren b: 23 Aug 1866 in Butler Co., KY, d: Aft. 1938 + Jesse Bennett
………………7 Robert Elvis Warren b: 05 Feb 1867 in Butler Co., KY
………………7 Alexander Arthur Warren b: 16 Apr 1868 in Butler Co., KY, d: 15 Nov 1947 in Jacksonville, Morgan Co., IL
Alexander Arthur Warren, ca. 1919
+ Martha A. Short b: 20 Feb 1874 in Woodville, Greene Co., Illinois, m: 02 Jan 1894 in Greene Co., IL, d: 04 Feb 1899 in Warren’s Mill, Butler Co., Kentucky
………………7 Mary Frances Warren b: 15 Feb 1870 in Butler County, KY, d: 28 Jun 1931 in McHenry, Ohio County, KY
+ Henry Euphratus James b: 16 Feb 1866 in Ohio County, KY, m: 07 Oct 1894 in Butler County, KY, d: 30 May 1945 in McHenry, Ohio County, KY
………………7 Ida Jane Warren b: 15 Feb 1872 in Butler County, KY, d: Bef. 1900
+ Robert E. Butler m: 1896
………………7 Willie A. Warren b: 17 Aug 1874
……………6 Sally A. Hobdy b: 1849 in Butler Co., Kentucky
……………6 Mary Idel Hobdy b: 15 May 1855 in Kentucky + Lewis P. James d: 1932
………………7 O. F. James b: 1873, d: 1879
………………7 J. P. James b: 1875, d: 1875
………..5 Martha J. James b: 1830 in Ohio Co., KY, d: Bet. 1890 in Butler Co., KY
+ Volney M. James b: ca. 1820 in Ohio Co.,Kentucky, m: 16 Jul 1845, d: 2 Aug 1863 in Church Hospital, Memphis, TN (Wounded in Civil War POW)
……………6 Burilla Carolyn James b: 31 Aug 1846 in Ohio County, KY, d: 01 Jan 1920
+ John Logan Warren b: 11 May 1844 in Mattoon, Coles County, Illinois, m: 01 Nov 1866 in Butler County, d: 05 Oct 1905 in Warren’s Mill, Butler County, KY
………………7 William Volney Warren b: 15 Jul 1867 in Warren’s Mill, Butler Co., KY, d: 01 Mar 1938 in McHenry, Ohio Co. KY
+ Yettie Goodall b: 13 Jan 1877 in Butler Co., KY, m: 26 Nov 1892 in Butler Co., Kentucky, d: 28 Oct 1957 in Butler Co., Kentucky
………………7 Martha Evaline Warren b: 29 Apr 1869 in Warren’s Mill, Butler Co., KY, d: 31 Dec 1912 in Warren’s Mill, Butler Counry., KY
+ William Cicero Liles b: 07 Oct 1869 in Rosine, Ohio County, KY, d: 08 Mar 1931 in Springfield, Illinois
………………7 Eugene Warren b: 23 Aug 1875 in Warren’s Mill, Butler County, KY, d: 19 May 1889
………………7 Minnie J. Warren b: 23 Aug 1875 in Warren’s Mill, Butler County, KY, d: 01 Feb 1879 in Ohio County, KY
………………7 Everett Eustis Warren b: 14 Apr 1888 in Warren’s Mill, Butler County, KY, d: 01 Apr 1944 in Ohio County, KY
+ Donna Morris b: 02 Jul 1888 in Butler Co., KY, m: 17 Jan 1914, d: 03 Nov in Hartford, Ohio County, KY
……………6 William Mosby “Brud” James b: 17 Jul 1849, d: 01 Feb 1911
+ Rosanah Clark b: 29 Jan 1861, m: 05 Jul 1877 in Butler County, Kentucky, d: 28 Dec 1939 in Ohio Co., KY
………………7 Lena James d: Died in Infancy
………………7 Glenn James
………………7 Estil Perkins James b: 24 Oct 1878, d: 20 Mar 1958
+ Lucy Ellen James b: 24 Apr 1884, m: 24 Nov 1901, d: 17 Mar 1966
………………7 Clyde Vernon James b: 01 Aug 1881, d: 22 Jul 1964 in McHenry, KY + Leona Butler b: 16 Oct 1890, d: 09 May 1961 in McHenry, KY
………………7 Minnie E. James b: 02 Apr 1884, d: 11 Jan 1971 in Jeffersonville, IN
+ John Calvin Brisendine b: 1873, m: 14 Jan 1906 in Butler County, Kentucky
………………7 Levis Fleming James b: 03 Nov 1887, d: 19 Dec 1967
………………7 Lafe James b: 26 Dec 1891
+ Jesse “Pearl” Benton m: 18 Jun 1911
………………7 Buna James b: 08 Aug 1894, d: Jan 1997 in Booker, TX
………………7 Dessie Dorene James b: 03 Nov 1900, d: 02 Feb 1978 in Skiatook, OK
+ Eudora Frances “Martha” James b: 27 Oct 1851 in Ohio Co., KY, d: 23 Oct 1876 in Butler Co., KY
………………7 Martha Addie James b: Abt. 1875, d: 17 Sep 1928 + Robert C . Butler b: 1873, d: 13 May 1947
…………5 Caroline M. James b: 16 Jun 1814 in Ohio Co., KY, d: 1907 in Butler Co., KY
+ Morrison James b: 01 Sep 1814 in Ohio Co., KY, m: 28 Dec 1836 in Butler Co., KY, d: Aft. 1880 in Butler Co., KY
……………6 Lewis P. James d: 1932
+ Mary Idel Hobdy b: 15 May 1855 in Kentucky
………………7 O. F. James b: 1873, d: 1879
………………7 J. P. James b: 1875, d: 1875
……………6 Leura Catherine James b: 16 Jun 1844 in Ohio Co., Kentucky, d: 1919 in Butler Co., Kentucky
+ William Earlis Hudson b: 21 Feb 1838 in Sumner Co., TN, m: 24 Apr 1873, d: 29 Aug 1887
………………7 Earlis Jerome Hudson b: 1876, d: 1923
……………6 Richard S. James b: 22 Sep 1838 in Ohio County, Kentucky, d: 25 May 1916 in Butler County, Kentucky
+ Phrenetter House
………………7 Henry Euphratus James b: 16 Feb 1866 in Ohio County, KY, d: 30 May 1945 in McHenry, Ohio County, KY
+ Mary Frances Warren b: 15 Feb 1870 in Butler County, KY, m: 07 Oct 1894 in Butler County, KY, d: 28 Jun 1931 in McHenry, Ohio County, KY
+ Martha Green Warren b: 02 Aug 1850 in Ohio Co., KY, m: 05 Nov 1868 in Butler County, Kentucky, d: 14 Dec 1953 in Butler Co., KY
