This site is separated into seven major areas: ![]() contains a list of names and dates for Hatfields and allied people which are included at this site. This master name index also includes a large number of links. If you have specific names that you want to check out, I suggest that you start here. Every name that is contained in any of the trees is included in this master name index with links for locating them in the trees. There are also links from the names in the master name index to the corresponding extracted records. NEW FOR 2010: an index list in order by last name is AVAILABLE HERE and an index list ordered by soundex codes is AVAILABLE HERE. ![]() from primary and secondary sources are available to help with further research. I am planning to add significantly more data and types of data to this area in the future. Specific names in this data may also be accessed through links from the master name index. ![]() are used to list resources where additional information can be found. While I do not propose this to be a site for linking everything that is out there (there are already many excellent sites doing that), I have collected some interesting links which are included at the bottom of the references page. ![]() help to spell out the relationships between the people in the master name index. These trees are by no means complete or the final word in the ongoing Hatfield research but they do illustrate much of what is known and what is speculated about the Hatfields. Be sure to read the clarifying information under the discussion below. NEW FOR 2010: latitude and longitude coordinates are being added for cemeteries with links to maps for locating them. ![]() provides links to supplemental information pages. These pages are already linked from other locations on this site (primarily the "footnoted" entries in the trees) but this index provides better visibility for them and the information that they contain by listing them in a central location. ![]() provides access to material received or found which I have not yet formatted to a final location. Names included in this material are in the process of being indexed and may or may not be included in the Master Name Index. ![]() provides accumulated information on cemeteries and information on where associated people are interred. ![]() provides general information about this web site and how the pages are maintained.After you gain some experience and if your browser supports it you may want to experiment with the split options at the bottom of this page. This allows you to display two pages side-by-side or above and below each other. This way you can compare similar data in two lists simultaneously. Repeated use of your 'back' function will get you out of the split option. You may also 'drag' the split line to change the relative sizes of the windows. Experiment with changing your browser to use a smaller font size if this option is available.
The linked trees show most of the information that I have for various threads of Hatfield families. The numbers in front of each name represent the relative generation numbers for the respective people. Numbers in brackets before a name indicate people who appear more than once in the list. The same bracketed number will appear with each occurrence of that person. If you have or would like further information on any of the below, please let me know. Your browser 'find' function may assist you in finding names of interest to you. I will be adding supplemental information on people, as I can get it done. The presence of this information will be indicated by a linking footnote number [1] immediately following the person's name about whom this information is available. Clicking on this text will take you to the supplemental information which may include pictures, descriptive text, additional links, or just about anything my little heart desires and my little head can dream up. To return to the list from this supplemental information use your browser's 'back' function. Note: In the following trees the 'src:' entry is used to show both sources providing information and contacts looking for information on the corresponding people. As always, the e-mail links were accurate at the time the information was gathered. If you find invalid links, updates for links, or would like your e-mail address or URL added to a particular person please let me know. It should be mentioned that, in general, researchers will be interested in information on the ancestors to their lines even if their names do not specifically appear next to those ancestors.
My sincere thanks go to all those kind folks who have contributed information or finances to these pages. We all benefit from their sharing spirit. If you have contributed information to these pages but have yet to see it appear feel free to give me a "nudge." But please, be kind. I receive a large amount of e-mail, some of which takes a significant amount time to deal with. I have been known to get confused and miss things from time to time. Please e-mail any comments, corrections or additions to "Jerry Hatfield" <hb at>. Thank you. ![]() Southwestern Virginia Hatfields (updated: 04-29-2016, trees: 1, names: 6124) This includes the origin of the "fussin' and feudin'" Hatfields. I know you were promised that your Hatfields were part of this line but be sure to check the other lines too. Hatfield DNA testing shows that these Hatfields are not related to the Matthias Hatfields. Current Hatfield DNA Results may be seen here Update Activity [View the update log]
![]() The Matthias Hatfields (updated: 02-28-2016, trees: 1, names: 729) Even though this line begins with a Thomas it is commonly referred as the Matthias or Holland line to avoid confusion. Current Hatfield DNA testing shows that these Hatfields are not related to the Southwestern VA Hatfields or the Pennsylvania Hatfields. Current Hatfield DNA Results may be seen here Update Activity [View the update log]
![]() The Pennsylvania Hatfields (updated: 02-28-2016, trees: 2, names: 2182) Current research on the Hatfield DNA project throws doubt into the link between the John and Catherine Supplee Hatfields and Jurian Hartsvelder descendants as originally researched by Drs. Oliver Weaver and Galen Hatfield. I have separated these lines for now. This separation was made at John Hatfield, ancestor to John who married Catherine Supplee. This is an arbitrary decision made primarily due to the 1st Presbyterian Church records which appear to be a common element with this John's children. It is likely that further adjustments will be necessary as more information can be determined. Also, it should be noted, that current Hatfield DNA testing shows that the John and Catherine Supplee Hatfields under this line are NOT related to the Matthias Hatfields either. Current Hatfield DNA Results may be seen here Update Activity [View the update log]
![]() Captain John Hatfield (loyalist) (updated: 07-11-2010, trees: 1, names: 171) Update Activity [View the update log]
![]() The Miscellaneous Hatfield Lines (updated: 04-16-2016, trees: 98, names: 1780) Many of these threads will eventually fit into the lines above but I don't know how yet. Update Activity [View the update log]
![]() More Miscellaneous Hatfield Lines (updated: 04-16-2016, trees: 98, names: 1445) Rather than adding more segments to the previous list I decided to create another miscellaneous list. The comment on miscellaneous Hatfields also applies here. Update Activity [View the update log]
![]() Even More Miscellaneous Hatfield Lines (updated: 04-16-2016, trees: 96, names: 782) Rather than adding more segments to the previous list I decided to create another miscellaneous list. The comment on miscellaneous Hatfields also applies here. Update Activity [View the update log] |
I went searching for an ancestor. I cannot find him still.
He moved around from place to place and did not leave a will.
He married where a courthouse burned. He mended all his fences.
He avoided any man who came to take the U.S. Census.
He always kept his luggage packed, this man who had no fame.
And every 20 years or so, this rascal changed his name.
His parents came from Europe. They should be upon some list
of passengers to U.S.A., but somehow they got missed.
And no one else in this world is searching for this man.
So, I play geneasolitaire to find him if I can.
I'm told he's buried in a plot, with tombstone he was blessed;
but the weather took engraving, and some vandals took the rest.
He died before the county clerks decided to keep records.
No Family Bible has emerged, in spite of all my efforts.
To top it off this ancestor, who caused me many groans,
Just to give me one more pain, betrothed a girl named JONES.
- by Merrell Kenworthy -
Except as noted, images and backgrounds are original photos from Minnesota by the webmaster.