I am a member of the following Organizations and Lineage societies: The Jamestowne Society, The Daughters of the American Revolution, Daughters of the American Colonists, First Families of St. Louis, The Society of Indiana Pioneers, Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War, 1861-1865, Military Order of the Southern Cross in the Pacific Theater, First Families of Missouri, National Society Descendants of American Farmers, the Heinrich Frey Family Association, Hite Family Association, Graves Family Association, The Speake/e/s Family Association, and the Bridger Family Association.
I hold the following offices:
- President, Central Florida Genealogical Society
- Florida State Chair, DAR DNA Network Committee, Daughters of the American Revolution.
- Regent of the William P. Duval Chapter, NSDAR.
- Lieutenant Governor, Central Florida Company, Jamestowne Society.
- Vice President, Webmaster, and DNA Database Manager for the Bridger Family Association
- Secretary, Historian, and Webmaster for the Drawdy-Rouse Family Cemetery.
- Webmaster, Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War, 1861-1865 Louisa May Alcott Tent 11
- Webmaster for the Friends of the Bridal House, an organization formed to preserve and tell the story of the historic Bridal House, a ca. 1819 log cabin in Cottontown, Sumner County, Tennessee.
- Administrator, Bridger, Hatfield, Hobday/Hobdy, and Mosby DNA surname Projects.
- Speaker’s List, Florida State Society, Daughters of the American Revolution.
I am also a member of several regional genealogical or historical societies including the International Society of Genetic Genealogists (ISOGG), New England Historic Genealogical Society, the Genealogical Research Institute of Virginia (GRIVA), Tidewater Genealogical Society, Gloucester Genealogical Society of Virginia, Isle of Wight (VA) Historical Society, St. Louis (Missouri) Genealogical Society, KYOWVA Genealogy and Historical Society, Wabash Valley Genealogy Society, Pike County Genealogical Society, Northeast Missouri Genealogical Society, Perry County Historical Society, Florida Genealogical Society, and the Missouri State Genealogical Association, among others.
I’m a frequent contributor to several genealogical publications.
I love honoring my ancestors by preserving their lineage and history in these various lineage societies:
Jamestowne Society
I have been a member of the Jamestowne Society since 2016. I sincerely thank my cousin Sandy Boyd for assisting me with documentation for my application. We both are members under our ancestor Thomas Dew (c. 1600 – c. 1681), who was the 7th Speaker of the House of Burgesses.
My earliest Jamestown ancestor is Captain Thomas Graves.
National Society Daughters of the American Colonists
My Daughters of the American Colonists ancestor is John Cotton, my 8th great grandfather.
Daughters of the American Revolution

My original DAR Patriot is Robert Hobday. I originally joined as an organizing member of the Green River Chapter in Kentucky in 2006. I transferred my membership to the William P. Duval Chapter in Winter Park, Florida in 2016. I am currently the Regent. I am also on the Florida State Society, NSDAR Speakers’ list, and I am the Florida State Chair of the DAR DNA Network Committee.
Bridger Family Association
Joseph Bridger is my 10th great grandfather. I am an officer, DNA Database Manager and webmaster for the BFA.
The Society of Indiana Pioneers
My Indiana Pioneer ancestor is Jacob Hatfield, my 3rd great grandfather.
First Families of St. Louis
My First Families of St. Louis ancestor is Frederick Wirtz, my maternal great-grandfather.
Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War
My Civil War ancestor is James Jefferson Short, my great-great grandfather.
Missouri First Families
My Missouri First Families ancestor is my great-great grandfather James Jefferson Short.
Heinrich Frey Family Association
I descend from Heinrich Frey and his wife Anna Catherine Levering, my 8th great grandparents.
Descendants of American Farmers
My Descendants of American Farmers ancestor is James Jefferson Short. I am a charter member of the National Society Descendants of American Farmers.
Military Order of the Southern Cross in the Pacific Theater
I gained membership in the Military Order of the Southern Cross in the Pacific Theater under my father’s service in the Army during World War II.
Hite Family Association
Jost Hite is my 8th great grandfather.
Descendants of Miners 1607-1907
My qualifying ancestor is William Hatfield who was a gold miner in the 1870s in Coloma, El Dorado County, California.

The Speak/e/s Family Association was organized in 1979 for the purpose of exchanging information with others researching Speak/e/es genealogy. My earliest Speake ancestor is my 5th great-grandfather Hezekiah Speake (1757-1837), who was a fifer in the American Revolution before joining the Continental Army. He is DAR Patriot A107920.

National Society of Claiborne Family Descendants
My 8th great grandmother is Rebecca Claiborne (b. 1642). She married John Thompson in 1680 in Princess Anne County, Virginia. I am researching to discover Rebecca’s ancestors. Family history passed down says that she is a daughter of Colonel William Claiborne and his wife Jane Butler.

My 3rd great grandmother is Sarah Ann Chandler (1832-1901). She was the daughter of Abraham Eades Chandler and Mary Ann Bordon. Sarah married at age 16 to Bryant Jeffries, who was 22 years older than she was. It was his second marriage and he had five young children with his first wife, so I imaging that Sarah had to help raise those children. Sarah and Bryant had 12 children. I am in Chandler Group #7.