………………7 Iduma James b: 28 Jan 1869 in Butler Co., KY, d: 28 Nov 1953 in Aberdeen, KY + John William DeWeese m: 22 Oct 1896
………………7 Uncillis James b: 14 Nov 1870
………………7 Maesan James b: 17 Oct 1872
………………7 Morgan B. James b: 16 Jul 1874
……………6 Alexander C. James b: 07 Nov 1842 in Ohio Co., Kentucky, d: Feb 1850 in Ohio Co., Kentucky
……………6 Gerome James b: 29 Apr 1850
……………6 Elizabeth James b: 09 Jan 1847 in Ohio Co., Kentucky + Jane Cravens m: 28 Jul 1825 in Ohio County, KY
………4 Mary (Polly) James b: 1782 in Hanover Co., Virginia
+ Joel Jones Sugg b: Abt. 1781 in NC, m: 28 Feb 1800 in Ohio Co., KY, d: Bef. 1850
………4 John James Jr. b: 1783 in Buckingham Co., VA, d: 14 Jan 1860 in Millersburg. KY
+ Margaret Taylor b: 1785, m: 29 May 1803, d: 06 Jun 1871
…………5 William James
……………6 Samuel James b: 1802 in Ohio Co., KY, d: Abt. 1870 in Ohio Co., KY
+ Elizabeth Reno b: Abt. 1804 in Kentucky, m: 09 Feb 1826 in Muhlenburg Co., KY
+ Elizabeth Davis m. 1821
………………7 Wing Kincheloe James b: Oct 1825 in Kentucky, d: 27 Jan 1920 + Mary A. Roan (Reno?) b: 1838 in Kentucky, d: Bef. 1900
………………7 Amanda Catherine James b: 15 May 1827
………………7 Sarah Ann “Sallie” James b: 15 Nov 1831 in Ohio Co., KY, d: 12 Jan 1913 in Weir, Kansas
+ Nathaniel Francis Arbuckle b: 13 Sep 1829 in Garrard Co., KY, m: 04 Sep 1858 in Ohio, Kentucky, USA, d: 23 Nov 1915 in Lafayette, Missouri
………………7 Francis E. James b: 1834 in Ohio Co., KY + Robert M. Davis m: 01 Aug 1853
………………7 William James b: Abt. 1835
………………7 Edmond Henderson James b: Sep 1837 in Ohio Co., KY, d: 11 Mar 1911 in Ohio Co., KY + Elizabeth Hook (or Timmons) m: 07 Feb 1859, d: 1913
+ Mary Sophia Butler b: 20 Oct 1846 in Butler Co., KY, d: 18 Mar 1920 in Chanute, KS
………………7 Mary Eliza James b: 19 Aug 1839 in Ohio Co., Kentucky
+ Thomas H. Woodward m: 16 Jun 1859
………………7 Millie James b: 14 Apr 1842
………………7 Samuel Mosby James b: 16 Feb 1844 + Laura Alice Kincheloe b: 1853, d: 1921
………………7 Nancy E. “Nannie” James b: 11 Sep 1845
+ Elijah Hise James b: 1851, m: 01 Mar 1876
+ Elizabeth Davis m: 10 Nov 1821
…………5 Lucy M. James b: 14 Jul 1808 in Ohio Co., Kentucky + Fielding Withers m: 11 Aug 1834 in Lincoln Co., KY
……………6 ElizabethWithers Withers
……………6 Sarah Frances Withers b: Abt. 1835 in Indiana
…………5 Christian M. James b: 25 May 1813
+ William Guest m: 20 Feb 1834 in Lincoln Co., KY
…………5 Sally C. James b: 1815, d: Aft. 1880
+ Thomas Ball m: 16 Nov 1834 in Lincoln Co., KY
…………5 John M. James b: 29 Dec 1820, d: 13 Sep 1902 + Elizabeth H. ?
………4 Foster James b: 14 Nov 1786 in Hanover Co., Virginia, d: 02 Feb 1860 in Butler Co., KY
+ Margaret Elizabeth “Betsy” Wand b: 1796 in Frederick Co., Virginia, m: 17 Jan 1811 in Butler Co., KY
…………5 Nancy Wand James b: 11 Oct 1811 in Morgantown, Butler Co., KY, d: 23 Dec 1874 in Morgantown, Butler Co., KY
+ Samuel Z. Austin b: 11 Nov 1801 in MOntgomery County, Maryland, m: 09 Aug 1831 in Morgantown, Butler Co., KY
……………6 Henrietta Austin b: 03 Jun 1839 in Butler Co., KY
……………6 Richard Elliott Austin b: 16 Apr 1833
……………6 Samuel H. Austin
……………6 William Henry Austin b: 02 Mar 1841 in Butler Co., KY, d: Feb 1911 in Butler Co., Kentucky
……………6 Joseph Garland Austin b: 24 Jan 1843 in Butler Co., KY
…………5 Zerelda James b: 13 Dec 1813 in Morgantown, Butler Co., KY, d: 22 Jul 1839 in Morgantown, Butler Co., KY
+ John Magruder Austin b: 11 Dec 1803 in Montgomery Co., Maryland, m: 13 Dec 1827 in Morgantown, Butler Co., KY
……………6 Maitland Austin b: Abt. 1828
……………6 Addison Austin b: 08 Feb 1830 in Morgantown, Butler Co., KY
……………6 Amanda Z. Austin b: 1832 in Morgantown, Butler Co., KY
……………6 Christopher Columbus Austin b: 22 Apr 1834 in Morgantown, Butler Co., KY
……………6 Mary Rosaline Austin b: 1836 in Morgantown, Butler Co., KY
…………..6 Foster James Austin b: 1839 + ? Brown
…………5 Amanda Howarth James b: 14 Dec 1814 in Butler Co., Kentucky, d: 20 Aug 1883 in Missouri + Bartlett James Burke m: 20 Jun 1839
……………6 James Foster Burke
……………6 John Lewis Burke
……………6 Sarah Elizabeth Burke
……………6 William Wand Burke
……………6 Henry Elgin Burke
…………5 Thomas Melvin James b: 07 Feb 1816 in Ohio Co., Kentucky, d: 11 Jul 1885 in Muhlenburg Co., KY
+ Elizabeth Harold b: 07 May 1827 in Logan, Kentucky, USA, m: 14 Apr 1841 in Butler Co., KY, d: 18 Dec 1878 in Bonham, Fannin, Texas, USA
……………6 John Harreld James b: Abt. 1842 in Butler Co., KY + Annie Watkins
……………6 Volney James b: 1844
……………6 Thomas James b: Abt. 1846 in Butler Co., Kentucky
……………6 Addison David James b: 27 Feb 1849 in Butler Co., Kentucky, d: 10 Jun 1910 in Penrod, Muhlenberg, Kentucky, USA
+ Cordelia Bell Penrod b: 28 Oct 1863 in Penrod, Muhlenberg, Kentucky, USA, m: 14 Mar 1882, d: 15 Jun 1919 in Muhlenberg, Kentucky, USA
………………7 Godfrey James b: May 1897 in Muhlenberg, Kentucky, USA
………………7 William O. Bradley James b: May 1893 in Muhlenberg, Kentucky
………………7 Gertrude James b: May 1891 in Muhlenberg, Kentucky, USA
………………7 Corinna Belle James b: 13 May 1888 in Muhlenberg, Kentucky
+ Henrietta Penrod b: 26 May 1850 in Penrod, Muhlenberg, Kentucky, USA, m: 1869, d: 07 Jan 1881 in Penrod, Muhlenberg, Kentucky, USA
………………7 Maud H. James b: Jan 1879 in Muhlenberg, Kentucky, USA, d: 1910
………………7 Clarence James b: 22 Feb 1875 in Muhlenberg, Kentucky, USA, d: 16 Apr 1896
………………7 Annie James b: Abt. 1873 in Muhlenberg, Kentucky, USA, d: 1954
………………7 Mary J. James b: Dec 1871 in Muhlenberg, Kentucky, USA
……………6 Ann James b: 1850 in Butler Co., KY, d: 1862 in Fannin, Texas, USA
……………6 Albert G. James b: 05 Jun 1852 in Butler Co., KY, d: Bonham, Fannin, Texas, USA
……………6 Mary Eliza James b: 11 Nov 1854 in Butler Co., Kentucky
+ Isaac Newman
……………6 Martha Serem James b: Aug 1858
……………6 Mittie James b: 1859 in Muhlenburg Co., KY
+ John T. Penrod m: 17 Oct 1882 in Penrod, Muhlenberg, Kentucky, USA
+ S. Taylor m: 19 Mar 1877
……………6 Manthis James b: Abt. 1860 in Butler Co., Kentucky, d: San Antonio, Texas
+ John Poole m: 28 Oct 1880
……………6 Robert James b: Abt. 1862
+ Fanny Williams m: 1904 in Fannin, Texas, USA
+ C. Johnson m: 06 Apr 1880 in Butler Co., Kentucky
…………5 Mary Elizabeth James b: 03 Jan 1818
+ James Monroe Helm b: 03 Jun 1818 in Ohio Co., KY, m: 14 Dec 1838
…………5 Armilda Powell James b: 26 Jun 1821 in Butler Co., KY, d: 20 Dec 1890 in Lathrop, Missouri + William Claude McKenney m: 09 Jan 1840 in Butler Co., KY
…………5 Julia Ann James b: 1825 in Butler Co., KY, d: 26 May 1900 in Greenville, Muhlenberg, Kentucky, USA
+ John H. Burks m: 06 Jul 1846
+ Finis McClean Allison m: 01 Aug 1849 in Muhlenburg Co., KY
…………5 Margaret Wand James b: 14 Feb 1827 in Butler Co., Kentucky, d: 22 Jan 1896
+ James Searcy Howard m: 26 Oct 1841 in Butler Co., Kentucky
+ George Doolin m: 16 Sep 1868 in Butler Co., KY
…………5 Lucy James b: Abt. 1826 in Butler Co., Kentucky, d: Aft. 1880 in Bonham, Fannin, Texas, USA + Joseph Ricketts m: 06 Aug 1846 in Butler Co., Kentucky
………4 Samuel Mosby James b: 08 Apr 1790 in Hanover Co., VA, d: 16 Dec 1862 in Ohio Co., KY

+ Martha Patsy Rogers m: 19 Oct 1818 in Butler Co., Kentucky, d: 19 Dec 1820

…………5 Thurston James b: 11 Jun 1819
+ Elizabeth Sarah Mae “Sallie” Borah b: 28 Sep 1796 in Bourbon County, Kentucky, m: 25 Nov 1822 in Ohio Co., Kentucky, d: 1865 in Ohio County, Kentucky
…………5 Jefferson James b: 1823, d: 1840
…………5 Magdalene James b: 29 Jul 1825 in Ohio Co., KY, d: 04 Sep 1901 in Ohio Co., Kentucky
+ William Lloyd Rogers b: 24 Jan 1824 in Ohio Co., Kentucky, d: 26 Feb 1877 in Ohio Co., Kentucky
Magdalene James Rogers Family
……………6 Sarah Elizabeth Rogers + John Porter Jarnagin
………………7 Sarah Alverda Jarnagin + James Henry ? Jackson
……………6 John Butler Crittendon Rogers b: 1851, d: 1912
……………6 Martha Joanna Rogers b: 1856, d: 1952
……………6 Emerson Etheridge Rogers b: 1861, d: 1928
……………6 James Lloyd Rogers b: 1866, d: 1944
……………6 Laviga Rogers b: 26 Mar 1869 in Ohio Co., Kentucky, d: 13 Jan 1896 in Ohio Co., Kentucky
…………5 Joseph Lee James b: 1827, d: 1915 + Martha Shelton m: 1850
……………6 Sylvanus A. James b: 1853
……………6 Mary M. James b: 1855
……………6 Diogenes Nurge James b: 1855
………………7 Floyd William James
……………6 Harvey N. James b: 1858
…………5 Sarah James b: 1831
…………5 Samuel Mosby James b: 1833, d: 1917
…………5 Hezekiah James b: 1835, d: 1855
…………5 Lucy Jane James b: 1839
…………5 John Alfred James b: 1839, d: 1857
………4 Joseph James b: 05 Feb 1791 in VA, d: 17 May 1866 in Ohio Co., KY
+ Elizabeth Rogers b: 17 May 1809 in Washington, KY, m: 03 Oct 1822, d: 07 Sep 1882 in Ohio Co., KY
………4 Hezekiah James b: 20 Sep 1792 in Lynchburg, Campbell Co., Va, d: 24 Aug 1835 in Butler Co., KY
+ Elizabeth Carson b: 20 Jul 1798 in Ohio or Butler Co., KY, m: 17 Oct 1816 in Butler Co., Kentucky, d: 09 Jun 1849 in Butler Co., KY
…………5 James Foster James b: 1815, d: Bef. 1885 + Nancy ? b: 1823
…………5 Maria J. James b: Bet. 1816–1840, d: Bef. 1885 + ? McCarty
…………5 Mary L. James b: Bet. 1816–1840
…………5 John Mosby James b: 1819, d: 1838
…………5 William Sevier James b: 06 Dec 1821, d: 1907
…………5 Hezekiah Allen James b: 26 Jan 1824
…………5 Mary D. James b: 1847
………4 Susannah James b: 13 Dec 1794 in Henrico or Campbell Co., VA, d: 15 Aug 1859 in Clackamas Co., OR
+ Thomas Taylor b: 15 Oct 1791 in Frederick Co., VA, m: 17 Jan 1814 in Ohio Co., Kentucky, d: 14 May 1866 in Gray’s Harbor Co., WA
…………5 Martha Amanda Taylor b: 1820
………4 Mariah James b: 1802 in Ohio Co., KY, d: 1854 in Ohio Co., KY
+ Jacob M. Ambrose b: 12 Jun 1798 in Ohio Co., KY, m: 18 Jun 1823 in Virginia, d: 1879 in Muhlenberg, KY
…………5 Helen F. Ambrose b: 16 Aug 1829
…………5 Henry Ambrose b: 1833, d: 1910
…………5 John Ambrose b: 1835, d: 1862
…………5 Mary Ambrose b: 1840
…………5 Hannibal Luther Ambrose b: 1843, d: 1902
+ Elizabeth Frances Morris m: 01 Dec 1774, d: 1774
………4 Elizabeth Morris James b: 1774, d: Mercer Co., KY + Joseph Thompson b: Virginia
…………5 Joseph Addison Thompson + Mary Amanda Singleton
…………5 Mary McClung Thompson
+ Burr H. McCown
……………6 Mary E. McCown + Dr. Barbour
……………6 Anne Eliza McCown
+ Alexander Craig b: Pewee Valley, Oldham, Kentucky, USA
………………7 Mamie Craig
+ Henry Ware Lawton d: 1899 in Philippines
………………7 Louise Craig
+ S. A. Culbertson b: New Albany, Floyd, Indiana, USA, m: 06 Apr 1887
………………7 Alexander Craig + Sarah ?
………………7 Lullie McCown Craig
+ ? Green b: Louisville, Jefferson, Kentucky, USA
…………5 Ann G. Thompson + Thomas B. Hooe
……………6 Ann Hood
…………5 Elizabeth Morris Thompson b: 27 Oct 1800, d: 04 Mar 1864 + John Atwood Toomlinson MD b: 07 Aug 1793 in CT
……………6 Charles CustissToomlinson
……………6 William M. Toomlinson
……………6 Lucy Toomlinson
……………6 Caroline (Carita) Toomlinson
……………6 Amanda Toomlinson
……………6 James A. Toomlinson
……………6 John Atwood Toomlinson
……………6 Sarah Claiborne Toomlinson
……………6 Mary Atwood Toomlinson b: 13 Nov 1822 in Harrodsburg, KY, d: Harrodsburg, KY + Abraham Hite Bowman b: 06 Feb 1819, d: 01 Apr 1877
………………7 Edward Stanley Bowman + Eliza Quigley Morton
…2 Thomas James b: 1722 + Alice Garland
……3 Thruston James
…2 May James b: Aft. 1723 in Armsfield Plantation, James City, Hanover County, Virginia + Jean McCalla
…2 James James
…2 Jane James
+ Gavin Witherspoon
…2 Gavin James
…2 John III James
…2 Robert James
…2 William James
…2 Mary James
…2 Jean James
…2 Elizabeth James b: 09 Jan 1847 in Ohio Co., Kentucky
I will add more images of documents as time permits.
My direct documented line is below…
1 John James b: 1688 in Bristol, Somerset, England d: 1725 in Armsfield Plantation, James City, Virginia
….+Justina Thurston b: 26 Aug 1691 in Long Ashton, Summerset County, England m: Bef. 1712 in Bristol, England d: 1790 in Armsfield, James City, VA
….2 Christopher James b: 1720 in Martin’s Hundred, James City Co., VA d: 1779 in Armsfield, James City, VA
…….+Lucy Thompson b: Abt. 1720 in Henrico Co., VA m: 1746 in Virginia d: 1767 in Armsfield, James City, VA
……….3 John James b: 1750 in Armsfield Plantation, Hanover Co., Virginia d: 16 Sep 1819 in Beaver Dam, Ohio Co., Kentucky
………….+Lucy Mosby b: 1762 in Henrico Co., Virginia m: 1780 in Henrico, Virginia d: 26 Sep 1819 in Beaver Dam, Ohio Co., Kentucky
……………4 William “Billy” Samuel James b: 1780 in Hanover Co., Virginia d: Bet. 1840 – 1848 in Butler Co., KY
…………….+Catherine Ann Parker b: Abt. 1785 in VA m: 06 Apr 1801 in Ohio Co., Kentucky d: Bet. 1840 – 1848 in Butler Co., KY
…………….5 Sarah Ann “Sally” James b: 1825 in Butler County, Kentucky d: Aft. 1880

……………….+Alexander Hobdy b: 1818 in Kentucky m: 26 Jun 1843 in Butler County, KY d: Bef. 1880 in Butler Co., KY
………………..6 Evelyn Hobdy b: 28 Jan 1846 in Ohio Co., KY d: 16 Apr 1938 in McHenry, Ohio Co. KY
……………….. +Samuel Francis Warren b: 07 Aug 1834 in Garrard or Butler Co., KY m: 04 Feb 1863 in Corning, Clay Co., AR d: 09 Dec 1911 in Warren’s Mill, Butler Co., KY
……………………7 Alexander Arthur Warren b: 16 Apr 1868 in Butler Co., KY d: 15 Nov 1947 in Jacksonville, Morgan Co., IL
……………………+Martha A. Short b: 20 Feb 1874 in Missouri m: 02 Jan 1894 in Greene Co., IL d: 04 Feb 1899 in Warren’s Mill, Butler Co., Kentucky
……………………..8 Catherine Evelyn Warren b: 12 Jan 1895 in Warren’s Mill, Butler Co., Kentucky d: 07 Oct 1983 in St. Louis City, MO
……………………….+Ora Ezrah Hatfield b: 08 Dec 1897 in Elsberry/Annada, Lincoln Co., Missouri m: 10 Apr 1917 in Alton, Madison County, IL d: 14 Mar 1944 in San Francisco, CA
………………………..9 Edsel Arthur Hatfield b: 02 Jan 1919 in East Alton, Madison Co., IL d: 05 Jul 2007 in St. Louis City, Missouri
……………………….+Jessie Louise Whitelaw b: 19 Apr 1921 in St. Louis, MO m: 10 Oct 1942 in Camp Robinson, Pulaski County, Arkansas d: 26 Feb 1991 in St. Louis County, MO
…………………………10 Elaine Marie Hatfield ME
Elaine researching in the Ohio County Kentucky Courthouse in 2006.
If you would like to add, correct or make comments on this website, please contact me at [email protected]
This website was created by Elaine Hatfield Powell and is my personal website. It is not associated with any group or company.
(c) Elaine Hatfield Powell 2023
Thank you for posting the James lineage. Have you come across any documentation that Christopher James (1720-1779) or John James (1750-1819) served in the Revolutionary War?
Hi Karen,
Little is known about these James men because so many records were burned either during the Rev. War, mostly during the Civil War, or from courthouses that burned. James City County is considered a “burned” county.
In my research I have never seen any evidence or proof of any military service for John or Christopher.
Christopher was born in 1720 and died in 1779. Very little is known about him. Courthouse records of the period that might have provided clues to his life and precise lineage were destroyed during the Civil War, when Richmond was burned. Christopher married Lucy Thompson. Since he would have been age 55 at the start of the Rev. War, I doubt he was in the war. However, I did see a website some years ago that suggested that he was in the war as a Major. I’m sorry to say that website is now defunct and I did not copy the content of that website.
John James was born in 1750, the son of Lucy Thompson and Christopher James, and it says he was named after his grandfather, John James, who immigrated from England to the new world in 1713.
If you have any evidence of their service, I would love to know of it.
Thanks for contacting me.
Elaine Powell
Question. This is a longshot. My James family originated from Buckingham County VA. Question…. Is there anyone in your tree from this area?
Hi David,
Family Tree Maker program 2011 has a great feature where you can search by PLACES so I did a search. And yes, my ancestor John James and his wife Lucy Mosby did live in Buckingham County, VA for a short time betweem 1783-1786. They had their 3rd child John Jr. while living there. You can read more about the John James that lived in Buckingham on my website at
Is there any more information I can give you on this James family?
Hi Karen,
The website is my own personal website and the James family listed are my ancestors.
That’s great that you’ve tracked your family back to our shared ancestors John and Justina James. I only have one son for Samuel Mosby James and his wife Patsy Rogers, and that is Thurston James. I’m glad to hear there was another son that I’m finding out about. So yes, I’d like to have as much information as you are willing to share about your James family. I will never put any info on the web about living persons.
My line of descent from John James is below my signature.
Please email me directly at [email protected]
Elaine Powell
1 John James b: 1688 in Bristol, Somerset, England d: 1725 in Armsfield Plantation, James City, Virginia
….+Justina Thurston b: 26 Aug 1691 in Long Ashton, Summerset County, England m: Bef. 1712 in Bristol, England d: 1790 in Armsfield, James City, VA
….2 Christopher James b: 1720 in Martin’s Hundred, James City Co., VA d: 1779 in Armsfield, James City, VA
…….+Lucy Thompson b: Abt. 1720 in Henrico Co., VA m: 1746 in Virginia d: 1767 in Armsfield, James City, VA
……….3 John James b: 1750 in Armsfield Plantation, Hanover Co., Virginia d: 16 Sep 1819 in Beaver Dam, Ohio Co., Kentucky
………….+Lucy Mosby b: 1762 in Henrico Co., Virginia m: 1780 in Henrico, Virginia d: 26 Sep 1819 in Beaver Dam, Ohio Co., Kentucky
……………4 William “Billy” Samuel James b: 1780 in Hanover Co., Virginia d: Bet. 1840 – 1848 in Butler Co., KY
…………….+Catherine Ann Parker b: Abt. 1785 in VA m: 06 Apr 1801 in Ohio Co., Kentucky d: Bet. 1840 – 1848 in Butler Co., KY
…………….5 Sarah Ann “Sally” James b: 1825 in Butler County, Kentucky d: Aft. 1880
……………….+Alexander Hobdy b: 1818 in Kentucky m: 26 Jun 1843 in Butler County, KY d: Bef. 1880 in Butler Co., KY
………………..6 Evelyn Hobdy b: 28 Jan 1846 in Ohio Co., KY d: 16 Apr 1938 in McHenry, Ohio Co. KY
……………….. +Samuel Francis Warren b: 07 Aug 1834 Garrard Co.,KY m: 04 Feb 1863 Clay Co., AR d: 09 Dec 1911, Butler Co., KY
……………………7 Alexander Arthur Warren b: 16 Apr 1868 in Butler Co., KY d: 15 Nov 1947 in Jacksonville, Morgan Co., IL
……………………+Martha A. Short b: 20 Feb 1874 MO m: 02 Jan 1894 Greene Co., IL d: 04 Feb 1899 Butler Co., KY
……………………..8 Catherine Evelyn Warren b: 12 Jan 1895 in Warren’s Mill, Butler Co., KY d: 07 Oct 1983 in St. Louis City, MO
……………………….+Ora Ezrah Hatfield b: 08 Dec 1897 Lincoln Co., MO m: 10 Apr 1917 Madison County, IL d: 14 Mar 1944 San Francisco, CA
………………………..9 Edsel Arthur Hatfield b: 02 Jan 1919 in East Alton, Madison Co., IL d: 05 Jul 2007 in St. Louis City, Missouri
……………………….+Jessie Louise Whitelaw b: 19 Apr 1921 in St. Louis, MO m: 10 Oct 1942 in Camp Robinson, Pulaski County, Arkansas d: 26 Feb 1991 in St. Louis County, MO
…………………………10 Elaine Marie Hatfield ME
Do you have documentation of death dates or headstone pictures for Samuel James (8 Apr 1790-16 Dec 1862) and his wife Sarah Sallie Mae Borah James (28 Sep 1796) buried Green River Cemetery, Ohio Cnty, KY? I have a copy of Samuel’s will but nothing for Sarah. I’ve put a memorial to them on Find A Grave but no one has picked up to take headstone photos.
Hi Karen,
I took some photos at the Green River Cemetery, but not many. I took more at Warren’s Mill Cemetery. There is an “old” section and a new section at Green River. I took photos in the old section, since most of my ancestors that lived there were there long ago. I have a photo of a tombstone for Sallie James. It is attached to this email. I’m not sure if it’s your Sallie or not. I took notes to write down dates and names in case the photos didn’t come out well, but can’t seem to find them right now. However, this stone is badly worn. Some of the older stones in that cemetery are in bad shape — broken and lying on the ground. I don’t have one for Samuel’s tombstone.
Have you contacted the church office to see if the cemetery has been recorded?
You can also try calling the Ohio County Genelogical Society P.O. Box 293 Hartford, KY 42347, Ruth Goodman 270-256-0267. They also sell some funeral home record books. I doubt that there would be any funeral home records going back as far as your Samuel James though.
Most of the info for names and dates on my JAMES website came from my cousin Glendon Warren. He lived in Ohio County, KY but died last year. He researched the Warren and James and related families for many years. I’m sure he had collected all the documents on your Samuel James. I have copies of his book but don’t have documents myself. I don’t know what happened to his documentation when he died. I do know another cousin that went to the area and took photos of every grave and got a lot of Glen’s documents. I will contact her and ask about your Samuel.
How are you related to Samuel? He was a brother of my ancestor William Samuel James.
I would like to have a copy of Samuel’s will if you would like to share it. You could send via email attachment.
They may not have had death certificates back as far as 1862, but not sure.
Statewide vital records registration was first enacted in 1852 for the state of Kentucky. Compliance was minimal and the legislation was only in place for ten years. Sporadic maintenance was also performed between 1872-1910. Mandatory registration was again enacted as of January 1, 1911 for births and deaths. Marriage records have been kept on a county basis since the formation of each county, with some pre-dating official formation. State registration was required beginning in 1958. An every name index to births and deaths after 1911 exists at the Office of Vital Statistics.
For birth and death records prior to 1911, write:
Public Records Division
Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives
300 Coffee Tree Road
P.O. Box 537
Frankfort, KY 40602-0537
To verify current fees, the telephone number is (502) 564-4212.
There is another cousin that stayed at Glen’s house for a couple weeks several years ago and took photos of a lot of the tombstones for related families. I will contact her and ask if she has anything on Samuel Mosby James.
You may reply to me at [email protected]
Elaine Powell
Hi There Could you please tell me and details on who Sandford Craig James father or line was?
I would need MUCH more information for me to give you details. When and where was Sandford James born? Do you know his wife’s name? If you don’t know his wife’s name, brothers and sisters names would help.
Elaine Powell
Hi Elaine,
Thank you for this’s wonderful. I’m still trying to figure it all out. I have both the James and Warren Histories. I’m not sure how we’re related but I know that my great great (?) grandparents are William Warren and Yettie Goodall.
My grandmother is Ollie Dee Warren.
Hi Freya,
I am glad to hear from you! It’s always good to hear from a newfound cousin.
If Ollie Dee Warren is your grandmother then William Volney Warren and his wife Yettie Goodall are your great grandparents, because they are the parents of Ollie. Ollie is one of 15 children! So you and I are 4th cousins.
William Volney’s grandparents Arthur Warren and wife Martha “Patsy” Arbuckle are my 3rd great grandparents.
What are your parent’s names? I would like to add their names to my family tree. You may email me in private at [email protected].
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Hi there. I’m trying to follow a new found Great Great Grandparent connection and am having trouble. I did follow a lead to you but am not sure that this is the same relative. I’m hoping you have any information that can either confirm or deny our connection. It’s regarding this person:
Sarah Ann “Sally” James b: 1825 in Butler County, Kentucky d: Aft. 1880
My Great Grandfather is John Randolph Davis, Sr., who I never knew, as he didn’t marry my Great Grandmother Esther Laverne Bartmess (with whom he had a daughter – Eros Lucile Davis, my Grandmother). My cousins and I have various letters and such and have found references to John Sr.’s parents as being Yanni Davis and Salley Kingston James.
As I’ve said, I cannot find any info on these two and was wondering if its the same Salley that you have listed above and if so, what other info you have on her.
Thank you so much!
Hi Lorin,
Sarah Ann “Sally” James is my 3rd great grandmother. She was married to Alexander Hobdy on 27 June 1843 in Butler Co., Kentucky. I have a copy of their marriage bond that I got in Butler County in 2006. I do not recognize the other James you have listed — Salley Kingston James. How is she related to Sarah? You can email me directly at [email protected] if you’d like more info. I have a LOT of info on both the James and Hobdy families.
Elaine Powell
I have been trying to connect my James clan to that of the infamous James’ of Missouri (jesse and family). Although I’ve come within 20 miles of separation on a map from Stafford, Va. to Dorchester County, Maryland, I’ve yet to connect the actual link.
In short, after reading your information I do see that you are related to that branch of the James Family. I’ve plotted it out so if you’d care to see it, simply drop me a note.
NIce work.
Barry James
I’m not sure if I know what you mean by “connect.” Do you mean geographically, or genealogically? Please email me direct at [email protected] and I will try to help.
Hi Barry,
I would like to see what you have created. You may email me direct at [email protected]
I have an old family tree that was hand drawn that shows my JAMES family and how they connect to the outlaw Jesse James. Jesse is my 6th cousin, 4xremoved. I will send you the tree via email.
my entire life I was told that Jesse and Frank James were my “great great grandmother’s cousin”, and I have a ggg named james, Catherine Mary “Kitty” Ann James (1816-1895), married Jeremiah Crabb and son was Jeremiah Sutton Crabb.
You also have a Mary “Kitty” James, different dates.
Have you run across this before and found for certain that they are different people? Thanks for any insight. I am trying to 1. confirm parents of my “Kitty”, and verify my family’s story of relation to Jesse James.
Hi Juliee,
No, your Catherine “Kitty” James is not the same as the one I have in my file. I think it’s just a coincidence that they have the same nickname. Below is the outline descendant chart for my Kitty. down from John James.
1 John James b: 1688 in Bristol, Somerset, England d: 1725 in Armsfield Plantation, James City, Virginia
. +Justina Thurston b: 26 Aug 1691 in Long Ashton, Summerset County, England m: Bef. 1712 in Bristol, Gloucester, England d: 1790 in Armsfield, James City, VA
…….. 2 Christopher James b: 1720 in Martin’s Hundred, James City Co., VA d: 1779 in Armsfield, James City, VA
……….. +Lucy Thompson b: Abt. 1720 in Henrico Co., VA m: 1746 in Virginia d: 1767 in Armsfield, James City, VA
……………… 3 John James b: 1750 in Armsfield Plantation, Hanover Co., Virginia d: 16 Sep 1819 in Beaver Dam, Ohio Co., Kentucky
………………… +Lucy Mosby b: 1762 in Henrico Co., Virginia m: 1780 in Henrico, Virginia d: 26 Sep 1819 in Beaver Dam, Ohio Co., Kentucky
………………………. 4 William “Billy” Samuel James b: 1780 in Hanover Co., Virginia d: Bet. 1840 – 1848 in Butler Co., KY
…………………………. +Catherine Ann Parker b: Abt. 1785 in VA m: 06 Apr 1801 in Ohio Co., Kentucky d: Bet. 1840 – 1848 in Butler Co., KY
……………………………….. 5 William L. James b: 20 Jun 1819 in Ohio Co., KY d: 25 Jul 1899 in Warren’s Mill, Butler Co., Kentucky
………………………………….. +Lucinda Arbuckle b: Aug 1832 in Garrard Co., KY m: 20 Jun 1846 in Butler Co., Kentucky d: Aug 1901 in Butler Co., KY
………………………………………… 6 Catherine Ann “Kitty” James b: 1847 d: 27 Aug 1944 in Ohio Co., Kentucky
I found your Kitty on and there is a PHOTO of her! If you don’t have a subscription, let me know and I can send you the photo. It says she was born in Kentucky on 1 Oct 1816 and died in Corsicana, Navarro Co., Texas on 29 July 1895. She married Jeremiah Crabb (1813-1870) and they also have photos of Kitty & Jeremiah’s tombstones.
Unfortunately, it does not list the parents for Kitty. Do you have any idea the names of her parents?
A number of my early JAMES ancestors were in several areas of Virginia. Can you be more specific as to what inforamtion you are searching for?
I am searching for the parents of Malissa James, she married
Robert H. Forest 01 Jan. 1871 in Carter Co. Ky. Her name is also
spelled Malissy James, Malisa James. I am searching because my
husbands grandmother was Ethel Forrest who married Claiborne
Huff in Grayson, Ky. 15 Sept. 1901. His name is spelled different ways.
Robert Forestwas born in Va/WVA Oct. 1847 and Malissa was born in
Ky. Feb. 1850 Ethel is the daughter of Robert and Malissa.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank You
[email protected]
I have an unusual request. I am new to geneaology and after a few hours of research my head is swimming — and I can’t find what I am looking for.
Further, I’m afraid I have only sketchy information but that’s all I was able to get.
I recently bought a mantle clock reputed to have been in the home of Jesse James. Of course, the seller, a James, said there is no way to prove this unless one happened upon an old photo taken of some family member standing in front of the clock. The best I can do — which is ok by me — is put the clock and the people together around the same time and make it PROBABLE the clock was either Jesse’s or a cousin or family member as many lived in the same area. One could then say Jesse James actually looked at this same clock I now have (or wound it, etc.)
I got the clock from a Mr.Bertrand James Clifford. Mr. Clifford, aged 75, got it from his mother Addie Pauline James a supposed 2nd cousin to Jesse. She got it from HER mom whose name I don’t know but she was a James.
Addie was born in 1903 and married Mr. Clifford in Sikeston, MO, Feb. 18, 1929.
I am guessing her mother was born around 1877 – 1880.
Supposedly, grandma got the clock from the Jesse James home and eventually gave it to her daughter, Addie.
Mr. Clifford, Addie’s son who sold me the clock also has a letter sent to his mother from Frank James. The clock is not mentioned — just a chit-chat letter which Clifford has misplaced — it’s folded in one of his books.
My reasoning is this: The clock, grandma and Jesse are all in the same time period. Thus, it is possible grandma did acquire the clock — it may not have belonged to Jesse, it may have been hers, but it seems evident following the time line AND the fact Frank knew his cousin well enough to write her — this also establishes there is a family connection between grandma and the James’.
In short, is my reasoning credible? If it weren’t for the letter from Frank, one would indeed wonder if grandma even knew the James boys let alone be their cousin.
The letter does not prove the clock belonged to Jesse but it does establish a family tie and makes the possibility the clock was a family (James) item probable.
Btw, I could not find Addie in the lists of names I found — I know she is for real because I have a copy of her marriage certificate. Mr. Clifford also threw out a few more names tho he was unsure of their connection Cooper, Kaiser, Ludrick Churchill James. Clifford told me his mom often referred to the clock as the LUD clock referring to Ludrick so somewhere Lud had something to do with the clock.
Any suggestions or comments you have are welcome — I may never learn anything more than the clock belonged to a cousin of Jesse James — but even that’s kind of cool.
Dr. Robert Nixon
Peotone, IL
Btw — where do you teach genealogy?
Hello. I am doing research for my husband’s side of the family. He was told by his father that they are related to Jesse james. I have a Henry James no dates that Married Eliza (Elizabeth) Cole. They had a son William Bayliss James. Unfortunately Eliza or elizabeth died after giving birth to William. She died in Missouri. in about 1869. William was raised by his grandparents William K Cole and his wife Sarah Leah Richards Cole. Any help would be very much appreciated.
Hi Darlene,
I’m sorry. I do not have anyone in my family file with the names you mention. That does not mean they are not connected to my James family. I have a number of men named Henry James, but I do not have spouses for them. If you have any more info or dates, I can still attempt to find a link. Do you have any siblings’ names for those family members?
You may reply directly to my email address at [email protected]
Elaine Powell
I’m sorry, I do not have any of the people you mention in my family file.
Good luck in your research.
Elaine Powell
Robert,. He might be able to help or at least be willing to put your story on his James family website.
You certainly have an interesting story. I do not have any of the James people you mention in my family file. I also checked Eric James website at* and I cannot find an Addie James in his database either. I suggest you send your story to Eric James at
I teach genealogy classes in Orlando Florida where I live. I also teach in other cities on occasion.
Elaine Hatfield Powell
Hello Elaine,
Back in 2000 I was working in the Construction field in Southwest Colorado. We had an old guy that was working with us at the time and he claimed to be a great grandson of Jesse James. I believe, if memory serves, his name was Ted. One of the guys in our crew said he thought his name was Jack. During the time we worked with him he said he lived in Arboles, Colorado. Were there any great grandkids that lived in the area? This man was probably in his mid to late 60’s back then. I have not seen any Ted’s or Theodore’s in any of the information I have come across. I have seen a few “Jack’s” but nothing that could correlate his age with the ancestry. If you have any information that might be helpful, I would truly appreciate it.
I am inquiring if the name William “Bud” Chaney has ever come up in your research on the James family? He would be my Great Great Grand Father and we have always been told that he was a cousin to Jesse James. I have also been told that perhaps he used an alias. Also another name of Jim Melton. Our family is from NC, MS and AL. I have been told that perhaps they were in the 2nd James Gang? Any info that you can shed on this would be wonderful. Thank you so much for your time and help.
I’m sorry, I do not have a William “Bud” Chaney nor a Jim Melton in my family file. My James family were first in Virginia, then Kentucky. Jesse James the outlaw was from Missouri and his father was born in Kentucky. Sorry I can’t be of more help. If you can search for your family and provide more info, that would help.
I’m sorry, I do not have any information on the man you spoke of.
MY great Grandfather is Lewis H JAMES 1887 married to della von dora brown the lived in cullman alabama i was told he was a desendent of jesse james do you have any infomation on him,someone doing a book on the jesse james family intervewied my greant uncel cecil james and i cant find info on the book they lived in cullman ala,
I would need more info. I do not have any of those names in my family file. Is 1887 the year Lewis H. James was born or married? Was he born in Cullman, Alabama? Did he live there his whole life? Do you know what year he died? Is Della’s last name Brown or Von Brown?
Is Cecil James the brother of Lewis H. James? There have been several books written on Jesse James. Do you know what year was he interviewed? That might help narrow down which book it was.
Elaine Powell
My Grandmother Goldie Mae Beach, Has always told the family, her Grandmothers name was Senora Elizabeth James b. 1849 and married John Maxey. In addition a genealogist who I hired reported the same findings. I have not seen her name mentioned in any other published documents. Can you assist me in any way, one way or the other?? Thank you in advance.
What other info do you want to find out? What published documents did you expect to find? I would need a lot more info in order to help you. I would need to know where she was born and when and where she died. Was JAMES her maiden name? What was her husband’s name and when and where was he born and died? I would also need to know the full names and dates and locations of your grandparents. I do not have those names in my database but I’ll see if I can help. You can email me directly at [email protected] with the info.
Elaine Hatfield Powell
I am writing to see if my gg grandparents have come up in your James research? My gg grandfather was John Thomas James, born 22 Jan 1854 in Botetourt County, VA to Robert & Mildred James. John Thomas James married Lucy Frances James, born Nov 1859 to Joseph & Mary James, on
2 Feb 1882 in Botetourt County, VA.
Thanks so much,
Barbara Garst Cosgrove
was wondering if you know of a bertha james from olive hill kentucky who married nelson jarvis she was born in 1876 and died in 1970. my grandmother opal jarvis was her daughter bertha nickname was birdie would appreciate any input thanks
Senora (Cenora) Elizabeth James, b. abt 1849 to Pleasant Foster James and Mary Louise Parker, in Russelville KY. d. 25 Mar. 1926 in Owensboro Ky. at the Philpot poor farm, as I have been told by family members and other researchers I have hired. However I have not been able to nail this down by any definitive means. The James family is a very interesting and well established family in America and England, that I would be proud to be part of, however, I do not feel, that with the limited hearsay and less than well documented proof I have been given, allows me that privilege. Is it possible that you can make that connection for me.
I have a John Thomas James, b. 1854 in my file. However, he ws married to Mary E. Robertson. I do not have the other James’ names in my file, so it must be a coincidence. Sorry.
Sorry for the delay in responding. Cenora Elizabeth James is indeed a daughter of Pleasant Foster James and the long line of James family in America. She also descends from the distinquished Thruston & Mosty families of Virginia. Cenora’s James line is below.
1 John James b: 1688 in Bristol, Somerset, England d: 1725 in Armsfield Plantation, James City, Virginia
.. +Justina Thurston b: 26 Aug 1691 in Long Ashton, Summerset County, England m: Bef. 1712 in Bristol, Gloucester, England d: 1790 in Armsfield, James City, Hanover Co., VA
2 Christopher James b: 1720 in Martin’s Hundred, James City Co., VA d: 1779 in Armsfield, James City, VA
… +Lucy Thompson b: Abt. 1720 in Henrico Co., VA m: 1746 in Virginia d: 1767 in Armsfield, James City, VA
3 John James b: 1750 in Armsfield Plantation, Hanover Co., Virginia d: 16 Sep 1819 in Beaver Dam, Ohio Co., Kentucky
…. +Lucy Mosby b: 1762 in Henrico Co., Virginia m: 1780 in Henrico, Virginia d: 26 Sep 1819 in Beaver Dam, Ohio Co., Kentucky
. 4 Mosby James b: 1784 in Henrico Co., Virginia d: 15 Nov 1855 in Ohio Co., KY
….. +Elizabeth “Betsey” Martha Rogers b: 1791 in Nelson Co., KY m: 08 Nov 1813 in Ohio Co., Kentucky
.. 5 Pleasant Foster James b: Abt. 1828 in Ohio County, Kentucky
…… +Mary Louise Parker b: in Tennessee m: 23 Dec 1847 in Butler Co., Ky d: Abt. 1865 in Butler County, Kentucky
…. 6 Cenora Elizabeth James b: 1852 in Russellville, Kentucky d: 25 Mar 1926 in Owensboro, Davies Co., Ky
There are many records that have various spellings for Cenora including Senora, Sanora, Elizabeth, and Sanra. Those misspellings might make it hard to find her in records.
I have a lot of information on the ancestors of Cenora. If you’d like more information, let me know. I will eventually be putting info on the Mosby & Thruston families on my website.
Elaine Powell
I am told by an Aunt who says she has documented our genealogy back to Henry the VIII including Frank and Jesse James. Something like their grandmother is my greatx3 Aunt. No James name. My grandmother Annie Lee Bledsoe Humphreys 11-10-02/4-13-89 married James Rogers Humphreys 3-10-03/5/6/70. Her parents L.Bertis Bledsoe 6-25-1879/6-25-55 Eva V Horne Bledsoe 1-17-1882/12-20-60. Family cemetery is New Salem Cumberland Presbyterian Church 6831 Salem Rd Arlington, Shelby County TN. I have come to a stand still. Is there a connection?
Hi Elaine. There is the story in my family that Frank and Jesse James were cousins of my maternal great grandmother Elizabeth May James daughter of Pyrant Thompson James son of Catlett James. Have you ever come across these names in your research and is there any relation to Frank and Jesse James. Thanks, J.R.